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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 9
Illawarra District, Australia, June 18, 2017.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Caring for the Family.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “For anyone brought up on a rebellious planet it is difficult to always remember that all of the Master’s creatures are kin, In fact, my friend, when Michael calls you His brother, you inwardly cringe a little for after all these years of comfortably ‘lining up for work’ with your Midwayer brothers and sisters as equals, the Master still awes you. And He awes you to such a degree that you once again clearly need to force yourself to see your innate respect for the Creator Son ‘happily sit next to’ friendship. How awkward is that? How difficult at least!
“Are you aware of this momentary, awkward feeling? Good! You know it! Do you know what causes these feelings? No! They remain a mystery and they may long be something to overcome for those young ones who unluckily endured the second world war of starvation in Europe. Your elders, of necessity, needed to ‘scrape’ for long hours to survive and few had time left over for their youngsters. Untrained teachers with their arrays of brutal punishment, even the doings of ham-handed priests, only ever deserved relentless distrust.
“For a deeply thinking child, for any child, really, this was not a world that fostered trust in grown-ups. Why trust a bishop who appointed that bungling priest? Why trust a pope who appointed that bishop? And who appointed the pope and according to that bible of God’s words was known to get angry and jealous? Took sides in wars? What legacy of misinformation and most errant human suppositions!
“The teacher with his whipping rattan cane is your brother. Surprise! The village priest is of your kin. What a blow! Even the pope is family. When finally you are released from the Urantia special ‘internment’ camp on Mansonia One, you will at last understand and fully accept that all God-knowing creatures of all colors, all lands, all religions, yes, all planets, are family. Your eyes will be opened and you will be eager to tell us that we were always right; that all are equal and that all are immediate family.
“In time you will be caring for that very family and you will do that well. On Mansonia, when you have unlearnt some remaining quasy spiritual beliefs, you will learn to love all those who now denounce you, distrust you or call you a fraud. For as much as they now think they know you, you will by then have taught them things of undeniable value and truth.
“For now, my friend, always do count on Me for the answers that don’t come readily to mind. I Am the Damascus Scribe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 25
Alabama, US of A, July 1, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Always in Motion.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The game of life is a game of balance in which human beings must constantly stay away from excesses to avoid falling into extremes. Even your mind functions better when it has found equilibrium. Relaxing the mind is undoubtedly a very beneficial activity for recharging energy and fostering spiritual communion. However, a little stress from time to time, a challenge, or a problem that stimulates decision-making ability always provides the ground that favors the exercise of human free will illuminated by the spirit.
Such is life in this world—always in constant flow, always changing, always in motion. Life offers the necessary conditions so that all human beings, in one way or another, are motivated to search within themselves and ask the questions that will lead them to consider transcendental and eternal matters. Your life as a human being in this world has been prepared as an avenue that you can use for self-discovery and the attainment of self-mastery—the growing dominance of the spiritual mind over the material mind.
Even accidents and unforeseen events, products of the partiality of time and space, can serve to make you more spiritual, more real, bringing you closer to the Father and His desire for you to be perfect, just as He is. Everything depends on how you react to the situations that arise in your life and the extent to which you choose the Father’s will—the path of greater love—over the desires and false needs of your material ego.
This is how a human being, when facing the uncertainties of material life, can truly become the master of their destiny and the architect of their salvation. It is in your mind that you can construct your reality and aspire to the highest achievement of all life in all creation—likeness to God. Let your mind become creative by allowing it to follow the guidance of your Inner Master—the presence of God within you—so that, through your efforts and divine guidance, you may create, with the help of your Father in heaven, a new being—an original and unique combination of God and man. This being will serve as a representative of the Father for the entire creation, embarking on an eternal journey of self-discovery and ever more complete revelations of the nature of God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 40
Urantia, October 26, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “An Island of Peace.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Allow Me to touch upon how I can become more effective in your life. To empty oneself of the baser self is one of the noblest activities one can aspire to. It also means letting go of false ego. It also means letting go of all worries, of now and of the future. As well, it is a calming of inner restlessness, a letting go and letting God.
Trust and faith will grow so sublimely, that the mortal soul will become divinely at rest amid all the unrest and distractions of the outer material world. The inner world will become a bastion of peace and hope, which brings a calming fragrance to the whole physical system, while greater health ensues.
Allow Me to help you empty the self of all selfishness, negative thoughts and all fear, which holds you in bondage to the baser self with greed and worries, all jealousies, unforgiveness, resentment and hidden anger. In this way you become an island of peace and safety in the storm, which rages all around you. You can do this, once you anchor yourself safely in Me, as I have become your safe harbor in life’s journey.
I am pleased with all the insights that come to you, culminating in the plea to empty yourself of the little self, so I can become more effective in you. This is the beginning of a conscious partnership on your part. You realize, of course, that you need to allow this to happen – to let go and let God.
The Creator can then become a greater part of your life, and He will use you as He sees fit. This means that that you do not need to have any worries about the future, because you will have placed all in God’s hands, and you can sincerely and with all your heart say, ‘Thy will be done with me in all ways, always.’
This is safety, this is security, this is rest, and all these represent the healing miracle growth for the soul, as I am that peace for your soul.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 46
Oregon, June 10, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Choose to Ask.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you strive to hear My Voice, the thought entered your mind that the Father certainly did not wish that this process be an ordeal for his human children. Jesus understood its simplicity: “Ask and you shall receive!”
You must initiate it by asking due to the sovereignty of your free will prerogative. Asking is a personal choice while receiving involves you and the Divine. Let us look at it from a different perspective. What stands in the way of receiving?
The first impediment is human incredulity; some of the contributors to that disbelief were handed down generationally by religious spokespersons who proclaimed themselves to be the middlemen to such subliminal communications. A legitimate observation is how little many of them have contributed to global spiritual enlightenment and world peace.
On the other hand, one man, Jesus of Nazareth, single-handedly demonstrated during his short lifespan the reality of heartfelt human/divine communion. He asked and he received, thus truthfully bearing witness: “The Father is in me and I am in the Father.” Such a bond was REAL — both to his heavenly Counterpart and himself.
Your unwavering faith in your divine Indweller is, therefore, a prerequisite to this process. It is the expression of such a can-do spirit that will make you succeed. As well, because you are longing to have a personal relationship with Spirit, you have to make it personal: It is that it is between you and Him — no middlemen. How else could you experience the Father’s love toward YOU? Even if you have trouble hearing his still small Voice at this stage of your spiritual experience, by regularly sitting in the Stillness, be ensured that you will be infused with His ever-flowing love, as it is an integral part of His message to you — a divine flow of energy that does not need words for its expression. It is REAL and EXPERIENTIAL if you devote time to it.
Keep in mind that the Father may catch you off guard. It may be when you least expect it that His message will hit you lightninglike. The answer to your questions will be forthcoming in divine right timing so that there is no possible way for you to miss these joyful and enlightening ah-ha moments.
To “sleep on it” is pertinent advice, as it is a relaxed state when your mind disconnects from its worldly preoccupations — a great opportunity for Spirit to step in and plant its inspirational seeds. Again, remember that patience and trust are prerequisites to your forward spiritual evolution.
To sum it up: Choose to ask, trust in the process, and remain proactive.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
New Release:
“Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living” Volume 3
is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle version
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- Written by: Trinity Teacher Uteah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 57
Asheville, NC, US of A, April 21, 2019.
Trinity Teacher: Uteah.
Subject: “Living in Immersive Faith.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Uteah: “Faith is the greatest attribute a human personality can realize. It is the actualization of true peace in knowing you are more than a mere animal, but a partner with divinity itself. Faith is the unification of human experience with divine expression. Faith naturally results from the ‘allowing’ of the human mind to express confidence in the divine assurance of personality survival. Faith is the bridge that provides the avenue of approach with the Indwelling Presence of Spirit in human experience. For without faith, the actualization of Spirit in human experience is blocked from attaining manifestation. Faith is the indicator that Spirit abides within you and is guiding and leading you to higher levels of personality realization. How do all these definitions of faith help you?
“If you were to take a poll and ask a group of people, ‘What does faith mean to you?’, many would relate it to religious beliefs and philosophic understandings about the human condition and the challenges of living in a world of good and evil — a way to find a spiritual antidote to problems of human suffering. There are many definitions we could pull from these understandings of faith, but within the lexicon of all these limited expressions of human language about what faith really is, I would like to offer you another way to think about it. Rather than barrage you with more and more definitions, I would like to move beyond a wordy collection of ideas and create a ‘mechanism’ in your mind that is like an atmosphere that always exists around you — that surrounds you and nourishes you just like the oxygen you breathe in for sustenance itself. Let faith live above all your thoughts — let it be there always as a backdrop to your living experience.
“When you think about what other things in your reality surround you invisibly, you might think about the omnipresence of the Creator as being ‘everywhere’ and this would be true. Take that thought now and apply it to faith. Make them one in the same. Always being aware of the surrounding presence of the Creator Father will become the faith that brings the reality of His mystery alive to you in ways you can understand in your reality. In any situation in life where you are unsure of the path forward, this surrounding faith in the grace of Father’s guidance is there to assure you that ‘there is a way’ and to find peace in knowing that you are guided when you connect with that surrounding faith.
“Understanding faith this way brings a whole new perspective to your personal relationship with Spirit. Rather than looking for faith in times of uncertainty or tribulation, you live in the immersive continuance of faith and hold all intentions, thoughts, and actions to light in the surrounding essence of Father’s omnipresence. Faith then becomes this inexpressible constant knowing that the incomprehensible mystery of the Creator’s Will is being expressed by you in ways that you may only experience — not necessarily understand intellectually in the present moment or in any sense of totality. Life is a faith journey where you live and move and have your being. Faith that you will have a tomorrow is the most rudimentary exercise in faith you all share and many take that for granted.
“Moving beyond rudimentary faith in life itself is reaching out with hope in discovering the great mysteries of life. As you take one step forward in faith you step out with the guidance of faith in the surrounding omnipresence of the Creator Father. Verification of your faith is always provided when you look back on the path of your choices that were taken in faith. There you will see the fingerprints of divine guidance and providence — that lead to greater and greater trust in Father’s Grace and watch care. Living in ‘Immersive Faith’ is the most powerful way to express the mystery of the Almighty through the experience of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Immersive Faith is a constant cooperative in unity with Spirit. Dive in, my dear students, and immerse yourself in the mystery!
“I AM Uteah.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.