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- Written by: Magisterial Son Monjoronson
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 4819
Mattawan, Michigan US of A, April 26, 2020.
Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.
Subject: “Keep Your Eyes on the Horizon.”
Message received by Vicki Vanderheyden.
Monjoronson: “In times like these when you find yourself functioning outside your usual routines, you may sense an unsettledness, a feeling that leaves you unable to relax. It is like you are in a continual state of anxiety, as if you’re on the edge of your seat, in fear of what waits for you around the corner. Indeed, many of you have experienced such disruptions to your lives and some now realize that even when events return you to a more normal way of living, that it will not be quite the same.
“May we remind you that though your life has been unseated, there are those aspects of living on this planet that always seem to remain the same. Each day when you awaken, the sun rises at its appropriate time just as it sets at the onset of night. You can count on the fact that whether it is a clear night or not, you are surrounded by countless heavenly bodies scattered across the sky. And each morning you will be greeted by life around you that springs into action following the very same planetary cycles that you do in your place on Earth. Whether it be the phases of the moon or the tides it creates, you begin your day, every day, by entering into a world of endless cycles that continue to inform you that a part of your life goes on in a predictable fashion with or without this crisis.
“We ask that you remind yourself of these parts of your life on this planet so that they may provide you with some form of consistent and tangible reality to hold onto. That every day, you can look outside yourself and count on the fact that there will be a horizon for you to view and that you can decide on what part of that horizon you wish to focus on. This is a part of your life that you can embrace, that can provide you with stability, continuity, security and relaxation.
“Those of you on the front line who find yourselves in a reality so different, that you have little time to ponder about anything else, will someday look upon these events as life altering. You will one day realize that the bonds you established with others at this time, will be lifelong. And wherever you are planted after these times, you will discover that you view yourself in a totally different light.
“If your current reality is one of such strife and such suffering that you lack the energy to barely lift your head, we remind you to keep your eyes on the horizon, for there will be something there that you can hold onto until life inevitably changes for you. And in less than a day’s time, if you maintain a healthy frame of mind, you will be reminded that there truly is something you can smile about and be grateful for.
“Wherever you may be, in whatever reality life has handed you, know that there we are watching over you, amazed at your courage and resilience and that we are here to remind you that wherever you are, you have purpose and value in your life. That in your place in time, you provide another with purpose and value as well, all of which contributes to the growth and evolution of this world. We commend you. We bless you and we will be there to support you wherever you may land.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I tell you clearly and plainly that no darkness can withstand
the focus of the Father’s light. – Monjoronson
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- Hits: 30168
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 27926
Financial Support
The 11:11 Progress List, the 11:11 Angels Message board and the various websites are proudly brought to you by 11:11 Progress Group. This is a group run by George Barnard, and it incurs considerable operating expenses. We currently need financial support so we can continue to distribute the celestial messages of love and peace. As we are not a registered charity, we must offer you something in return for your financial support. Thus we are offering our Certificates of Appreciation made out to your name. To buy these, click below on one of the PayPal icons. Please note these Certificates of Appreciation are not tax deductible - they are not "donations".
US$5 Certificate of Appreciation (or multiples)
US$10 Certificate of Appreciation (or multiples)
US$50 Certificate of Appreciation (or multiples)
US$100 Certificate of Appreciation (or multiples)
Thank you for supporting the 11:11 Progress Group of receivers of Celestial Messages
and Akashic Construct Healers.
If you don’t have PayPal or a Credit Card, you can send a US$ money order made out to:
George Barnard.
P.O. Box 1009 Albion Park Rail,
New South Wales, Australia 2527.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 55299
"The Inner Sherpa"
Daily Manna from Above.
Is the very first issue of a series of spiritual books by the author, Anyas Spencer, a regularly contributing member of the 11:11 Progress Group.
This 390 page perfect-bound gem tells of Anyas’ success in making, and daily renewing, contact with her Guide (Inner Sherpa), as well as with many other Celestial Helpers and Teachers. This writing teaches one — anyone — to calm the mind and reach out to the many Celestial Teachers who are in turn ‘biting at the bit’ to acquire a human student and thereby enhance their personal eternal careers.

The Search for 11:11
"The Search for 11:11" details George Barnard's association of decades with these valiant and trustworthy creatures. Its 260 pages relate to his discovering who they are, and the many ways in which a platoon of Midwayers and a lone mortal can make themselves useful for the benefit of many.These extraordinary planetary helpers - sometimes known as the Midway creatures - dwell in the realms midway between angel and human, and belong to a group just 1,111 in number. Their 11:11 time-prompts, known to many around the world, are the signals of their presence. They and their human helpmates quietly serve the planet behind the scenes. These interspecies teams have usually gone unrecorded in the annals of history - until now. George Barnard is among the first to achieve visual recognition of these beings, and the only known living mortal to work with them for more than four decades. In this book, the first in a series, Barnard goes public for the first time with a compelling story of revelation, healing, and planetary redemption.
Reviews • Sample chapters • Sample chapters in PDF format
Buy from Bookmasters Buy from Amazon Buy Kindle Version

In the Service of 11:11
"In the Service of 11:11" continues George Barnard's association with the midwayers. Its 240 pages continue the many ways in which a platoon of Midwayers and a lone mortal can make themselves useful for the benefit of many. This book covers some even more amazing adventures. This is the second book of the amazing story of the mysterious Spirit Guardians.
Buy from Bookmasters Buy from Amazon Kindle Version

The anatomy of the halfway realm
"The anatomy of the halfway realm" is the third book of the amazing story of the mysterious Spirit Guardians. This book provides a roadmap for all those who have received the 11:11 prompt, and for anyone who would dare to serve in partnership with the 1,111.
George Barnard is Dutch by birth, French by descent, and Australian by choice. Since childhood, he has been aware of Spirit Guardians who often guided and protected him. In his career as an industrialist, and later a therapist, these Spirit Friends assisted him in emergencies - from saving lives to rescuing companies from disaster. They seek to make us aware that this unique human-celestial liaison is available to all who seek it and wish to serve.

The Guiding Light Within
Author’s Foreword
In everlasting gratitude to the Creator of all, I shall endeavor to briefly explain the journey of my quest for soul-peace. Having been raised in the strict doctrine of Calvinism, and the teaching of the first catechism, my siblings and I were left with precious little room to either appreciate, or even validate ourselves. Laboring under the concept of having been conceived and born in sin, we were raised to believe we were incapable of doing anything right. To me this always was a very dismal outlook on life, besides my learning that Jesus had to pay for our sins with his blood by being nailed to a cross. His having been crucified for our sins, never sat well with me. I remembered a story of long ago about a king who employed a gardener. Both had sons of about the same age, and the prince and the gardener’s son often played together. One day, the gardener’s son did something seriously wrong, but the king made the prince pay for the misdeed of the gardener’s son. This story really woke me up! I knew a loving God would never subject his Son to punishment so undeserved. My search now started in earnest, and I began looking for the Master in many different churches, yet I was unable to find Him. One day, I cried out to Him in desperation, and immediately I was blessed with a glorious Lightbeam, which forever anchored me between heaven and earth. In that instant I knew that the name of a church, or its teachings, were not important. Only my connection to Jesus was of the essence. Peace beyond understanding filled my soul, and my prevously troubled life finally had great meaning to me. After a while, I was urged to keep that connection open from my end, so I started my early morning meditations. I journaled my daily conversations with Jesus, so I could re-read them whenever I felt the need. Over time, different voices taught me, and finally I made contact with that most important Spark from God, which lives in each of us, guiding us throughout our lives lives, if we so will it. There arrived a newness in my life with the knowing that we all have a part to play in creation, and that our planet is just as lovingly ministered to as are all other planets in time and space. Herewith, I offer you, the reader, together with my heartfelt gratitude to all Celestials who assisted me on my path, the results of my daily listening. Lytske
Editor’s Note
I am not the author of this work. I am merely the one given the honor of editing, pre-formatting, and initially publishing this important work. Channelers abound in these twenty-first-century Times of Correction; this new age. However, very few would be prepared to give their time each single day, year after year, and in total meditative stillness to listen to celestial advice. Sheer persistence allowed this receiver of messages to hear from Midwayers and Angels, Machiventa Melchizedek, Jesus of Nazareth, Mother Spirit – and after much training to attain near perfect Stillness – the Indwelling Spirit. This truly is a major achievement, and yet . . . In bringing these valuable lessons to the people, the author wishes to remain anonymous. It is a way of saying, “I took notation, and that is all. The messages in this book came from the Fragment of God that indwells me, and who knows all matters better than does the mere mortal that I am.” Much time was spent in putting together these 380 pages for the printer to do what printers excel in. At all times were my celestial advisors present with encouraging words. My wishes are for you, the reader, to enjoy this epic work as much as I treasure this labor of love of one of the 11:11 Progress Group’s founding members and generous contributors May God bless you . . . George M. Barnard.

The Akashic Construct
George Barnard has worked with hundreds of individuals to help them make auditory or visual contact with their angels. As a professional hypnotherapist, with some 50 years personal experience of angelic contact, he has plenty of experience to share. This CD contains the secrets that he himself uses to reach the deep alpha levels needed to make contact. Together with the techniques of deep meditation, George takes you on a carefully structured guided meditation into the realm of your very own Akashic Workshop. Of course nobody can guarantee that you will make the breakthrough yourself today, or next week, but it is generally believed that with enough effort virtually all of us can contact our angelic guides. It's up to you to make that effort. There are three tracks on this CD. The first track is a relaxation. This teaches you to relax. You need to practice this track for a week. Track two is deep alpha. This helps you to get into the deep mind state for the last track. Practice this for a week. Finally the Akashic Construct. This is fabulous.
See what folks say about using the CD • Read about their experiences • Read what forum participants say

All You Need to Find Success is Here
Do you ever feel you can’t achieve your dreams? Do you feel like you do the work but nothing is happening? Do you wonder what is missing? The author felt it too and his life changed for the better when he began practicing the four basic principles to success described in this book. Discover how you can find the opportunities that never seem to come your way. It is not magic; it is just a change of focus that gives you the power to take control of your life. We cause most of the difficulties that we experience in our lives by wishing for things that we don’t really want or need. We make the effort, we struggle, and still we don’t seem to get anywhere. Success is yours to have and it is yours to shape. Success is a uniquely individual achievement and a state of being, not a result. Success is possible for everybody but each one of us must first find it within ourselves by determining what we really want out of life. Break free from your limiting desires and expectations and start the exploration that will take you to where you are really meant to be.
Financial Support
The 11:11 Progress List, the 11:11 Angels Message board and the various websites are proudly brought to you by 11:11 Progress Group. This is a group run by George Barnard, and it incurs considerable operating expenses. We currently need financial support so we can continue to distribute the celestial messages of love and peace. As we are not a registered charity, we must offer you something in return for your financial support. Thus we are offering our Certificates of Appreciation made out to your name. To buy these, click below on one of the PayPal icons. Please note these Certificates of Appreciation are not tax deductible - they are not "donations".
US$5 Certificate of Appreciation (or multiples)
US$10 Certificate of Appreciation (or multiples)
US$50 Certificate of Appreciation (or multiples)
US$100 Certificate of Appreciation (or multiples)
Thank you for supporting the 11:11 Progress Group of receivers of Celestial Messages
and Akashic Construct Healers.
If you don’t have PayPal or a Credit Card, you can send a US$ money order made out to:
George Barnard.
P.O. Box 1009 Albion Park Rail,
New South Wales, Australia 2527.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 19777
Welcome to the 11:11 Progress Group Messages.
How often have you noticed the numbers 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, 22:22, 12:34, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55 popping up all over the place? These number sequences are not necessarily only time prompts. They can also be number sequences, like 333, 1111 etc. To your mind, is this a coincidence, or are they too frequent to be random? Perhaps you are puzzled or amused by this phenomenon? Possibly even a little bit nervous? The question everyone is asking is "What does 11:11 mean?" and "Is there a reason for this?" And there certainly is.
Millions of folks all around the world are now seeing these amazing 11:11 prompts. They are folks of all colours, all religions, all beliefs. It's spreading, and becoming far more common; it's become a major phenomenon. Someone or something is causing all these folks to look at clocks, number plates, phone numbers or any source of numbers even when they make no effort themselves to look for these things. You can even change your clocks in the house, and you will still be prompted, at the "wrong" time. You can't stop it, because YOU aren't doing it. Sometimes you will even see these numbers flashing after a power outage, even though digital clocks are supposed to reset to 12:00, not 11:11 or 12:12!
These 11:11 Wake-Up Calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the "trademark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels, and the 11:11 prompt is their way of using our innate ability for pattern recognition to let us know that they are here. Once they have your attention, they will use other digits, like 12:34, or 2:22 to remind you of their presence. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real.
Our earthly 1,111 Spirit Guardians, often called "Midwayers," have been assisting folks of all walks of life for many centuries. George Barnard, the original human member of the 11:11 Progress Group, has been privileged to call them his family, his coworkers, friends and teachers for almost 60 years. Get an introduction into some of George's experiences in "From the Desk of George Barnard".
Some folks also notice lights going out or on when they pass by, such as street lights. They may also hear the door bell ring, yet there is no one in sight. It's all due to our fun loving midway friends. They will use almost any electrically controlled device to get your attention. They can and will change traffic lights, but we have found that often damages the electronic circuits, so we don't suggest you ask for that.
Sign up for the 11:11 Email Mailing List to receive the beautiful uplifting messages from various types of Celestial Beings. Members of the 11:11 Progress Group receive these communications on an almost daily basis. The new ones are sent to the email list, and posted on our message board. Some of the past messages are found in the Celestial Message pages and on our sister sites. Also, you can go to our 11:11 Message Board site to connect with other 11'ers, and share your experiences. This message board has many stories about the wonderful Akashic Construct process and the successes folks have had with this. There is even a specific 11:11 site dealing with the Akashic Construct, a CD that is revolutionizing how people make contact with their guides.
A new age of "Spiritual Uplift" has begun on our planet. There are now literally billions of Celestial beings here, all of whom have been especially trained to assist with changing the course of this planet. Many more of these delightful Spirit Guardians are now ready to assist whoever will ask for their help. As a tribute to the centuries-long tenure of the original 1,111 Celestial Helpers, they have retained the customary 11:11 prompts. We are told that well over a million folks are being given these 11:11 prompts, and a glance around the web will tell you something big is happening. Welcome to being an 11'er.