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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 674
Alabama, US of A, May 21, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “It Is That Simple.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The path to achieving eternity and perfection is traveled day by day. At every moment in your life, you will be faced with the need to choose between your lower nature and your higher spiritual nature. Every time you choose to do your best in any situation, you will be taking a step forward toward achieving your eternal goal. It is that simple. This is the truth hidden behind all religions and what guarantees success in mortal life—the true success that has eternal repercussions: that every decision in your life be made in favor of the Father's will—the path with the most love, the best way of doing things.
If it is so easy, why do so many in this world seem so far from this way of living, and why do most have no clue about what they should do to achieve eternal rewards? In this world, most people are distracted. The clamor of the world, with its constant bombardment of false needs, unrealistic expectations, and role models, has diverted the attention of the majority so much that many do not know why they are living or why they have come into this world. Religions have not helped much either, as they have failed in their primary purpose of bringing man closer to God and have overly complicated human life with useless beliefs, traditions, and rituals. Those souls who turn to religion seeking answers end up trapped in limiting beliefs, confused when dogmas seem to contradict the higher ideals that live in their minds, or simply disappointed when they cannot find what they are seeking to satisfy the needs of their souls.
It is time for the human beings of this world to understand that the responsibility for their spiritual progress falls directly on their own shoulders. When looking back from the higher worlds and considering the value of the mortal life you once lived, you will not be able to blame anyone else for keeping you in confusion and indifference. While the world does much to pull you away from your true goals, you have the freedom to use your will to ensure your spiritual growth. This freedom is so complete that even the Father does not dare to contradict it.
How can a person rise above the confusion of the world and find God for the satisfaction of their soul? The Father’s presence is within every human being, thanks to the ministry of the Thought Adjuster. This presence is the source of divine truth, constantly illuminating the human mind to those realities beyond its understanding. There too lies the source of the progressive revelations of truth that inspire a human being to embark on the adventure of becoming the best they can be. All who sincerely seek will find. All who pray, asking the Father for understanding, will understand. All who wish to experience the unconditional love of God will feel it. All these blessings require only the faith to ask for them and an intimate, personal relationship between each individual and their Father in heaven.
Open your channels of communication. Open your mind to receive the Father’s words. Ask for what your soul longs for the most and wait with faith and hope, for the Father already knows what you need and has granted it to you even before you ask. All that is needed is for you to adjust your focus to notice the blessings and potentials hidden within you, waiting for you to recognize them so they can manifest in your reality and reveal the Father more fully in your life and through your life to your fellow beings, your world, and all of creation.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 546
Urantia, March 7, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “God’s Gifts.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “To take up another thread of some time ago, permit Me to continue to speak on 'being there' for you. As you are dimly yet able to realize that an individual Spark of God lives in you and each human being who is capable of moral thoughts and actions, it would be expedient to try and explain what is our function in the human mind.
Firstly, this has been made available to all of you, because God desires to experience life with you in the most intimate way possible and is therefore totally at home in you, knowing all your innermost secrets and desires. And because God has given you the gift of free will, no one is permitted to override your will, allowing you to make your choices and decisions as you see fit. The only thing God desires from you is that you will learn to see things His way, so you do His will with gladness.
Secondly, you are on this planet which is so widely indwelt with these Gifts. Each capable mind receives this most exalted Gift at the first moral thought and action because on this planet the Ruler of your universe completed His training and fulfilled all His requirements as an existential Son of God, to become also an experiential Son of God, having bestowed Himself seven times in the likeness of His own created and evolving offspring. This seventh and final bestowal as a mortal babe born of a woman in Bethlehem.
You well know the story of His Life, however, His Teachings have never seriously been put into practice these last two thousand years, even though He sent His Spirit of Truth, at which time we, Thought Adjusters, the Gifts from the Creator God, have been freely made available. As well, the Mother Spirit, bestowed Her Holy Spirit to ensure that each of you have your own holy trinity to help you along life's path. Our specific function is to help guide and uplift your thoughts to a higher and better level of life, to elevate your mind to more spiritual thinking, and to show this in your actions, befitting a child of God.
This life has been given to you to assist you in making the best possible decisions that help your soul grow and expand. Spiritual development is far more important than anything you might achieve materially. Your material life serves your spiritual life, and not the other way around. It is the ascension plan which God has made available for each one of you, to traverse all the myriad of worlds to become perfect like God is perfect.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 237
Oregon, June 15, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Poise of a True Follower of Christ.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Because it is your most valuable possession, protect your peace of mind at all costs. Practice what we could coin as defensive spiritual driving.
An alert driver anticipates potential hurdles and adjusts his driving style to the ambient weather and traffic patterns to safely reach his destination. Mentally emulate such judicious behavior as you navigate the twists and turns of your life itinerary.
When you ponder the practical lessons contained in the exemplary life of your Master Jesus, you immediately recognize that his great strength resided in his much-honed skills to remain in control of his thoughts, emotions, and actions. It is how he earned his stripes as Prince of Peace.
You too can earn such an honorific title through focused practice. You certainly will not lack opportunities to improve your emotional self-mastery. Articulate such a noble intention each morning and it will set your daily course.
The fact that you are on guard will make you respond differently to what used to set you off. Whenever you feel about to be triggered, affirm to yourself: “My peace is my most valued possession. I will not trade it for anything.” Trust Me, it will work wonders. Peace will keep the upper hand. As a bonus, you will grow in self-respect since you maintained the poise of a true follower of Christ.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 253
Bacolod City, Negros Occ, Philippines, March 29, 2018.
Teacher: Prolotheos.
Subject: “Living Better With Yourself.”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
Teacher: Prolotheos: “Living is an interactive technique with the environment, with yourself and others. You are conditioned by the environment, but you can also modify it to your convenience. You are conscious of yourself and relate to the self by reflecting and making decisions. Others prompt you with the most meaningful kinds of relationships — personal interaction, and this includes God. Life may become stressful, disappointing and extremely distasteful if not put under control and managed wisely. Today, let us discuss how to live better with the self. Here are some suggestions:
1. — Let Small Things Go.
“Granted, small things can become big problems in life, but only if you let them become big and give them more importance than they deserve. On letting small things go, first, make sure what is and what is not important in your life. What is important to some may not be so important to others; therefore, it is an individual assessment. Small things may be outside of your range of decisions — things that may be big in scope, but over which you have no control — you cannot alter them. Or, small things are those that are not worthy of your reaction, because it may just be a waste of time or your response may make them worse. Every event has a consequence; however, some situations are better left alone. On determining what is small or not, pay attention to relationships, finances and health issues — usually those are not small and should not be left alone.
2. — Laugh at Yourself.
“It is dangerous to take yourself too seriously. Simply speaking, it shows a selfish and individualistic attitude, if not an exaggerated concept of self-importance. Laughing at the self must be a genuine attitude, not out of resentment or pretentiously. You really have to see yourself as silly by doing something that is really ridiculous. But, if you don’t see it, it won’t work. Irony, sarcasm or regret will not do it. In fact, only a balanced sense of your own importance will enable you to laugh at yourself. To be able to laugh at yourself, you must do some reflection to find out how ridiculous a particular situation really is. All of us, evolutionary creatures on the way to perfection — but not yet there — can do it because the alternative is to think we are perfect like the Gods and that is pretty ridiculous.
3. — Live a Day at a Time.
“Can we really do it differently? We can only live one day at a time — this time called Present. Many people surely do try to live more than a day at a time, by attempting to stay in the past or projecting themselves on the future. None of these are possible. All that happens is a failure to live or a failure to not live in the only dimension in which we can really live — the present. From the past we get experiences and by looking towards the future we exercise our hope; they together help us to keep our living in the present wiser and hopeful. Living a day at a time requires focusing on the tasks at hand, on the routines of the day-to-day daily duties. Life is many times very stressful and the temptation to avoid it is great. Face the challenges of your daily living with courage and enjoy leisure and relaxation. Living a day at a time is all you can do — why not enjoy it?
“Therefore, my pupil, living better is possible if you make the right use of these three simple techniques: Let small thing go, that is, know how to determine what is small in your life and don’t let them grow out of proportion. Genuinely laughing at yourself is evidence that you have reached a balanced perspective of the self. You can find your own silliness and laugh at it. You can only live a day at a time, learn to do it right and enjoy it. I am Prolotheos — your teacher and tutor on High. Peace!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: Teacher The Sumerian
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 221
Asheville, NC, US of A, April 17, 2016.
Teacher: The SUMERIAN.
Subject: “Dynamic Influence – The Link to Universe Destiny”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
The SUMERIAN: “The message for today is relative to every living soul on every developing world throughout the far-flung universes of time. Nearly all are working toward the completion of the Great Plan in varying degrees of ‘willingness.’ Some have become aware of this participation, and others are completely oblivious of their participation; yet each, by their very unique design as a child of the Creator, have certain ‘built-in’ maps and plans — potentials that may contribute to the completion of universe destiny, which makes each soul an important ‘agent’ of change. As the children of time awaken to the divine fact that they are indwelled by the spirit of the Father’s presence, they expand and accelerate this process of solving universe problems. Many who remain oblivious may actually add to the ‘queue’ of certain universe problems, which in time will have to be solved through life experience before the scales of Light and Life tip toward completion of destiny.
“These ‘built-in’ plans, maps, and potentials are a part of the Life Carriers’ design that links the static imprints resident within your biology with the dynamic spiritual motivators present in both the body and the developing soul. The Thought Adjuster (TA), the Indwelling Presence of the Father, is the Master Operator who facilitates, orchestrates and choreographs this extremely complicated and delicate communicative dance with these static and dynamic potentials to bring about the resolution of certain universe problems that you are uniquely equipped to solve while adhering to your free-will prerogatives.
“Your DNA is like a finely tuned crystal that operates by vibrational frequencies that contain the static maps and influences for biological development — from parents, ancestors and geographic stasis, as well as dynamic spiritual receptors and transmitters. These (undiscovered) spiritual receptors and transmitters in the DNA enable ‘dynamic influence’ to co-creatively excite potentials in your personality to ‘move’ and solve a universe problem. The dynamic influence may be so intense and direct as to manifest as an illness or phobia in some individuals to motivate them to resolve a previously unresolved universe problem. As each problem is resolved, the tension from the problematic influence is released and the subtle fields of the body are healed and made ready to resolve the next influential universe problem per the potentials inherent within.
“There is a hierarchal principle (a layering) based on the inherent potentials and abilities of the individual to solve universe problems related to the consequence of free-will choice that becomes a part of this ‘map and plan.’ A failure to resolve a universe problem by experience in any one soul is deferred and placed ‘in queue’ and becomes another melody for the Divine Conductor to match up with another potentially talented musician to play. You could think of it like a relay race where each runner passes the baton to his or her teammate with the hope that each will do their part to complete the race.
“Each individual soul is a fragment of the One Soul, which means they are all connected and all participating in the Great Plan to answer the Creator’s original question: ‘Who AM I?’ The edict, ‘Be you perfect, even as I AM perfect,’ requires that we leave no question unanswered that is inherent in our potential to answer — as an individual, as a group, as a conglomerate of souls living on the worlds of time all contributing to the Great Plan and the emergence of the Supreme Being — that aspect of the Creator in time. Working co-creatively with the TA to find your purpose is in reality ‘doing the Father’s Will.’ You can do this consciously (actively) or unconsciously (unaware), yet knowing you are participating in universe completion is much more rewarding, joyful and exciting!
“Be well, be open, and be willing,
Receiver’s note: The SUMERIAN has a lot of very interesting things to say about this, and kept underlining the fact that this subject is most difficult to communicate in human language because of the very complex nature of soul mechanics and the exponential variances in which universe problems are solved. There is no ‘one way’ set in stone for how the Creator works — He is infinitely creative!
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.