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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 167
Illawarra District, Australia, January 16, 2019.
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Innate Humility, a Priceless Commodity.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “There are those who stand in front of a crowd and shout, ‘Me first!’ and there are those who simply wait their turn, because it will come. Humility is indeed a priceless commodity and it is one of the most treasured personality traits your celestial Teachers detect in their favorite Urantia human charges.
“To us (Celestials) humility is born of a knowledge of precisely who you are and that you have worth — such a person need not prove anything to the self or to others. Humility is also patient — that which is wished for will come about if it is meant to be. And humility sees all others as equals — how could it be otherwise?
“For us (Celestials) humility must not be equated with low self-esteem as such is a damaging trait even we dislike. For one whose life and career is settled there is every reason to know the satifaction of humility and the appreciation others have for him or her.
“This is the trait humility is not; humility is not a lack of well-placed pride in what one has learned or learned to do, although simply not proclaiming or asserting it — a false pride. Humility is an innate humbleness an innate modesty.
“Our kind of humility belongs to one who owns that priceless commodity, is a ‘group annimal’ by nature and who knows and accepts that the distant future will bring ever greater associations in which all will be diversely talented, yet seen as equal to any in the group.
“To us humility is patient and not outspoken, but may carefully weigh up a solution to a vexing problem and quietly offer same. Achieve and remain humble, be a leader and remain modest. I am Sananda, the Damascus Scribe, your humble Teacher and Friend forever.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our Spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972
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- Written by: Trinity Teacher Uteah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 174
Asheville, NC, US of A, March 31, 2019.
Trinity Teacher Uteah.
Subject: “The Vital Understanding.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Uteah: “There are many of you reading this message that are truly dedicated to bringing Light to your world and there are many ways that you do that — through messages of light, through healing modalities, or teaching others how to understand spirituality from your own point of view (experience). Some of you are effective in your light work at helping others overcome dysfunction in their relationships and in building self-worth, and these are all good and needful approaches. However, there comes a time when a bridge is needed to bring people to a place of knowing about the most vital of understandings — that they are living vessels for the Indwelling Spirit of the Creator. Without this vital understanding, all the healing, channeling, and spiritual teachings of a lifetime will not ensure eternal life. To bridge this gap requires that the teachers themselves have an effective understanding of their own Inner Guide — the Indwelling Presence of the Universal Father — the Thought Adjuster.
The human example of an exemplary spiritual teacher can be found in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. If ever you would hope to be an effective and life changing teacher of spiritual truth, healing, and experience, would be to study the life and teachings of Jesus as portrayed in the Urantia Revelation. These narratives give a unique insight into the life, the man, and the relationship He had with people and with the Universal Father through his Indwelling Spirit. His non-judgmental approach in understanding the nature of men and women living in a world of darkness and rebellion is paramount to bridging the gap to the vital understandings that can change the path of the soul from uncertain survival to everlasting life in eternity.
Your dedication in service to others should be your focus — to ensure the survival of your fellows. It’s not about you, your knowledge, or your unique set of skills and insights that will save men and women — it will be how you use these tools to build a bridge to the Vital Understanding — the very reason for their being. It’s not about proselytizing — its about “effective gardening” — the seed planting that grows of its own volition after your visit. As effective teachers and healers you shall be given new tools that shall help in this “effective gardening” if you are willing to dedicate your time and service to others.
If you are to be my students, there are certain things and understandings that I require of you. To omit any one of them is to dilute your effectiveness in changing the path of the soul. You may continue with your own recipe of teaching and perhaps lead others to teachers that can plant the seeds of the Vital Understanding, but to be my students you are to follow my instructions as I give them.
1. Read the Life and Teachings of Jesus as portrayed in the Urantia Revelation. This will bring many insights to your mind about effective teaching and the understanding of human nature as it relates to the challenges of life on a world in rebellion and how to apply spiritual principles.
2. Understand your Power Trio — your Indwelling Presence of the Father (Thought Adjuster) and your Destiny Guardians as your main go-to source for insights, healing, and communication with all other spiritual sources. This “Personal Trinity” (you, your Destiny Guardians, and your Thought Adjuster) have been an untapped power potential for many on this world because of darkness and ignorance. Your attention to this relationship is paramount to being an effective teacher and student.
3. Become a Vessel of the Holy Spirit — The first two requirements will lead to the understandings on how to become a vessel of the Holy Spirit, which I will teach you. This is the battery that shall power all the tools in your teacher’s toolbox. Healing at every level can be achieved using this powerful spiritual reality.
4. You are to continually question your own understandings with discernment — always applying the principles of Light and the golden rule — eventually developing the teachings that Jesus implored his own Apostles to adopt about loving your fellows with a “fatherly love.” With this comes the perspective on seeing others as the living hosts of the Universal Father and understanding the importance of planting a seed that will grow exponentially in light and become a factor in the equation of Light and Life — universe destiny. To be an effective teacher requires you to also be an avid student — teaching and learning never stop — it is an eternal pursuit.
These Four Requirements are the initiation for being a student of a Trinity Teacher. Your choosing to adopt these edicts will start you on a path of acute spiritual guidance that you shall come to understand as you “walk the walk” and “talk the talk” of someone who is guided. Humility must become you. As Jesus once taught: “I’m sending you out as sheep among wolves.” “Be as wise as serpents, and yet as harmless as doves.”
To take up this path — the path of a spiritual teacher is the most rewarding of all experiences. The growth potential for such unselfish service is beyond measure. Never is it easy, but never will you regret the journey.
In love and dedication,
I AM Uteah.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 150
Alabama, US of A, June 25, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Imagining the Hereafter.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “In this world life is a foundation and learning to live in the next world, on the next level of existence. This is true for every level a human being traverses on their journey to Paradise. Here, in the material world, the preparation begins for a creature to function effectively on the next level.
For human beings, it is very useful to imagine a bit of what is expected of them in the worlds to come. This could help them better establish plans for their life and more effectively focus their efforts on spiritual progress. Let us consider for a moment what life is like in the mansion worlds.
In the mansion worlds, people do not work to earn a living, obtain material rewards, or receive recognition from their peers. Work there is a means of expressing the best of oneself, a resource used to manifest the Father's will through individual and cooperative efforts. Work in morontia is an effort to make reality increasingly resemble what the Father's infinite wisdom has intended to project on that level of existence.
At the next level, no human being lives for themselves. All personalities fulfill a function and have a purpose. Everything that is done is to manifest the greater good for all beings of creation. There, you progress through your efforts and your ability to work with others, learning to align your desires with the Creators' plans. In this way, you discover an additional dimension of living the Father's will, becoming an active participant in His plans for the evolution of the universe, while you grow spiritually through your efforts.
In the mansion worlds, the value of a person is not estimated by what they do, the importance of their position, or the number of subordinates under their charge. The value of all life has been clearly established by the unconditional love that the Universal Father offers to all His creatures. In morontia, what a person is—how close they have come to living the divine will, the degree to which they have mastered the technique of loving their fellows as the Father Himself loves—is more important. Yet, what truly stimulates spiritual progress and advancement toward perfection is what each person desires to be—the longing to become increasingly like God.
This is just a glimpse of the life you will live in the worlds to come, but it offers a clear perspective on the things you can begin learning now, here in this world. This morontia life that has been described can be lived starting now in this material world, better preparing yourself for the next level of your existence and becoming more useful to the entire creation.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 160
Urantia, September 13, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Cooperation and Teamwork.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Open your heart and receive the greatest blessing of all – the surety of the resurrection into eternal life. I know that we have spoken about this before, but it is this sure recognition on your part and your acceptance of this most important fact, next to human birth itself, which spurs you on to a greater, growing faith and trust in Me.
Allow Me to guide you even more decidedly towards doing the will of God. Nothing is ever static in God’s creation, for it either grows and expands, or it decays. It is necessary to bring forth the fruits of the spirit in greater measure, for this is how the soul grows.
Therefore, never be weary of doing what is good. Become a little less selfish each day and project loving and healing thoughts towards everyone. Let old resentments and grief about past mistakes slip from your mind and memory, so that these old useless ‘grooves’ can fill in, and you can lay new ‘tracks’ of love and forgiveness over these spaces.
In so living, you affect your your own being-ness in the most beneficial way. Healing is effected from the inside out, and your cellular level, which carries the building-blocks of life, will move into a greater effectiveness as the strands of the DNA begin to heal and mesh together in greater cooperation.
Everything in creation depends on cooperation and teamwork. Everything is only as effective as the weakest link in its chain. Is this not a miracle to be cooperating with the Creator of all things, and to help fulfill your divine blueprint?
As you become more aware of how it is that you create your life and well-being by your choices and decisions, you will increasingly become one with Me.
I will never steer you the wrong way.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 138
Oregon, USA, January 4, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About the Mind and Spirit Endowments.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Mind and spirit are not synonymous endowments but constitute two distinct aspects of the human construct. Mind deals with a multitude of practical matters, constantly figuring out ways to navigate life victoriously. It is ingenious and imaginative, able to toss concepts around to devise workable strategies. It is instrumental in the decision-making process and operates optimally in collaboration with spirit — the holder and beholder of values and meaning.
“No sincere prayer is denied an answer except when the superior viewpoint of the spiritual world has devised a better answer, an answer which meets the petition of the spirit of man as contrasted with the prayer of the mere mind of man.” [UB, 168:4.5]
When you pray, you pray to Spirit. Many human prayers are mostly expressions of an immature and needy mind. They are short-sighted wishful thinking, which, if answered as stated, would make them quite hazardous to the overall well-being of the petitioner. That is why it is so important to close them with the humble disclaimer “But my will is to do Your will.” By doing so, you are asking the divine presence within you to edit your petition so that it becomes fit to be forwarded to the higher powers in charge of staging a suitable divine intervention.
Do not forget that “If your own mind does not serve you well, you can exchange it for the mind of Jesus of Nazareth, who always serves you well.” [UB, 48:6.26] His mind was fully invested in generating prayers charged with spiritual values. To this day, they are still being answered as “The prayers of time, when indited by the spirit and expressed in faith, are often so vast and all-encompassing that they can be answered only in eternity; [...] the prayer of faith may be so all-embracing that the answer can be received only on Paradise.” [UB, 168:4.6]
Get the prayer wheel turning!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.