- Details
- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3579
Chicago, US of A, February 2, 2013.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Government.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Government, before it signifies a socio-political structure in control of a state or nation, stands for direction, control, management, rule, order. Even on Paradise and Havona, where perfection is innate, there is a form a government that ensures divine harmony. Anarchy is the opposite of government and order, and where allowed it will eventually bring chaos to any situation. Essential to government is Pattern – without which no rule or law can be applied. Government needs established patterns that in all situations and by all people concerned must be followed. Government is essential to order, and order is essential to life. Accordingly, personal beings experience government as follows: first as imposed; then cooperatively; and finally autonomously.
“Externally imposed government is necessary on the evolutionary worlds as a time allowance so the planetary races may evolve and mature to a status in which they no longer represent a threat of extinction to themselves. Government, in this way, has a directive and educational function. The individual is free to choose if he or she wants to be part of the order (the will) of God, or not, but the over-control of evolutionary races and nations of a world is the prerogative of universe authorities, as you read: ‘The Most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomsoever he will.’ In the same way a child needs direction and control from parents, human beings on Urantia need the wise and beneficial direction and control of our Nebadon authorities. This supra-government is effective through the celestial administrators, and through the supervision and direction of your actual earthly governments, irrespective of their evolutionary nature and status.
“Cooperative government is an advanced phase of control, both in terms of earthly and spiritual administration. From an earthly viewpoint, typical cooperative governments are the authentic democratic ones, as they make room for popular decision and participation. Spiritually speaking, though, cooperative government is not experienced by an evolutionary sphere until it enters the Life and Light Era, resulting from the continuous ministry of local universe and Paradise Sons, along with increasing cosmic consciousness by its inhabitants, allowing, at that time, real, intentional and cooperative work between human and spiritual authorities. The government of the Light and Life Era is, usually, and in its broaden aspect, a worldwide government, in which nations have learned to no longer resort to wars to solve their differences, and in which most mature individuals are self-governed, with minimal need for civil and social control. Cooperative government is the highest of evolutionary world experiences, even through the most advanced phases of Light and Life, but self-government is a common expedient in the morontia worlds on High.
“Therefore, my pupil, government is not a necessary evil, as some people may think. It is, on the contrary, a derivative of the value of Beauty, which allows God’s creatures to recognize divine patterns in Creation and through them, God’s will itself. Always keep in mind that self-control is the most elevated form of government. I am Prolotheos, your tutor-teacher on High, always only a thought away. Peace to all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“Don’t throw ‘bread’ to the multitudes, but give it to them one by one, for a
grown man will need more than does a child, and some won’t need any at all.”
– Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3205
Illawarra District, Australia, March 12, 2013.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Time Prompts.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “Let us converse about time prompts and the way your digital clocks can become more useful. We have now spent decades trying to awaken you from your mundane ‘whatever you think is important’ boring daily task to make you think about the spiritual. We, the 1,111 are spiritual, hardly spirits, but spiritual in our way. We are morontia beings, sandwiched in time between you mortals and – with a huge array of other morontia species and angelic beings – those who are pure spirits. Here in our morontia realm we work, patiently.
“We need to be patient, and we are, because you mortals – plural, not just you – can be slow on the uptake of new ideas, forgetful in your dreamy ways of operation, and lazy about the implementation of the latest. Consider now, as our dear Andrea puts it, consider now that whilst you are universally troubled about understanding us, it is we who communicate with you, almost exclusively. Consider now, as well, that whilst we read you to perfection, yes, even your body language, it is you who remain silent in suggesting your ideas.
“Long ago you and I agreed that 22 would be my call sign, 08 that of Dr. Mendoza, 06 that of Simone and 33, or 3:33 that of our dear ‘imported into the realm’ brother Mathew. We settled on the different meanings of 11:10, of 11:11, and of 11:12, respectively, as meaning that there was a message, as denoting a plain hello, and as indicating that your subconscious already contained what you needed to grasp and react to in the future. I hasten to add that we let you be the instigator, if scarcely the inventor of this welcome and useful idea.
“We would like you all to contribute more to this wordless, though hardly worthless method of communication by letting us know which time prompts would suit you as a reminder, or as a warning, or as an indication there is something to be downloaded into your budding mid-mind. And it does not need to become a knock four times and whistle twice type of effort. A simple suggestion of your need and the time prompt you would prefer for us to confirm, would be all we need to bring us closer to priceless inter-species cooperation.
“Consider that we are here to assist you, and you are here to assist your human brothers and sisters of all races, nationalities, shades and beliefs, enhanced with our help of ideas and prompts. Request your personal prompt to perhaps be your birthday, or wedding day. Let it be our code, just so you know who is visiting you. We can advise you. What great way to awaken yourself from the mundane, the drudgery of everyday living, to become a more spiritual being!
Consider. We will be there for you, and we now leave it here.”
“Have a ‘construct-ive’ day! This is ABC-22.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3169
Alabama, US of A, February 14, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Trust.”
Received By Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “There will always be tension within groups due to difficulties in harmonizing individual impulses with the goals of the group. All human beings have a unique way of functioning. Be aware of the fact that no one knows what is on your mind, or what your intentions and motivations are. Even if your commitment is firm, others will only notice this after some time has passed and they will have seen the results of your work. This is how trust is developed in this world.
“Remember this the next time you feel unjustly criticized. It is very difficult to trust in a person that is not well known. Be patient and accept that in this world you must always show good results before others will appreciate your worth. This is natural and up to a certain point desirable in the transactions of the material world. Trust can only be obtained by experience and by mutual understanding. Focus on being better every time, on serving your peers the best way you can envision, and the results will speak for themselves.
“On the Mansion worlds and beyond, trust is given without any pre-condition. Those beings who have experienced certain spiritual advancement know there is great potential locked within the human souls, even when at times they stumble into darkness and confusion. Michael trusted without reservation while walking upon this world, because He knew that each human being who crossed His path was indwelled by the presence of His Father in Heaven.
“Even when you don’t know a person, and you don’t know at what stage that person is on her spiritual journey, you should offer your love without conditions and your service should extend even to those that are strangers to you. They – as well as yourself – are illumined by the presence of God, and, just like you, are advancing toward the same destination, each one on their personal path. What you think of them is much more important than what they may think of you. An authentic love for your fellow human beings can tear down even the highest wall of intolerance, and avoid the traps of mistrust in overcoming prejudice and fear.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3283
Michigan, US of A, March 3, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Spiritual Growth and Progress” (Part 3).
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today we will continue our lesson on Spiritual Growth and Progress. Knowing now that you have a Fragment of the Father living within you, there are other personalities that you should know about that work with your TA to help you develop and progress as you live, and move, and have your being. One such being is your Guardian Angel, sometimes called Seraphic Guardian. My friends, they are not mythical, but real, and they are assigned in pairs to watch over you. All Father Fragment (TA) indwelled beings in the time-space universes are assigned Seraphic Guardians and they have very specific functions important to your eternal survival.
“Why do I need a Guardian Angel? One of the most important responsibilities your Guardian Angel has is to safeguard your soul. She is the keeper of your soul-trust and upon your death and translation to the first mansion world, she safely delivers your soul (the surviving personality) to the resurrection halls, and it is there, on the third day, where your waiting TA brings all the survival value experiences and memories of your former earth life, and reunites them with the sleeping soul in a new and incorruptible body called the ‘morontia body.’
“What does the Guardian Angel do for me in my earth life? She has a responsibility to the TA to maximize the quality of your earth experiences. She helps you to build character and to help prepare you for your next life on the mansion worlds as does the TA. She will create opportunities for you to grow and mature, and in many cases she will ‘engineer’ somewhat difficult circumstances in your life that stimulate moral decision making. It is in decision making that you grow, whether those decisions are ‘right or wrong’ from your viewpoint, they will teach lessons and create values that you will live by and that will determine the path of your experiences.
“There are seven cycles, or ‘psychic circles’ to a human life that pertain to growth potential and achievement. Starting at the seventh and working toward the first, your Guardian Angel stimulates and guides you to achieve each of these personality perfecting milestones. Some of you may pass through all seven, some only a few, or some may never surpass the seventh. It all has to do with your free will, your mind potential, and your cooperation to follow the life plan created by your TA for the growth and progress of your soul. Upon the attainment of the third circle, you are assigned personal ‘Destiny Guardians’, and you are granted ‘advanced standing’ by the universe administrators. It is at this milestone that you begin to grow weightier souls and your cooperation and curiosity to become more aware of your spiritual potential moves you onto a path that is more aligned with the life plan created by your TA. Eternal survival and fusion with your TA is nearly assured.
“Say hello to your Seraphic Guardians and thank them for their devoted service to insure your eternal survival. They really do love you and are quite affectionate – they love to be acknowledged by you.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4053
Chicago, US of A, June 7, 2011.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Thoughts and the Adjuster of Thoughts.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Teacher Prolotheos: “There is an immense array of useful concepts about thoughts that simply cannot be explored in this lesson. Thoughts are made possible in us through the mind-ministry of the Infinite Spirit. As personal beings, humans have the ability of being aware of their thoughts, even as they think them. Some call this ‘consciousness’. Many are the factors that produce thoughts in your mind, but regardless of their origin, they are very important when they become the basis for your decisions and actions. So, it is right to say that ‘by your thoughts you may live or die’.
“There is a specific ministry related to thoughts. Our Father has sent to the worlds of time and space marvelous fragments of Himself, called Thought Adjusters. It is their specific mission to help you with your thoughts. What they do is what their name implies: They endeavor to ‘adjust’ your thoughts to the will of God. As valuable as it is, the ministry of the Adjutant Spirits, by itself, is not enough to securely lead you to the ‘way of the Father’, because of the constant debased inputs coming from your animal urges. The Spirit Fragment from the Creator that indwells you is capable of impressing powerful ideas upon your mind, although in a gentle way, to convince you to choose to do the will of God.
“Your Thought Adjuster, patiently and continually brings to your consciousness those higher and purer thoughts, giving you spiritual wisdom to conduct yourself well, and leading you to act with unselfish love and service towards your fellow human beings. Only if every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart is continuously evil, and the human’s soul potentials are completely bankrupt, then, your Thought Adjuster leaves you. Otherwise, He stays with you through every situation in life, even if occasionally your slothful thoughts grieves this divine presence in you – for He loves with so great a love, striving in each minor opportunity to change your thoughts towards doing the will of the Father.
“Look back on your own past, my pupil, and see how many changes your Adjuster has produced in your way of thinking. Be assured that these changes are only the beginning of many more to come, until the day you become perfectly synchronized with your Thought Adjuster and fuse to become one with Him. Your thoughts can lead you to live or die, to find truth or continue in error, to love or hate, to harmony or disruption – trust the thoughts you receive from your Thought Adjuster, and base your actions and decisions on them, so the path to God will be signposted before you to walk on. I am Prolotheos, your teacher, glad to enlighten your thoughts on this subject. All is well.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“Don’t throw ‘bread’ to the multitudes, but give it to them one by one,
for a grown man will need more than does a child, and some won’t need any at all.”
– Teacher Prolotheos.