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- Written by: Trinity Teacher Uteah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 75
Asheville, NC, US of A, April 21, 2019.
Trinity Teacher: Uteah.
Subject: “Living in Immersive Faith.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Uteah: “Faith is the greatest attribute a human personality can realize. It is the actualization of true peace in knowing you are more than a mere animal, but a partner with divinity itself. Faith is the unification of human experience with divine expression. Faith naturally results from the ‘allowing’ of the human mind to express confidence in the divine assurance of personality survival. Faith is the bridge that provides the avenue of approach with the Indwelling Presence of Spirit in human experience. For without faith, the actualization of Spirit in human experience is blocked from attaining manifestation. Faith is the indicator that Spirit abides within you and is guiding and leading you to higher levels of personality realization. How do all these definitions of faith help you?
“If you were to take a poll and ask a group of people, ‘What does faith mean to you?’, many would relate it to religious beliefs and philosophic understandings about the human condition and the challenges of living in a world of good and evil — a way to find a spiritual antidote to problems of human suffering. There are many definitions we could pull from these understandings of faith, but within the lexicon of all these limited expressions of human language about what faith really is, I would like to offer you another way to think about it. Rather than barrage you with more and more definitions, I would like to move beyond a wordy collection of ideas and create a ‘mechanism’ in your mind that is like an atmosphere that always exists around you — that surrounds you and nourishes you just like the oxygen you breathe in for sustenance itself. Let faith live above all your thoughts — let it be there always as a backdrop to your living experience.
“When you think about what other things in your reality surround you invisibly, you might think about the omnipresence of the Creator as being ‘everywhere’ and this would be true. Take that thought now and apply it to faith. Make them one in the same. Always being aware of the surrounding presence of the Creator Father will become the faith that brings the reality of His mystery alive to you in ways you can understand in your reality. In any situation in life where you are unsure of the path forward, this surrounding faith in the grace of Father’s guidance is there to assure you that ‘there is a way’ and to find peace in knowing that you are guided when you connect with that surrounding faith.
“Understanding faith this way brings a whole new perspective to your personal relationship with Spirit. Rather than looking for faith in times of uncertainty or tribulation, you live in the immersive continuance of faith and hold all intentions, thoughts, and actions to light in the surrounding essence of Father’s omnipresence. Faith then becomes this inexpressible constant knowing that the incomprehensible mystery of the Creator’s Will is being expressed by you in ways that you may only experience — not necessarily understand intellectually in the present moment or in any sense of totality. Life is a faith journey where you live and move and have your being. Faith that you will have a tomorrow is the most rudimentary exercise in faith you all share and many take that for granted.
“Moving beyond rudimentary faith in life itself is reaching out with hope in discovering the great mysteries of life. As you take one step forward in faith you step out with the guidance of faith in the surrounding omnipresence of the Creator Father. Verification of your faith is always provided when you look back on the path of your choices that were taken in faith. There you will see the fingerprints of divine guidance and providence — that lead to greater and greater trust in Father’s Grace and watch care. Living in ‘Immersive Faith’ is the most powerful way to express the mystery of the Almighty through the experience of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Immersive Faith is a constant cooperative in unity with Spirit. Dive in, my dear students, and immerse yourself in the mystery!
“I AM Uteah.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Machiventa Melchizedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 91
Quebec, Canada, February 20, 2019.
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “The Human condition – part 2.”
Message received by: Michel Levasseur
Machiventa: “My friends, let us continue our inquiry about the question of the human condition. In the earlier message we touched upon some of the factors that influence life on Urantia. Today we will also address the positive aspects that will affect your future.
“Your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, has taken steps that will positively impact the way life will be lived on Urantia by gradually phasing out the yoke currently affecting the entire planet.
“These changes will occur over a longer or shorter period of time that could last up to about 1000 years, leading you to the era of Light and Life.
“However, in the near future, there will be great changes that will improve your living conditions and gradually eliminate the negative factors set in place to prevent you from knowing the Truth.
“This vast plan of your Creator Son intends to completely eliminate all traces of Rebellion and to bring you Divine Light and Love.
“You are not alone, my friends. We are able to see the despair that permeated the planet, but know that the future will significantly improve the human condition because you are loved, everyone without exception.
“This is Machiventa.”
English translation by Anyas Spencer.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Take the People to the Starting Gates,
to let them run their own Race –
Machiventa, 2000.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 104
Alabama, US of A, June 30, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “God Awareness.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The God awareness of a human being always takes time to develop. You must know that the only thing you need to do is to direct your attention toward the Father to find Him, for He already dwells within you. This generation is far too distracted by overly demanding jobs, the pursuit of goals that do not bring true happiness, and an endless array of gadgets and forms of entertainment. All of this has left very little time for reflection and contemplation.
Just a few minutes alone, focusing your attention on the higher realms of your mind—where the spirit works—is all that every human being needs to find direction and channel their efforts toward goals of eternal value. This is a subtle effort of the human will that is always met by the Father through the Adjuster. Any sincere effort by man to draw closer to God is more than reciprocated by the Father in His effort to draw closer to man. All that is needed is an expression of human will—the longing to find God.
After practicing this approach consistently for a while, the soul awakens to the desire to be better, to become increasingly like the Father—what the Master referred to as hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness. This longing is evidence of man’s approach to God, for the human soul cannot desire something it does not know. It is only through the revelation of the Father’s nature in a person’s experience that the desire to emulate His attributes becomes present.
If at any point you have felt the desire to transcend what you currently are to become something much better, if you have harbored within yourself the longing to express to others and yourself a higher and more beautiful version of your being—a vision of yourself that you can barely perceive—this is a sign that your soul is responding to the call of the ages and that within you, the Father has planted the seed of truth. Through your care and effort, this seed will grow into the fruits of the spirit, transforming you into what the Father intended to manifest through your existence.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 97
Urantia, October 24, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Be This Light Beam.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “In your darkest hour remember the Light. Let the memory of this Light stir your heart and soul to new growth. The memory of God’s Holy Light will grow stronger and stronger until it fills your entire being.
Be an active participant in this. The infinite God loves reciprocation of a soul. To Him, this is a sure sign that the soul is sufficiently awakened for further growth and receptivity, which was heretofore hidden in the deep recesses of the mind.
Life is always thus, the more you show yourself faithful in your willingness and dedication to understand, the more you shall be filled. Your prayer of desire to become more God-filled, and less of yourself, is a sign to Me that you are ready to be led deeper into the mysteries and wisdom of life eternal.
This is the result of desire for an active partnership, which has developed in you, and for which I have patiently waited.
Life’s earthly sorrows are fleeting as shadows in the night. Participate more in the light of the eternal morning, which suffuses all sorrow and grief, so they pass into nothingness, never to be recalled. Why soil your soul with bitter memories, when you can sip from the nectar of Heaven?
This taste for the nectar of Heaven will become stronger in you as you develop a spiritual fragrance about you, which will attract others, as bees are attracted to the fragrance of certain flowers, and so the pollination will start another cycle of fruitfulness.
Let your light so shine as to help Me light up this world, much darkened by sin and sorrow. Be this light-beam the Almighty has bestowed upon you. It is never ending and becoming stronger the more you remember to walk in His Light.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 80
Oregon, USA, May 21, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Birthing Process of Self-Expression.”
Message received by Anyas.
“And in all your solicitation concerning the necessity for self-expression do not make the mistake of failing to provide for Adjuster-expression, the manifestation of your real and better self.” [UB, 197:7.5]
Thought Adjuster: “The problem with ‘self-expression’ is that it can take a very self-centered and selfish connotation. True self-expression occurs when one gets in touch with the truth, the beauty, and the goodness seeded within you by the Great One when he conceived you in his heart and mind.
Your biological progenitors may or may not have conceived you ‘consciously.’ Some of you learned that their conception was ‘accidental,’ which may have delivered a blow to their self-esteem. However, never forget that the Father is the One at the origin of All-That-Is and that, despite the intervening element of human free will that could be deemed a wild card, he naturally plays to perfection his royal flush.
Authentic self-expression goes hand in hand with Adjuster-expression. The divine Fragment who indwells you wishes to act as a catalyst for the discovery and joint expression of your beautiful selfhood. By lending Him your voice and letting Him use your body for higher service, you will be dumbfounded as you gradually discover the treasures entrusted to you to be expressed in truth, beauty, and goodness with your unique energetic signature.
True self-expression involves Self-expression. Its conception occurs through the love in your heart that impregnates your thinking process. Your body is then instrumental to birth in your current reality the authentic fruit of the Spirit, yielded through such supernal collaboration.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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