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- Written by: Teacher I AM
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2669
Asheville, NC, US of A, September 11, 2016.
Teacher: I AM.
Subject: “The Network of Activated Souls.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
I AM: “Dear One, there are many more ‘activated souls’ in the world than those who already believe they have come here to participate in the transformation of human consciousness on Urantia. Many are unaware that they are a part of a network of human vessels whose Thought Adjusters (TAs) have planned, long before their birth, to participate in the Father’s Great Plan to bring Urantia into the fold of enlightened planets. Not only is the prep work being done by the God Fragments in the minds of men and women, but also by the planetary management via the Correcting Time and with Urantia (Gaia) Herself who is undergoing a steady metamorphosis to anchor and facilitate the energies needed for this elevation of human consciousness.
“This elevation in consciousness is not a magic spell that will cure all the ills (left by the rebellion) that have been created over the course of human history on this planet, but rather it will be a medium for which the TAs can operate more efficiently in the human mind to communicate and guide their human subjects into making more ‘weighty’ decisions about their life and how they operate together with their fellows — and this will remain completely voluntary to all souls — many will still reject the leading of their TAs but will do it with more deliberate accountability. This is already happening with the First and Second Wave Souls who are here to initiate and guide, on a more conscious level, the wave of change that is presently building up to a threshold of sorts that shall ‘spill over’ onto other groups of souls who are becoming ready to participate.
“Those of you who consider yourselves ‘Universe Citizens’ are encouraged to take a more active role in this transformation and spend more time in stillness and in communion with your TAs — to ‘listen’ with the heart to the surf of changing consciousness. These periods of stillness will not only prepare you mentally, but shall allow the energetic changes in the subtle fields to assimilate more gradually with the changing earth frequencies. This is all a very delicate and divine ‘dance’ to coordinate all the needed pieces to bring about the Great Plan for the redemption of Urantia.
“Change begins when you decide to do something different from your usual routine of daily living no matter what that is! Take the long way home — go for a walk in the park — join a group of other souls interested in some form of truth, beauty, or goodness. It is in these fortuitous interactions with others where tremendous growth can occur and where positive change begins. Become actively conscious that you are a part of this glorious transformation. When you begin to think this way, your TA can more easily guide you and move you into the network of activated souls ready to transform the world into that more perfected idea the Father has for Urantia. Every decision to make a positive change brings your consciousness one nth degree closer in alignment with the Will of the Creator. This, dear one, is active participation in the Great Plan — the ascension plan realized at the planetary level.
“I AM that you are.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2555
Oregon, US of A, August 30, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Outlaws or Freedom Fighters?”
Message received by Anyas.
“Freedom is the gift of civilization made possible by the enforcement of LAW.” [Urantia Papers 1490:04].
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the above quote is concise and to the point. There is no freedom outside of LAW [the adherence to the universal and cosmic Laws] as unbridled freedom is not conducive to overall freedom — the highest good.
“Lucifer rebelled against Divine Laws and campaigned for unrestrained personal liberties. This resulted in planetary chaos and, to this day, humanity still has to deal with the horrendous consequences of such blatant acts of insubordination.
“There is no such thing as individual freedom if it is claimed without taking into account overall freedom. Such a claim of personal freedom at the expense of others’ God-given rights to Freedom is utmost selfishness and turns the individual into a cosmic outlaw rather than a cosmic freedom fighter.
“The LAW is the adherence to the Golden Rule that teaches the individual all around respect — toward the self and others. It has its own in-built safeguard.
“’Treat others as you want to be treated’ admonishes you to go within and to check your attitude toward yourself and others. Respect should be all-inclusive and undiscriminating toward any of God’s creatures.
“How can you respect yourself if you condone unbridled liberties and are harming yourself and others in the process? In everything you think, speak, and do, take others into account as you live in a community — in a greater organism — whose well being is affected if any part malfunctions.
“Throughout the ages, civilizations emerged that put in place meaningful laws so as to preserve the equilibrium of their communities and protect the rights of their citizens. It is not because you can do something, that you should do it. Love implies self-restraint and the dedication of the smaller self to much greater agendas than its own.
“Laws are there to preserve the Peace. That goes for inner laws as well as external ones. The inner laws for you to abide by are the Laws governed by Truth, Beauty and Goodness as well as Love, Compassion and Empathy. They are meant to preserve your integrity; they are meant to assure you that you are progressing and on the right path. They are meant to enlighten and harmonize you.
“For those who place weight on such criteria, it is easier to comply with the laws of society as they have developed inner freedom, manifested by the Love that pours out from their open heart.
“Whenever you make a ‘free-will’ decision, stop and ponder if it is really taken ‘freely’ or if it stems from an addictive behavior meant to simply gratify yourself. Decisions based on greed, lust, jealousy or the acquisition of power over others are not reflective of inner freedom.
“The role of society is to issue laws in sync with the Golden Rule in order to protect its citizens against outlaws without scruples. This is how true freedom comes about, allowing the citizenship to express itself in Truth, Beauty and Goodness — Love — rather than being held hostage by fears and anxieties.
“How truly free are you? Start by scrutinizing your own life so that you can detect what is holding you back in your ascension process. You cannot ascend to higher realms of experience if you are weighed down by the dead weight of misguided intentions.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2722
Alabama, US of A, August 3, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Differences of Opinion.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Having differences of opinion is a normal occurrence on a world with such great variety among human groups and individuals. Having different opinions, or even different ideas about what is right or wrong, is not the main cause of conflict on this world. The fundamental issue is intolerance — the assumption that one’s own ideas and motivations are superior to those of others.
“Those who express their opinions while remaining open to hear of alternatives, allow in their being the possibility for growth. If their original idea is wrong, when they hear a superior truth their spirit will help them to accept it. However, those who refuse to even admit that there may be other alternatives are destined to live with a stagnant and partial truth. Know that the best of your spiritual knowledge is always partial. Human beings do not know truth in its purest form and you will not be able to know better until you have been provided with higher minds and have experienced the transit through the higher spheres. Therefore, get rid of intolerance and always remain open to discover new and deeper truths.
“Intolerance in society is even more insidious than it is at the individual level. Many advances you enjoy today remained unaccepted for a long time due to the resistance to change of social groups. Not too long ago, the idea that diseases were caused by organisms so small they could not be seen was ridiculed and considered superstition. When it was suggested that surgeons should wash their hands and the instruments they used, such was considered a waste of time and resources. Because of this resistance to change a lot of people died needlessly.
“These examples may appear to be from a remote past, but intolerance and fear of change continue to be a significant factor in the evolution of humanity. Many of your present international conflicts have their basis in intolerance and the fear human beings experience when exposed to differences in personalities, culture or religion.
“The solution is to accept that in the end all of us are travelers on a path of discovery and no human being on this world can possess absolute truth. We are all learning and you would learn even better if there was to be cooperation among you and if you attempted to discover the truth behind every one of your independent ideas. The Father lives in each one of His children, therefore those who wish to find God can only succeed if they search for him within themselves and within each and every person on this world. Only then the brotherhood of men and goodwill among people will become reality.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief ABC-22 (Bzutu)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2521
Illawarra District, Australia, September 2, 2016.
Midwayer Chief ABC-22 (Bzutu).
Subject: “Fighting a Rearguard Action.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “Good day, brother. I’m ever so glad that you are listening to me and that you will record what I have to say so I can leave it to you and go back to where those with their revolutionary ideas and plans hang out. Indeed, we are fighting a rearguard action when it comes to keeping you safe because, believe it or do not, whilst it is generally understood that you live in treacherous times, you are not thinking that the feathers will hit the fan just yet, by tomorrow or by next week.
“Perhaps you will be safe in the near future, but not ever in your frail mortal lives have you been this close to living mere minutes to midnight from nuclear catastrophy. You must wake up, I tell you strongly, to consider that your entire worldwide civilization is presently living at an immense global risk.
“This is a time when you need bridge builders and road workers, fewer army generals and fighter pilots. This is a time for talks, for meetings, for comparisons and for international mediations. Sincere thought and consideration is what is needed and in this way the common enemy will be identified as blatant inequality in the unjust inavailability of food sources and more.
“Yes, brother, drastic inequality in housing, in living conditions, in education and income, in healthcare and sanitation. There is so much, so very, very much, to be corrected in your standards of living dissimilarities! Some of you propitiously travel in private airplanes whilst others have hardly progressed out of their stone-age circumstances or their seriously-behind-the-times mentality.
“It’s time. It’s time you stopped fouling your atmosphere and waterways with your dirty power stations and factories of all kinds. Long ago you discovered Zero Point Energy and follow-up discoveries — if they had been allowed to flourish — would have you do your near-free international and outerspace travel by now, not to ignore your improved air quality. Ages ago you learned to harvest fast-growing plantation lumber, leaving old-grove forests to their task of providing creature habitat and enriching oxygen content, as well.
“You are degrading the land and the oceans, still, relentlessly, whilst you have all the answers to being God-loving caretakers of your planetary home — your obvious meant-to-be task. Instead, you in “the West” intend to lord it over all in “the East” and whosoever more one can preside over, when we can assure you that this cannot succeed by force . . . not now and not ever, I tell you.
“Perhaps this is all I have to say on these matters of global destruction and people enslavement. Perhaps there will be more to come, either from me through you or through another by another. At this stage I have not yet been advised about such. For now I say, be good and be well whilst we fight a rearguard action against your insane decision making and your devilish plans. Adieu my friend.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2563
Illawarra District, Australia, August 26, 2016.
Midwayer Mathew (33-3-33).
The Damascus Scribe (Sananda).
Subject: “Payment for Services Rendered.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Mathew: “Here I am, my human co-worker, announcing the Scribe. Your reading and meditation have brought you a little more insight on our mutual Friend and Personalised Adjuster. Adieu.”
The Scribe: “I greet you my friend and student. Understandably, should I wish to explain to you what mankind is all about, I would need more than your customary ‘less-than-two-pages-of-text’ ruling. Consequently and apart from the fact that you would not have any reference for you to be able to understand matters I would provide you with, there are also ‘need-to-know’ aspects you have not yet matured towards, either as a species or as an individual to be sure.
“Since I will be of much continued use to those enjoying the patronage of our Progress Angels, it will have value for them to know I project the countenance resembling the Master Jesus, whom I served. And some of you will sufficiently progress to see me and make out the features I show. Most of these contributors will think they have glimpsed the Master, few will rightly call me Sananda or the Damascus Scribe. It matters not, for as you were advised long ago: ‘we all are each other at our Spiritual Root Source.
“Also, as it can be said that he or she who has seen a Creator-Son has seen the Father, so will it be for those who see me, for they will have seen the Son of God as the Son of Man. Indeed, indeed, we are all one, as your Midwayer Friends told you so long ago. How delightfully simple is this, how delightfully uncomplicated!
“To now answer your question in detail, as well as I AM allowed: I was an Adjuster, often thwarted in my desire to fuse with a human soul to thereby make the lengthy pilgrimage to Paradise. I was later appointed the Superior Thought Adjuster to guide Machiventa (Melchizedek) during his long existence on this planet. Thereafter I guided the Master, Jesus, as you were clearly shown and which effort awarded me to be personalized by virtue of having guided a Creator-Son throughout His final bestowal as a man among the lowest creatures of promise He Himself created.
“Only one Thought Adjuster accompanies a Creator Son in His local universe. This Adjuster is a perfect fraction of the Father and has become experienced to perfection, to then receive Personality that is perfect also, once again, from the Father of All That Is — a payment for services rendered.
“See it now clearly in your mind’s eye, my friend; your Damascus Scribe is unequivocally perfect, unequivocally a God, capable of making up His own mind, yet willing to take orders as to what demanding tasks to work on next in our Michael’s local universe.
More important is it that I will be independently active through all of the Correcting Time and the periods of Light and Life — critical times in a former rebellious planet. And as well, with the Father’s gift of Personality arrived time-consciousness, allowing me to better deal with others, to plan, to make many friends who really understand Me and so much more.
Indisputably, the pilgrims, who after ages of travel arrive on Paradise, are God-like, but still incomplete. Personalised Adjusters are Gods, eager to make friends and as before, simply do the Father’s Will. I leave you now to contemplate some more. I AM the Scribe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.