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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3199
Illawarra District, Australia, March 23, 2013.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Guilt and ‘Self-flagellation’.”
Received by George Barnard.
The Damascus Scribe: “At any time, day or night, I am available to you, and much more so than my being a Teacher, I am your Friend. Much more so than my being informed about what goes on around you, I am acutely aware of all happenings pertaining to the Progress Contingent. In leading the very Ruler of Nebadon, I declared the progressive characteristics of my personalized self yet unrealized. My task now is to contribute in any way possible to bring forward the unstoppable tide of Light and Life. Yes, I am the Damascus Scribe.
“We will discuss guilt and self-flagellation as distinct from clear analysis of the self, most determined resolve to improve the self, and tranquility of mind as a result. It is so often forgotten that the evolutionary worlds are the spawning grounds for one of the grand universe’s most important species – humans, mortals – those made of the elements of the planet. It is so often overlooked, not by us, but by you, that you will fail to be perfect in every way, every day, and that you will feel guilt to the point of endearing self-flagellation.
“It (self-flagellation) is no longer such a favorite way of telling the self and others that one was born in sin and may never grow to gain the Creator’s acceptance! Happily the custom is dying out, slowly, yet the mental attitude has hardly improved. There is so much guilt and self-deprecation among you! And this belies the friendly universe you live in. Evolutionary worlds are the training grounds for future emissaries to the outer universes now forming. Mortal men and women will be the true and tested representatives of the Gods.
“We so eagerly want to see you to be accepting of yourself in your weaker moments, seeing your world as a large remedial classroom where great curative powers are unleashed. Perfection is to be attained through learning right from wrong and thereafter defining which path to travel, doggedly, unwavering. So much is lost through clinging to regrets of a past that cannot be altered, and so much is gained by living in the now with a focus on the future! Yes! What roundabout way I have traveled here before getting to the point!
“Here than is my answer for the fearful ones for whom man-made religions of crowd control have painted a God to be dreaded. He is a loving Father Creator, instead! It is a rarity for a Thought Adjuster to be so distressed by human ways as to permanently leave him or her. And it is most uncommon for a human soul to lack all redeeming values. More common is it for those ‘reborn’ on Mansonia to view their tasks in rehabilitation as ‘too awesome’ to even contemplate. These, though few, may well decline eternal life, and be made unreal.
“So I admonish you all to know yourself, strive to always do better, and encourage a calm mind through prayer and meditation. I leave you my love. Carry on my friend.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4632
Chicago, US of A, March 2, 2013.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Evolution.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Evolution is a means by which the Gods ‘print their design’ onto space-time creation. Indeed, it is not the only way by which creation appears in the Universes. There is creation by fiat, by generation and by evolution. Urantia’s evolution of life started with the life formulation by the Life Carriers, and it will go on into the eras of Light and Life through the progressive ‘synthetization’ by the resident Planetary Deity Supreme. Evolution is a complex process which cannot be fully understood, even by the very human beings it produces. Sadly, evolutionary religion does not allow itself to be comprehended, whilst ignorance grossly distorts it.
“The first erroneous concept about evolution on Urantia is the affirmation that life evolution is purely a result of chance. Nothing in the Universes is purely random. God exists and leaves nothing to chance. Even when he gives free choice to personal beings, the very finiteness and limitations of these beings, and the established divine order make their choices to eventually fall within the ultimate plans of the Gods. Evolution has no beginning, neither has conducted randomness. It originates from space energies, is manipulated by highly endowed Celestial Beings, and is developed under close supervision by Celestial Administrators until personality manifests in a particular species.
“Another wrong idea about evolution is the assumption of transitional links between the species. There are mutations within species, but a new species is born fully fledged, with distinct characteristics from its ancestors. Each species has a mutation limit and what comes next is always new. However, when personality manifests in a greatly evolved species, no other species will later manifest personality. That is why from the Primates, only the species which evolved to be human beings, are endowed with personality. The reason why paleontologists can’t find the ‘missing link’ in evolution, is because it never existed. This shows you that an intelligent (divine) design is clearly at work.
“One last wrong idea about evolution is the want to explain everything in terms of evolution. Evolution is pretty well done with on Urantia, especially in human beings. Evolution will not produce a different species more intelligent than human beings. The progress in human civilization is caused by increasing knowledge of biological and physical sciences that is acquired, improved and passed on to new generations. Evolution is a biological process and it is not meant to be a philosophical system to explain everything. Evolution does not explain God, or faith, or moral values in humans; only personality – a treasured gift from God – can explain these concepts.
“Therefore, my pupil, evolution reflects the design of God to bring forth beings that are suited to receive their personality from the Father, and even host the marvelous Fragments of God, the Thought Adjusters. Some religionists cannot accept the reality of evolution because its explanation comes mainly from Science that cannot account for the existence and operation of God in the Universes. Nonetheless, evolution has its own testimony in the geologic history of Urantia, even if mistakenly interpreted by many biased scientists. Only blind religiosity can deny evolution, just as arrogant science denies God. I am Prolotheos. Peace to all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4613
Alabama, US of A, February 16, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Events of the Past.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “It is a normal part of spiritual growth to find one has to face events of the past that remain to be dealt with – lessons that still need to be learned. Sometimes memories of things that seemed to have been forgotten can re-surface for the events to be re-examined from a new perspective in order for one to let go of old fears, hatred or guilt about poor decisions.
“You would be surprised by the amount of spiritual poisons that can remain stored in the minds and souls of mortals. Many of these poisons can remain hidden until those souls involved, in the midst of awakening, can face and resolve them. Even when immediate recall of such hidden events is not available to the mortal mind, they do exert some influence over the personality, and unconsciously affect the decisions and actions of the individual. It is one of the tasks of the Thought Adjusters to help their mortal charges remove those things that are retarding their spiritual growth.
“Nothing remains forever forgotten in the time-space worlds. Those moments of hate, of great passions or great fears always remain ‘pending’ until the personalities involved are able to overcome them and move forward. These moments don’t vanish with death and may even stay behind once the soul has ascended, and from time to time – depending on their intensity – can be perceived by other as ‘ghosts’, ‘visions’, or ‘apparitions’.
“When you decide to grow in spirit you are also deciding to let go of all that baggage of regrets, fears, hate and all other maladies that darken the light that strives to shine through you. This is the price to be paid for the freedom to live in following the guidance of the Father. It is in these moments that human beings will face the pain they have caused others, as well as themselves, and they will also face the consequences of their actions.
“This is when judgement starts, and you become your own judge. Remember that your Father’s love has granted you forgiveness even before you ask for it, but in order for you to experience this forgiveness you must first forgive yourself and those you believe have caused you suffering. Learn the lessons from the mistakes of the past, and leave them behind as steps that helped you reach a higher level in understanding truth. Leave behind all sorrows that prevent you from rising to the level of all those who know themselves to be children of God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3292
Michigan, US of A, March 10, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Equality and the Untapped Potential.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “The message for today is about equality. Do you not know that the Spirit of the Living God lives within you? Both men and women have this Divine Fragment of the Creator that teaches and guides and becomes your partner through the ascension onto Paradise and beyond. The Creator makes no distinction about what sex will receive His Indwelling Spirit. All human beings on this planet have the potential to achieve god-like perfection, and all are considered ascending sons and daughters equally capable of exploring the universes and returning to Him the greatest of experiences.
“There are many places on your world where little girls, young women, and adult women are repressed, abused, raped, sold into slavery, and forced to become prostitutes – shamefully treated like animals, second class citizens, barred from education by men who rule over them and where even in their cultures, societies, and governments they allow such things to continue day in and day out as if the abuse was perfectly normal. Even in the wealthiest of nations there still remains a stigma that women are incapable of equality with men. Nearly half the potential of this planet remains untapped in these God-indwelled daughters of earth and in them shall the Spirit of God light up and bring this dark world to the doorstep of the age of Light and Life.
“The ignorance and foolishness of backward thinking, abuse, and repression shall not persist on a world where the Creator’s Son has declared the planet be reclaimed for the Father’s glory. Those communities, societies, and nations that allow this contempt shall either change or become unsustainable and shall vanish from the face of the earth. The greatest resource in any nation is its people and to have one half of society barred from participation in nation building is suicidal.
“All you students on the path, no matter where on the planet you live, or what society you were born into, have a responsibility to God and to your native planet, to make right this great injustice – lift up the oppressed women of this world, and in doing so, you will witness the greatest expansion of economic development, sustainability, and peace the world has ever known. Look at those nations where women have the most freedom and you will see the greatest wealth – now look at those nations where women have the least freedom – what do you see? You see impoverishment – material, mental, and sociological.
“I admonish you to indulge me in a little exercise that will help you understand what we see when we look at you humans on the earth plane. Whenever you see another person, be it a man, a woman, or a child, I want you to imagine there is a great shining light – like a small sun, above the head of every person that moves with them. Picture this in your mind right now – see it, feel the warmth of it, and feel a loving vibration emanating from it. This is the Indwelling Spirit of God living within each one of you and it is perfect and good – it is divine. How therefore can anyone who knows this truth see another person as something less than himself? You see, herein lies the problem – it is in those individuals that see it not, and know it not, that continue to reign over the daughters of God with ignorance and injustice.
“What can you do to relieve this needless suffering?
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4097
Urantia, March 11, 2013.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “Untold Riches.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “In your meditation this morning you began to vaguely realize what untold riches are awaiting all who endeavor to walk the walk of faith in an unseen God. In His unending love He gave each mortal will creature on the planet a special Gift of Himself – a Spark to guide each mortal through the long and exhilarating ascension path towards perfection. The end-goal of this journey is Paradise. You may literally stand in the presence of this Great being who was, is, and always will be the Creator of the unending advance of evolution. This will allow each evolving creature to contribute their special gifts, still hidden during their foundational earth life.
“Life is so full of promise that no mortal creature can even begin to comprehend what riches are locked up within their selves. Life is absolutely to be honored as no one can give themselves life, no matter how they might try in the earthly laboratories. For Spirit is the only one who gives the spark of life. It has been mentioned before and needs to be mentioned again, that whenever anywhere a conception happens, it is the Infinite Spirit who gives the life-Spark for the conception to be successful. Therefore, realize that there is simply nothing that can happen without the all-knowingness of God. Each conception is noted and also the circumstances during which this co-creative action takes place. At present on this planet, this act is often thoughtlessly consummated, and it is the sincere hope on the part of the celestials that the humans in ‘sandbox earth’ will finally grow up to realize the tremendous gifts they have been given, and choose to honor each other as such.
“Life carries many hidden gifts within itself, and they are the untold riches which at this time will hardly come to fruition due to the squandering of many young lives in senseless wars. How this planet could have bloomed if all these promising lives had a chance to develop and realize some of the wealth hidden so deep within them! Any developed gift represents a thank you note to the Giver, who knows what each mortal is capable of becoming. Do you truly realize how gifted you all are? Consider the untold riches waiting to be developed in each one of you. Your divine blueprint carries those as-yet-concealed gifts, which will come to full fruition during your experiences in eternal life, should you choose to gain a personal living faith in this foundational life.
“This is the most important choice you will make – to develop your faith and allow yourself to listen and act on the guidance from the Spark from God within, and tap into your hidden wealth of untold riches.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.