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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2444
Monterrey, Mexico, August 8, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Patience and Faith.”
Message received by Bettina.
Thought Adjuster: “My times are not your times. Sometimes you despair of feeling you have long been waiting for something good to happen in your life.
“That ‘long’ time is not the same for Me. For Me there is no time.
“Have faith. Your evolution process is occurring perfectly. Each one of you has a different path on which to evolve, learn and grow.
“Every event in your life happens to contribute to your own evolution process, and it happens at the exact moment it is needed. Sometimes your earthly mind is not able to understand the reason behind certain happenings, or the reason behind the moment they occur.
“Trust Me. Have faith. Surrender yourself to My love and protection.
“Live every day as if it were the first. And also live every day as if it is to be the last. Live with the surprise and excitement of the first day and with the strength and determination of the last.
“Have patience to wait for the things you want, for everything happens at the perfect moment, and in a perfect way. When you walk holding My hand, you know that everything is fine, and that everything will be better, until eternity.
“Rest in Me, trust and live every moment with your whole being.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2468
Urantia, July 31, 2016.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Co-creating with the Creator.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Thank you for listening to my prompt as it is time again for your appointment with the God of your being. You long ago made the decision to be available to me at a mutually-agreed-upon time, so I could start counting on you being ‘there’ at that special time of meeting and greeting.
“As usual, you haven’t a clue as to what the subject might be at this hour. Therefore, I can spring small surprises on you as we both earnestly desire that increasingly more mortals would start listening to the God of their being. May they also be inspired to set aside a certain amount of time for this so-very-important appointment for a ‘meeting of minds’ and a stimulating education.
“The sad thing is that although many earnest people believe somewhat in heavenly over-care, they do not entertain the slightest notion that the Universal Creator is the Architect, the Planner, Builder and Maker of the entire cosmos of space/time creation of universes upon universes. His achievements are not limited to the starry heavens: In His great love He has bestowed a Spark of Himself on mortals such as you, for them to avail themselves of the help and guidance from their personal Divine Spark Within (TA), to help them adjust their thoughts in order to evolve their earth-life to the fullest. In this way, with this valuable education, He adds meanings and values to their undying souls to be remembered long after they have passed on into their eternal life from a terrestrial life well lived.
“Now I divulge to you that at present there are very many humans walking around filled with regrets about missed opportunities and perhaps entertaining some guilt as well. However, let bygones be bygones and begin each new day with a clean slate to co-create the next ‘installment’ in your life, doing the very best you can do in dedication to your inner Guide. Your TA has plans for you to start fulfilling a small part of your divine blueprint the Creator gifted you with for you to become a co-creator with the Universal God.
“It matters not how you ‘see’ the Creator, for this will be made clear to you once you attain perfection. However, this life is where you build the foundation of your personal existence. You are not responsible for anyone else. You are the one responsible for filling in the blanks of your own page of life. The design is totally up to you. Of course there will always be some darkness, for otherwise you would not notice the light areas as life unfolds.
“Everything is meant to be an education. Therefore each period in your life is a lesson to learn from. The possibility exists in you all to create little masterpieces each day. There will be some that are a bit larger than others, but you are given the chance to create individual masterpieces in your seed-souls.
“However, it is totally your responsibility how speedily your soul will grow through the nurturing you give yourself and the loving service you bestow upon others.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: The Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2339
Asheville, NC, US of A, August 7, 2016.
Teacher: The Scribe.
Subject: “The Peace that Surpasses all Understanding.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
The Scribe: “Today, let us pause and reflect on what it means to live in spiritual peace. Peace is a conscious state of tranquil surety and knowing that you are safe and that all is well in the current moment and in your outlook on the immediate future. It is a knowing that no harm shall befall you and that you hold no ill will for any other person or group. When I speak of spiritual peace, it is an inherent peace that is the embodiment of the Indwelling Spirit, the Thought Adjuster. This is the root of all peace because life in time and eternity is fostered on the creative principal of completion of perfection in time, and so all the creative forces and administrative beings of the universes work together to promote the safe passage of all souls that they may attain eternal life and become partners with the Creator. There is peace in knowing this and faithfully believing it.
“Even while you live on a world where darkness abounds in many places and your surety of safety is not guaranteed, you can still hold this peace of spiritual surety that your soul and the continuity of your personality and identity is safe for eternal passage through the universes time and onto the perfected worlds of Havona and the Isle of Paradise. You are to be loved, educated, and trained to become god-like and to take your place as a co-creator in the Great Plan to bring all things to relative perfection and completion.
“There have been many that have mortally damaged their vessels and have moved through the valley of the shadow of death prematurely and have returned to the earth. While in their brief stay in this higher vibrational state, they retain a partial memory using the undeveloped morontial mind (soul mind) and take back with them this new ‘peace of mind’ that all is well having a renewed sense of purpose to become partners with the Creator and to participate in the Great Plan. They have experienced, first hand, the truth of spiritual peace, having shed the flesh and its heavy influence, to stand and bathe in the brilliance of unconditional love — the native state. There is not one who moves through the doorway of death, having foretasted this spiritual peace, that desires to return to the earth to finish their ‘tour of duty.’ Once tasting the purity and sweetness of spiritual peace, the desire for unity with the Creator is all-encompassing.
“Your ‘tour of duty’ is like a contract. You have partnered with your Thought Adjuster who is to guide you through your stay on Urantia to gather all the experiential nuggets of wisdom that shall prepare you for your next adventure in the universe. Each adventure in the many realms of creation is a steppingstone that leads to unity with the Creator Father. As you grow, you add valuable experience to the equation of the Great Plan — to bring all things to relative perfection and completion. Spiritual peace is ‘knowing and believing’ you are loved and cared for by the Creator and all your celestial siblings that watch over you. ‘Knowing peace’ comes from the Adjuster presence in your mind, and ‘believing peace’ is your faith in the eternal surety of unity with the Father.
“Your eternal welfare is the business of Spirit. Take solace in the fact that you are a cherished child of God and reflect on ‘The peace that surpasses all understanding.’
“Peace be upon you,
“I AM the Scribe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Aaron of Urantia - Samuel of Panoptia - Mathew
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2428
Illawarra District, Australia, August 04, 2016.
Secondary Midwayer, Mathew (33-3-33).
Teacher Aaron of Urantia.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “Mansonia Pets.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Mathew: “There were long-ago ‘needful’ times on my home planet, too. Few difficulties at present, of course, for our world has for some time been qualified as being in the final stage of Light and Life and but for some of our kin assisting with routine human ‘translation’, we are all here on Urantia as a volunteer group.
“As do the Urantia Midwayers, we too can ‘pull’ an animal into our midway time-space reality and have a friendly and most docile pet as a companion for a time. Here is Teacher Aaron (Sandra Barnard’s Teacher)”.
Aaron: “This question about animals on the Mansion Worlds has been outstanding for a long time and even now, after all these years, what I am allowed to give you are partial answers only. However, it’s not all bad, for Mansonia is meeting your ‘pet wants’ and occasionally your ‘pet needs’ in a roundabout way. When your pets die, their minds return to the collective. Their personalities may or may not be reused in some way — that is unclear — but likely dependent on there being anything worthwhile about them.
“The pet animal you may receive on the Mansion World — if you will receive one at all — will not be a re-incarnation of the pet you knew on Urantia. It will likely look somewhat similar to your earthly friend, and probably behave in like manner, but it will not be a dog or cat or anything from your planet. It will be vegetarian and it will talk to you, smartly reminding you of things you may need to do and showing you the way to places you may need to visit. This is Aaron, who loves you both.”
Samuel: “This is Samuel, you two. I am reminding you of an eye-opener paper that came to hand prior to 1996. And if I mention the name of a lion called KOMERLI, you will well remember the detais of that event as described by a 13-year-old girl. We leave you now. Au revoir.”
Receiver’s Note: Here it is. I titled it: “Don’t be late, KOMERLI.” Find this exciting true story on the message board url below. It is a word-for-word copy of the original.
God bless . . .
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2482
Alabama, US of A, July 20, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About the Big Problems.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Many of the horrible things that human beings are today guilty of can be viewed as consequences of occurrences in the remote past — the results of the Lucifer rebellion and the failure of the Adamic mission on Urantia. The mental disorders that cause some to not feel compassion or empathy for the suffering they visit upon others is in part a genetic inheritance.
“However, it can’t be denied that the environment, presently created by your media and which you call ‘entertainment,’ contributes greatly to augment the intensity of the expression of those mental disorders. Your fixation with glorifying violence and exalting your lowest tendencies make this attractive to those confused minds that can’t ascertain with clarity the consequences of their actions — therefore the consequences to their eternal lives.
“There is so much that needs to change in this world to solve the many problems that at times this task may seem impossible to those sincere souls who truly wish for a better world. Do not let the apparent magnitude of your problems discourage you and keep you from doing what should be done. The solution to all the problems is simply one and the same — you need to learn to express unconditional love. This is possible only when you start to really know God and this in turn is done more effectively when you strive to become like Him.
“Those who feed their minds and their hearts with the supreme desire of living the will of the Divine — to be like our Father — open themselves to the influence of their Thought Adjusters and discern God with increasing clarity. Through this discovery they experience unconditional love and the happiness of knowing that all is well, that nothing can actually hurt you, that you are all children of the Creator and part of a universal family. This ‘overflow’ of love inevitably produces the spiritual fruits, including loving service to their peers. Then, through this service, the creature becomes an agent of the Father in the world, a tool for this sphere in making the vision of God a reality, and a channel of the expression of divine creativity. Thus these enlightened mortals become the solutions this world needs for its problems.
“It doesn’t matter how big a problem presents itself. Each and every one of you can do plenty for your world by searching within your divinity and by cultivating an increasingly deeper relationship with your Father. Some of the ones who today fight against the big worldly problems may derive some spiritual growth from it. But I tell you that all those who make an effort to live the will of the Father are becoming part of the solution and they are doing the best thing that can be done to bring Urantia to the age of Light and Life. May this truth help you focus your efforts and plan your life goals towards that which is truly important.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.