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- Written by: Machiventa Melchisedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 118
Quebec, Canada, February 20, 2019.
Teacher: Machiventa Melchisedek.
Subject: “The Human condition – Part 1.”
Message received by Michel Levasseur.
Machiventa: “Today, my friends, we are going to undertake a short series of messages about the human condition in these present times.
“Many of you notice that the life and conditions under which it is lived, seem to be deteriorating and taking a wrong turn, so to speak.
“Mankind is somehow caught in a kind of grip that prevents you from making real progress.
“Daily stress, sickness, work, family obligations, hobbies, and the pursuit of the false peace that material possessions bring, take up a great deal of your life in the West.
“However, we must not forget that in certain regions of the planet, life is different because there is famine, war, dictatorship, intolerance, poverty, and the stress of surviving on a daily basis, to name a few factors.
“So, my friends, no matter where you live, there are negative factors that affect and condition your lives, keeping you away from Father. Nevertheless, there are rays of light that manage to pierce through these negative, black and dark factors that paralyze you.
“These rays of light are the hope and the key that make it possible to escape from this negative state which prevents you from advancing towards the TRUTH.
“My friends, these rays of light will be more and more present and intense in the near future, and their effects will gradually bring Truth, Beauty and Goodness back to this planet that so badly needs it.
“Know that you are loved, helped and supported by a multitude of celestial beings who are present on Urantia and about which you will be informed very soon.
“This is Machiventa.”
English translation by Anyas Spencer.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Take the People to the Starting Gates,
to let them run their own Race –
Machiventa, 2000.
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- Written by: Teacher Samuel of Panoptia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 120
Illawarra District, Australia, August 08, 2019.
Midwayer Mathew (33-3-33).
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “No True Evolutionary Reference to Spiritual Life.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Midwayer Mathew: “Greetings to you all who ‘dwell’ on the many 11:11 Lists of different languages. This is Midwayer Mathew (33-3-33). I am an alien long-term resident on your beautiful planet. My brothers and sisters all voted to come here and acquire experience with those of likely rebellious planets of the outer reaches of our universes. When this receiver of messages asked Machiventa Melchizadek for 50,000 more Midwayers, we were already here — yes, for 20 years already. That is all for me. My task at this hour is to aid Teacher Samuel.”
George: “Thank you, brother Mathew.”
Teacher Samuel: “Greetings to you, my favorite Urantia mortals. I have prepared a short lesson for you, my students, and even though it may seem unusual it is important for you all to give it much thought. ‘And why is this so?’ you might ask. Well, my friends, there comes a time in your lives when a most crucial decision is to be made and that is; to become a Celestial Teacher to those who still live on their evolutionary worlds. I hear you say that you will be a teacher until Paradise and beyond, but what I speak of is you putting your fusion with your Thought Adjuster on hold for a time.
“Firstly, let us look at this from the viewpoint of the Adjuster (TA). Although He or She is still only indwelling you, His or Her knowledge of future fusion is absolute, simply because TA’s are of God and therefore are God, with infinite trust and infinite patience. They will have advice for you and all for the best, but since you are not fused this will likely be your very last solo decision to make. Think of it; Paradise will be ‘calling’ you, loudly, make no mistake. However, you will also be made aware of the fact that you will in one way or other be catering to the mortal population of some far-away evolutionary world.
“You are from a rebellious world and I know, though only to a degree and from my life on Panoptia, what that entails. For you and quite a few others on your world to go on to Paradise without an extensive teaching career would be an overall loss compared to the progress made and the relatively insignificant amount of time, shall we say, even under a 100-year teaching contract. There isn’t now and there never will be a true spiritual reference to evolutionary life, nor a true evolutionary reference to spiritual life. The thorough knowing of all evolutionary existance before crossing ‘that border’ is heartily recommended.
“I spent an extraordinary amount of time contemplating what it could be that I would want, only to, in the end, conclude that all that mattered was what every other personality and my TA would want.
“This is your friend, teacher, and successful bio-chemist, Samuel of Panoptia.”
George: “Thank you all up and down the line.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 123
Alabama, US of A, June 30, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Forgiving Yourself.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The mistakes of the past hold no weight when it comes to determining your eternal destiny. Regret over decisions made hastily serves no purpose. There is only one thing you can do about it: try not to make the same mistake again. Human beings would remove a great obstacle to their spiritual progress if they learned to forgive themselves more easily.
Forgiving yourself is not a license to sin or a concession to wrongdoing. Forgiving yourself is an experience of someone who has begun to know the Father and accepts the limitations of their own view of reality. Once this understanding of the Father’s nature is revealed in human life, forgiveness for others and yourself lightens the burdens of human existence.
Mistakes are simply necessary experiences for growing in wisdom and learning to align your will with the divine will. Only then does man come to truly know himself by repeatedly confronting his own fallibility. But it is also in this way that divine mercy manifests in human life, offering definitive proof of God’s unconditional love for all His creatures.
What you have done in the past only has meaning if it has helped you draw closer to the Father and to the expression of your higher nature. Learn from past mistakes and live your life with hope and joy, for the doors of eternity have never closed, and God has never ceased to do for you all that a loving Father would do for His children.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 156
Urantia, March 8, 2007.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Effort and Struggle.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Today's lesson is about the effort and struggle mortals go through on this first level of eternal life if they choose to live on and attain a measure of faith, which will allow them to do so. First, there needs to be hope and trust that there is more to life than 'meets the eye'. There needs to be awareness that there is something greater than themselves. It is a sense of belief at first which eventually evolves into faith. One can believe with the mind, but faith is an affair with the heart.
Between belief and faith is the inner effort and struggle. Belief is a dogmatic and fundamentalist approach to life, an adherence to certain laws and doctrines passed on for generations. Faith is born in the heart of the individual believer. No one can give faith to another person, because it is completely personal. It cannot be loaned, given away, or lost.
Faith, once awakened needs to grow, it needs to be nurtured with daily thoughts and prayers. It is like flexing a faith muscle for it to grow stronger. All this entails effort and struggle because faith demands honesty with oneself and sincerity in dealing with others. There is never any outside coercion involved. It is the dictates of an awakening and conscientious mind in the mortal, who by faith, is answering the clarion call from the Divine Spark within, to become perfect even as the Father in Heaven is perfect.
Meanwhile that Inner Pilot, given to each thinking mortal capable of moral choice and decision-making, struggles valiantly to have It's still small Voice heard, which can only be realized if the human takes the time to validate this important connection by taking the time to sit in the Silence to commune with this Fragment of God.
Slowly, so very slowly, the mortal is made into the image of God, which reflects in the outer life through the yielding of the spirit fruits in loving service, tolerance, forgiveness, and acceptance of all others as brothers and sisters on the same path to attain the eternal Creator on Paradise.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 140
Oregon, USA, January 8, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Let Me Work My Magic.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “There should never be any doubt on your mind that I welcome all your invitations. I no longer feel like a trespasser in your life. When you functioned with a limited awareness of Me, your divine Co-Traveler, I was just a Witness. Then came the day when you committed to navigating life with Me. You spent many hours in the Stillness, scouting for Me, writing down your thoughts, and coming to realize they were infused with Mine.
You must let go of much to soar to higher planes of understanding. It is how the Father works in each life. Level by level, as each new floor gets erected and stabilized, He removes the supporting scaffolding, teaching you to stand on your own — no more training wheels.
He then unveils the next phase — the embellishments, the refinements, and the polishing up of the existing structure. What is He building? A temple? A skyscraper? You have your say in it, as He never infringes on your free will. Yet, He has formed a precise idea all-inclusive of your highest good. I hold its matrix and do My best to help you follow it, as it is how you will thrive and flourish. It is what the Father wishes for all of his children.
Let Me work My magic with you! I love you so dearly that it moves Me to tears when I feel your eagerness to fuse with Me, to include Me in your eternal future. Let us live each day to the fullest! I will plant seeds and you will tend to them. They are precious and rare. Handle them with love and care!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.