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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2439
Michigan, US of A, November 21, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Consecration of Will.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The lesson for today is about consecration of will. What does it mean to consecrate will? First, let us look at what these two words mean. Human will is that part of the mind that makes decisions; it is the power to, and the process of, making decisions; it is the determination and the desire to do something. In this case, that ‘something’ is God’s Will. If, using this same definition of will, we apply it to God’s Will, we see that the Creator is determined and has the desire to do something. That ‘something’ in this case, is to manifest love and bring about perfection through co-creation with His children. Why does it not manifest automatically if it is God’s Will? Because of the gift of free will – the power to choose and to make decisions. Free will allows for the experiential outcomes to be nigh infinite according to the uniqueness of individual personality. Just as there are an infinite number of points between opposites, so to are there varying degrees of perfection and manifestation of God’s Will by the choices you make.
“What does consecration mean? To ‘consecrate’ is to dedicate something to a particular purpose, or to declare or set apart a specific place as holy. In this case, that ‘something’ is ‘your will’ and you ‘set apart’ this specific purpose as a co-creative desire with the Creator according to light – your degree of wisdom within the level of perfection thus attained in your life experiences. The more ‘godlike’ we become (in His image) by the process of perfection attainment, the greater is the manifestation of His Will. It is said that ‘whatever the Son desires, and the Father Wills, is.’ Meaning, because the Creator Sons (the Michael Sons – our Christ Michael) are so perfected in their being, that their Will is ‘One’ with the Father and therefore, are their desires manifest and brought into reality by volition.
“Now, in comparison with humans, the beings furthest from perfection, human will and the power to manifest God’s will, is attenuated to a safe level whereby only those more perfected desires are made manifest in varying degrees of God’s Will. For example: It would be dangerous for immature minds to have any desire made manifest because of the deconstructive nature of man’s selfish ego-driven will – the power to destroy his enemies or the power to live a life of unearned ease and leisure, which in and of itself, would bring extinction to the human race. Only through consecration of will with God’s Will can man make manifest his desires. Love and faith are the power and the catalysts to selfless decisions (perfected decisions) which lead to self-mastery and to progressive perfection attainment, which leads to manifestation of desire. The manifestation of consecrated will is the most satisfying experience a will creature can have.
“As you ascend to more perfected levels of being, the greater will be the power of manifestation, and so, the delay of time becomes a necessary component in the experiential gathering of wisdom to insure safe levels of co-creative power. ‘Thy Will be done.’
“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2443
Alabama, US of A, July 12, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Foresight and Work.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “How can you balance your concern about the future with the idea of implicitly trusting in the care of your Father? The answer to this is best illustrated by the life of Michael of Nebadon in this world as Jesus of Nazareth. When He became the only source of support to His brothers and sisters after the unfortunate death of His human father, the Master didn’t hesitate to start working hard to satisfy their needs. During all those years He never thought that His Father would abandon Him. To the contrary, Michael worked with joy and hope because He possessed the certainty that somehow all would be well and He would succeed. All rational men and women understand that effort and consistency always produce results.
“Another issue that from time to time concerns mortals is how to balance the idea of being satisfied with what they already possess — material wealth — and the effort to attain progress and for this to continue to improve. If you reach a level in which your material needs have been met, this is not a license to indulge in mental stagnation or spiritual apathy. Human beings should always attempt to be better and to use creativity to express the potentials that our Father has placed within. If you have reached a level at which you determine that you don’t need anything else to satisfy your material needs, use your creativity to explore your potentials and become a channel of expression for your Father.
“When Miguel completed the task of preparing His human family so they could sustain themselves, He didn’t ‘retire’ to rest and do nothing else for the remainder of His life. In everything He did from that moment on He kept the same focus and purpose to be increasingly closer to His Father. He didn’t worry about working to amass wealth, but He continued to be an applied, creative and enthusiastic worker, because He knew that the love He invested in His labor contributed to bring Him closer to God. He didn’t need more money to live but He chose to remain occupied offering the best possible service to His ‘customers’ while awaiting His time to go out to the world to offer people the Kingdom of Heaven.
“If you are already satisfied with the material goods you possess and you have a job that ensures your financial well-being, take this opportunity to explore other areas of personal expression. Do your work with the best intent and you will accomplish everything that is expected of you in this area, but once the workday has finished explore something else. You have heard that ‘man does not live by bread alone’ and those who dedicate themselves to a single area of life are missing a unique and once in a lifetime opportunity to achieve important goals with eternal value that can be found only in the variety of experience that a mortal life offers.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2509
Mexico City, Mexico, June 16, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A lesson about respect.”
Message received by Bettina.
Thought Adjuster: “To not judge implies respect. In creation, each being that lives on Earth is different from others. They are unique and perfect creations, and they are My creations.
“Since it is so, how can one of My creations comment on the beauty of another of My creations? What reasons could they have to criticize and judge each other?
“Respect is essential for living in peace and harmony. Please ensure you respect yourselves first. Love yourselves and take care of each other in full awareness that you are a creation of God.
“And also respect your brothers and sisters, and all creatures that inhabit the Earth, because they all are My creation.
“Please avoid judgment, rejection, condemnation or the hurting of any being that, before your eyes or according to your beliefs, you don’t like.
“Remember that as earthly beings, your understanding is limited. It would be more fruitful and satisfying for you to focus on your quest for connection with the Spirit Within, so that your consciousness will expand into a more divine and universal perception.
“Abandon hate, criticism and rejection. Do respect all My creations, starting with yourselves.
“Love must rule the Earth, and for this to happen, I need Ambassadors of Love. You can be one of them. I need you for the conversion of this planet.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2611
Asheville, NC, US of A, July 24, 2016.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “The One Most Important Idea.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Q: (Receiver) “Teacher, What is the one most important idea that an awakening soul can know?”
A: (Ophelius) “Dear One, this is the very question that the Master, Joshua Ben Joseph, often pondered as a young man starting out on his ministry prior to his full awakening at his baptism in the Jordan River. He knew the answer in His heart, but making it understood to a generation steeped in superstition and religious slavery was something that would take much thought and many strategies to approach the darkened minds of that time. Like Him, you also will have to think much about how to make plain the good news to the souls of this world who in every way are just as darkened in their minds about the realities of life and purpose.
“You must communicate the very fact that there IS a heavenly Father — a Creator Father — the First Source and Center, who is eternal, who always was and shall ever be the Universal Upholder of all realities, realms, and worlds in the master universe. He created the physical universes to escape the absolutes of infinity — to experience life in a physical creation living vicariously through His created children — you, the explorers of these created realities of time and space. Yet, how can this be? How can He experience life through you? By His unfathomable genius, He found a way to fragment His divinity and affix a perfect piece of Himself within the mind of every man, woman, and child — the Mystery Monitor, sometimes called the Higher Self, the Inner Pilot, the Spirit of God, the Thought Adjuster.
“He created you imperfect by design so that by experience you would learn all there is to know about Him, His Creation, and to co-creatively work out every unique idea together, with Him, through the agency of the Thought Adjuster, as He guides you back to a state of relative perfection — to be perfect like Him. It is in this journey ‘back home’ that is of most value to Him — the collection of free will life experiences that is helping Him emerge from the fetters of infinity as a Supreme Being who is and has known and experienced life in every way, shape, form, and possibility. To achieve His Great Plan, He offers you eternal life and gives you the free will option to choose whether or not to continue with this grand adventure. He wants you to understand this most basic fact of life and purpose so that you can choose wisely and awaken to the understanding that you are a god in the making — His offspring — a child of this all knowing, all wise, all powerful, and everywhere-present Creator.
“Because we are his progeny, He loves us unconditionally and we feel this love in varying degrees through all the relationships we have with our brothers and sisters, both human and celestial, as we live our lives here and hereafter. As we journey on this path home and become increasingly wise, we experience greater and more refined degrees of His love which allows us greater creative power to fulfill His mandate to experience life in every possibility. Dear One, I cannot adequately express in words the astonishment of my journey thus far and I have a long, long, way to go. No matter your situation, or life station, please know that you are loved and never alone, for He is always with you, speaking softly, pointing the way forward toward that next perfecting moment that makes you more like Him. Hold this thought in the back of your mind always: You shall one day stand before Him on Paradise as a perfect soul who has traveled the adventures of time and who has in every way become like Him — in His image, and shall receive the embrace of Finality. From this place, no other can place a limit on your creative potential, for you shall have earned His trust and received the prize of god-like power and glory — to know the absolutes of pure love.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2924
Illawarra District, Australia, July 21, 2016.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “The Story of a Silver Spoon.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “Silver was often and for many years called the devil’s metal. There were many reasons why it was called by such a name and mainly by the aristocracy. Silver cutlery was frequently ‘disappeared’ from the well-to-do upper crusts into the pockets of their often rag-tag servants and other swift-fingered ones. There were other reasons for silver to have been given such an undeserved name, but I don’t want to linger with any of those stories. I will sing silver’s praises for the medicine and real money that it is.
“Today, many bandages for open wounds contain nano particles of silver that kill the majority of germs, virusses and some nasty funguses as well. Long ago, a ship’s wooden water keg would have a silver coin thrown in, so the water would not spoil. Much food and drink was served in vessels made of silver. Silver was important because acid in food would dissolve the tiniest of silver particles and these, in turn, would keep diseases at bay.
“For those who could afford their baby’s silver spoon (or drinking cup), the slow release of silver particles gave these babies an advantage over those who could not afford such utensils. It’s doubtful if more than a few people understood what the nano particles actually achieved, if indeed they could imagine a nano particle.
“For most people, as if by magic, silver spoons and cups did the job of keeping junior healthy. It became a saying, a proverb: ‘born with a silver spoon in his mouth.’ From an ever-so-important near-guarantee of health it surprisingly became a guarantee of wealth and the antibiotic properties of silver were almost forgotten — lost if at all understood — to be replaced by the ever-more-often failing medicinal antibiotics.
“In our (Midwayer) opinion silver should perhaps be redesignated to become the angels’ metal and in times to come, we can envisage nano particles of silver being ‘brewed’ in many a home as an antibiotic or even as an illness preventative.
“The only thing that you can count on to always, always be the same on an evolutionary world is the constant presence of change itself. You will see some important changes come about, lasting for the next five years or so. Have some of the purest silver pieces about the place to be able to both heal . . . and deal.
“This is ABC-22. I bid you both au revoir.”
Receiver’s note: Should you wish to obtain silver coinage as an investment for times to come, any reputable coin dealer will do just fine. Should you wish to purchase a colloidal silver maker or simply the colloidal silver health product, simply return this transmission to the sender and George will ‘dig up’ the relevant information for you in due course.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.