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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 1411
Michigan, US of A, February 21, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Intuition.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today’s lesson is about recognizing and acting on your intuition; that knowing that comes from deep within. It is through this ‘quiet knowing’ – which the Indwelling Spirit and your guides use to whisper and point the way – that you may grow in wisdom through the experiences of living and the making of right choices. How many times have you said, ‘If only I had listened to my intuition,’ or ‘I should have gone with my first thought?’
“Many times are you influenced by spirit to take a course of action that will lead to progress and growth, and yet these leadings are not always perceived by you as beneficial to your temporal wants and needs, and still, most often do they add value to your future life in preparation for the next phase of your universe career. All too often the leadings of spirit get lost in the mind chatter of daily life from the over-dependence on societal programming and media overload. Intuition is that ‘nudge’ or a ‘knocking on the door’ of the human heart that requires a more introspective examination by the mind to listen and become aware of spiritual leadings.
“Learn to quieten the mind at a moments notice when you hear the knocking of intuition, then follow your feelings. There is a subtle difference between following feelings and acting on impulsive thoughts. Learn to discern the difference my beloveds. Act in accordance with the values of truth, beauty, and goodness; and know that your decisions will cause no harm to others, or be of selfish intent.
“As the soul grows the mind continues to evolve in pattern with the Morontia mind, which is ever responsive to Adjuster attunement. This attunement with the Father fragment allows for greater communication and ‘hearing’ of the Indwelling Spirit’s leadings, and therefore will you have more confidence in your intuitive interpretations. It is this perpetual handshake of hearing, feeling, and doing that feeds the soul and attunes the mind that brings us ever closer to perfection attainment. Let us therefore clear the mind from the chatter of worldly static, and listen with the heart, so we may walk in the righteous path of the Father’s will for our lives.
“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Receiver’s note: The term ‘intuition’ is used in reference to the popular human definition: instinctive knowledge or belief; not necessarily referring to the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Intuition, which operates on a more primitive and physical level of instinct in the mechanical mind.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 1387
Alabama, US of A, November 13, 2013.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Reversion.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “It is not possible for a human being to live without experiencing physical exhaustion. Certainly, reversion is often a necessity to recharge your energy and re-focus your efforts on your struggle to reach perfection. Therefore, today we will talk some about reversion and what it does for the human being.
Reversion is returning to the simpler and less demanding activities of your experiential past. When you feel tired because of the demands of the fight for material survival, or when you face defeat in your efforts to be better, you can take some rest. This rest typically involves doing something you experienced in the past that is relaxing to your body and your mind. This rest can be the absence of activity, but often you can also recharge your energy doing simple things that bring you peace, such as gardening, taking a walk in nature, visiting a dear one, etc.
Reversion is doing something to deviate your attention for a moment from the things that worry you. Often you will discover that the problems that today seem so complex and hard to resolve, will be considered less grave and even trivial when you look at them from a refreshed point of view. Often, these problems will seem to resolve themselves. Reversion is a resource that you should keep in your toolbox to help you cope with the challenges of life.
Even when reversion is necessary you must keep the activities you choose to relax in harmony with your highest ideals. What you do to recover your energies must never be a source of suffering to others. When you practice reversion, you are not taking a license to forget your spiritual progress and go backwards on your movement toward perfection. Reversion – true rest – represents a pause on your path to your eternal destiny, it is never going back.
However, there are many forms of entertainment that keep the human beings of the present distracted. Entertainment and distractions have a place in human life, but when the search for pleasure becomes the main goal in life these activities turn into vices, because they effectively function as traps that stop spiritual progress. Remember that you have come to this world to become like God and, even if sometimes you need a pause on the way, your vision must always remain on that eternal goal.
Finally, remember that reversion, rest, and entertainment do not have to be complicated. Do not distress because others can enjoy pleasures apparently more elaborate and attractive. All you need to grow spiritually – the best things in life – are already provided for you. Many times, a smile and a hug from a dear one can be the balm that provides an additional push to your efforts after experiencing defeat in reaching a higher spiritual level. Remember this when your peers come to you for comfort and guidance. Lastly, do not forget that the main source of spiritual energy is already within you, in the presence of the Father inside your being. Take some time daily to connect with this renewing force that moves you higher, ensuring this way that you have all the necessary resources to keep forward in your journey to attain perfection.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 1294
Oregon, USA, January 26, 2021.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Put a Positive Spin on Life.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “The Father is 100% partial to goodness because evil has no room in His consciousness. Its trompe l’oeil may fool many. Nevertheless, it is doomed to self-engulf in the quicksand of its lies and deception as soon as nothing but the truth commends collective attention to its disrespectful bluff.
It is also why the Divine is so patient toward those who exhibit evil propensities. Time is needed to separate the wheat from the chaff with extreme caution. He will then sanctify the cremated ashes of the weeds by scattering them over His field of dreams, repurposing them as growth-enhancing fertilizers to yield a magnificent crop of golden wheat bursting with truth, beauty, and goodness.
The sublime chemistry of these prime ingredients opens a portal to the kingdom of the hearts. Their presence in you — even as trace elements — is your insurance policy that the Father will not give up on you, as He never allows anything of lasting value to go to waste.
Therefore, do not prematurely write off your planetary siblings as irredeemable because they still operate in a B.C. [Before Conversion] mode. This momentous event will forever alter their mind- and heart-set by catalyzing their dormant potentials.
However, once a soul makes the irrevocable self-governing decision to cease to exist, it will be so — by human decree, not divine ruling. It pays a hefty price by self-issuing its death sentence, forfeiting the fulfillment of its delectable heavenly aspirations for their eternal destiny.
Encourage one another in Jesus’ cheerful fashion. Focus on the light — within you and in others. By putting such a positive spin on how you view yourself and others, you will most assuredly be a bright spot in the living canvas.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above” and
“Home Schooled By Spirit” Series
are now also available on Amazon.au in Paperback and Kindle Versions.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 1344
Urantia, February 22, 2006.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Learn from the Master.”
Message received by Lytske
Thought Adjuster: “My child, the road you travel in your mortal lifetime is only the first step in your eternal life. Therefore, the more you come to Me in the Silence, the more lovingly and securely I can guide you. To begin with, you would discern more clearly what is meant to be living God’s will for you in this existence.
God’s will is actually so very simple. It is the way with the most love in it. You can search your mind and determine where you fall short, and which situations in life present a hurdle for you to overcome – and for you to attain that precious peace of mind, which you so sincerely desire.
When this peace is not present, think of where you went wrong. Perhaps it was a harsh word to someone or negative thoughts and judgments. Yes, My dear one, these all point to situations to be mastered, especially your speaking and acting in haste.
Learn from the Master Jesus, and His teachings while He lived His Life in the flesh on this planet. Consider the difficulties He had to overcome, even at a young age, and how He, in all matters, turned within to His Father in heaven. What a triumphant Life He led, despite all sorts of difficulties and temptations.
You too, can live close to Me, and I shall lead you according to My divine blueprint in doing the will of God in all things.
Open your heart, soul and mind. Come willingly to Me in the Silence where we shall become increasingly as one.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 1280
Illawarra District, Australia, February 13, 2010.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Consider the Entire Gamut.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “I greet you, brother, and the thought comes to mind about how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. I brought some friends along, quite a few students, and we now barely fit into the space of this small office. Some of your visitors are former humans of long, long ago, and Andrea is here to translate the lesson, so they all will understand what is being said. Firstly, greetings to you both from all who right here have their ears trained.
“I wish to talk with you about patience, and this talk will be beneficial to all who are so involved with the 11:11 Progress Group. For you it can be hard to see what progress you are making. Equally, or even more so, it would be difficult to ascertain what progress your Midwayer friends are making. It would be interesting for you to see the numbers that are actually taught by us, and it would astound you to learn of the number of Teachers, like Aaron and Samuel.
“Go back over the years of our contact, and recall clearly now for how long we worked with you subliminally, allowing you to wake up in the morning knowing what you needed to know. Think of the length of time during which our lessons for you came word for word, slowly, tirelessly. Think of the time when we strung together a number of sentences, and let you muddle your way through the lesson, and finally, as we gave you the mere concept only, then supervised your writing.
“Consider the entire gamut of these experiences and in your impatience of ‘not a thing happening fast enough,’ consider that at this point in time millions are being taught in some way or another – in their dreams, with a few words, a sentence here and there, a new concept that suddenly ‘arrives at the gray matter,’ even fiction or poetry that happens to awaken, or is made to ring a bell. It is not for the whole of humanity to see us and hear from us regularly to then post our lessons.
“We are at our tasks, tirelessly, relentlessly, and with great patience this world will be turned around to resemble a normal world, perhaps outshine a great many others, as our Prince Machiventa sees to Michael’s mandates for the rehabilitation of this troubled sphere. With just one person at a time, we will gain the numbers that will make for true democracy and equality, a sharing and caring that will lead this world away from total enslavement of all, which some do project.
“Remember, ignorance is no longer bliss, and that which is imbued with love and faith, equality and charity, truth, beauty and goodness, always wins, for these are the rules, the very laws, of the Creator of all, who will have it no other way. It’s good to find you at your post. Au revoir from us all. This is ABC-22.”
Receiver’s afterthoughts: George Orwell’s book “1984” containing the saying “Ignorance is Bliss” was inspired by the Midwayers. They, not George Orwell, inspired the title, and therewith left their signature on the inspired work. It was in fact also a silent hint to those on High that the 1,111 loyal Midwayers were looking forward to the return of the 873 banished Midwayers, so the entire tribe of 1984 would be together again.
However, my thoughts that George Orwell was actually considering a rather much later date/title for his book are just that … merely my thoughts.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.