- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 8417
The Thought Adjuster transmission set out below is randomly taken from a daily devotional named “The Guiding Light Within.”
A Most Wondrous And Fascinating Journey.
The deepest longings of your heart are known to Me; the self-appointed Fragment from the Creator. That ‘niggling something,’ as you call it, is your desire to be totally consumed by My love.
Unconditional love is so sadly lacking on your planet, and you, too, were raised with only conditional love. This merely stems from the fact that your parents were raised in the same way, and they could not know the difference in those days.
The great and glorious news is that all the shortcomings -- all the leftovers from the Lucifer Rebellion -- such as fear, hate, greed, jealousy, and more, are now slowly diminishing, as the inauguration of the Time of Correction has started. A welcome new age has begun to show its fruits in the hearts and souls and minds of mortals everywhere.
The grace of the Creator, through your universe Master Son, Michael, better known on your planet as Jesus the Christ, has instituted this great and glorious plan.
Believe it, My child, all shall eventually grow into a desire to find their own Fragment of God, so patiently waiting inside of them, as their urges are growing into strong desires, yet always depending on their free will.
This needs to be stressed.
Surely, each thinking and feeling mortal’s yearning will be answered when they turn within the Silence of their heart, for all they have to do is ask wholeheartedly and sincerely, and they, too, shall be filled with God’s grace, to hunger no more.
Truly, life in the mortal estate can become a most wondrous and fascinating journey, simply by one’s uplifting of the thought processes.
Enjoy this unending journey, dear one, for there is no hurry.
All eternity is waiting.
The Guiding Light Within – by Lytske is available from http://www.1111angels.net/old_files/TheLight.html
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- Written by: Life Carrier Orion
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 9820
Illawarra District, Australia, February 5, 2012.
Life Carrier, Orion.
Subject: “The Known Unknowns.”
Received by George Barnard.
Orion: “To many on your world it is a perplexing thing that a brother can marry his sister, and that such can go on for generation after generation without ill effect to the offspring. Here, of course, I am referring to the Adamites, and to a somewhat lesser degree to the progeny of Andon and Fonta.
“In the case of the Adamites, I note, these were truly supernatural beings, and so designed to ‘withstand’ the intermarriage of close relatives without ill effects. They could have successfully bred up to 1 million or more, and still not show (anything like) the degenerative affects your present-day species would encounter in similar circumstances.
“We consider the Andon and Fonta pair, and here we have a different set of circumstances. Firstly, these two were twins, and they were the first step into humanness, having evolved from an animal species that could successfully breed in tight clans for thousands of years. Their somewhat simple and undifferrated genetic structure allowed for this, and Andon and Fonta, by and large, inherited this structure.
“Consider for instance a pigeon pair; two eggs are laid, and soon you have a healthy new breeding pair. So you see there is great strength in the simpler creations. For humans as they evolve and diversify, becoming more complex, really, it is important that interbreeding is avoided, even outlawed. Indeed, the Nodites of old, supernatural as they were, also interbred successfully to a very large degree.
“We are the Life Carriers that were present on your world for eons of time, bending, prodding, and encouraging life on the planet to evolve into a creature that could house the presence of God, looking for, if I may re-coin this phrase, ‘known unknowns’ that would surprise us, and further assist us to produce more perfect human species on other worlds.
“This we do to so honor our Creator, to gain more advanced mind endowments from our Mother Spirit, and to in the fullness of time fuse with a Fragment of the Creator himself. I am Orion, delighted to here visit a long-time friend.”
George: “Thank you Brother. Known unknowns, indeed.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 13443
Michigan, US of A, February 5, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Exclusivity of Belief.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we will talk about faith, beliefs, and religion, and how these things create a construct for the kind of experiences one will have that may lead to spiritual growth or spiritual stagnation. For any kind of spiritual growth, there must be faith -- to believe in God and things unseen -- hope for a better tomorrow and a desire for life eternal. This is the true foundation of spiritual growth. Without it, a belief system is merely a philosophy.
“Atheism is a belief system without faith and without God, and no real spiritual benefit can be had by this belief system nor can it produce a map for the afterlife, which is vital to eternal survival. There are far too many on your world who believe in ‘nothing’ and are headed down a path to oblivion and spiritual death. The expectation of these individuals is that once the physical body expires, life, the personality, and the identity of the individual is terminated and no longer holds a presence or consciousness in time or space. This is most unfortunate because they have ‘willed’ that there be no life hereafter, and so that individual having no map to the afterlife, may find themselves lost and in darkness -- a problem that is systemic on Urantia.
“Religion, on the other hand, is a practice of rituals or doctrinal teachings by a group that sets boundaries and limits to the construct of faith according to the religious credos of the group. It requires of its devotees to accept without question, the tenants of its creeds and to practice and adhere to the religious doctrines taught by the group. This type of belief system may be beneficial to spiritual growth and may provide a foundation for higher concepts of God as the individual progresses and produces good fruit in their life experiences, relationships with others, devotion to God and to service -- evidence of spiritual growth. However, because religion is ‘exclusive’ and sets boundaries by its crystallized dogmas, the devotee may be limited in their concept of God and may not fully realize their true spiritual potential in their terrestrial life.
“One of the dangers of religious exclusivity is that it may seek to impose its views on others’ beliefs and attempt to control governmental and societal institutions to promote its exclusive agenda over other faiths. This is the beginning of tyranny and a spiraling into darkness as was witnessed on Urantia in the medieval period and still persists in many countries and cultures today. With each new generation, the lessons of the past begin to fade from the collective consciousness and the danger of repeating those mistakes persist. It is one of the many goals of The Correcting Time to prevent this backward slide into darkness and to move humanity forward by revealing a higher concept of deity that is all inclusive and that unites, rather than divides, all peoples.
“In order for your world to become sustainable and keep a forward momentum towards Light and Life, world religions must become more tolerant and open the closed loop of exclusivity. Interfaith groups are leading the way to this all inclusive belief in ‘one God, many paths.’ Many souls who adhere to the exclusivity of religion will be surprised in the afterlife that ‘Hell’ is not as populated as they were taught to believe and that they themselves had not achieved perfection in one life by merely crossing over. When all religions teach that the Spirit of the Creator lives in every man, woman, and child, then will the exclusivity doctrines change into the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. This my friends, is the age of Light and Life.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 13811
Chicago, US of A, February 5, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Actions and their Repercussions.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Everything we do causes repercussions, either intended by us, or not. That is a universal law. No action taken by any creature in the universe is neutral, or circumscribed to its actor. That is the very essence of our expression in time and space. The same way you cannot take back words once they are uttered, actions, too: once put in motion, will follow their path and will cause other motions, like the fall of a dominoes chain. Repercussions are secondary actions that also affect people, things and situations, beyond the original or primary action’s goal or intention.
“When the Gods and the superior beings in the universe act, they are able to anticipate what would be the repercussions of their actions in the long term. The Gods, being infinitely perfect, act in perfection of purpose and all their direct actions are incapable of going awry by themselves. However, even Gods’ actions, when they enter the interactions of time and space with finite beings, whose action’s repercussions may reflect their limitations or imperfections, those primary and perfect actions may swing many times around the universes before accomplishing the perfect purpose originally intended for them.
“Human beings, however, rarely think about the consequences of their actions before acting. A good decision-making process finds the best way of acting, but should also include the thinking-ahead and projecting which undesirable repercussions these decisions might in the long run cause for others. While some repercussions can be anticipated, others, depending on third part reactions, are virtually impossible of being predicted. However, as a rule, human decisions should wisely leave room for foreseeable possibilities, and be acted out with discretion. Acting only after thinking of possible repercussions is to act responsibly.
“There are several reasons why human beings are sometimes unable to think about the repercussions of their decisions, which range from poor thinking to total inconsideration for others’ well-being. Most of human decisions suffer from immediatism – acting to achieve short-term results. Greed, besides being insatiable, is also impatient. Another human decision’s illness is emotionalism – making decisions on the heat of overwhelming emotions. Crimes of passion are amongst the ones to later cause most regret. However, the ‘old selfishness’ is mostly what makes human beings not think about their actions’ repercussion on others, because those with this personality ailment only know how to concern themselves with themselves.
“You cannot predict every repercussion resulting from your decisions. However, right there within you dwells a Spirit Fragment of God that can help you make decisions with others taken into consideration. Besides, have in mind that the Paradise Father is the Creator, Sustainer and Controller of all. Once you have made your best decision, do not entertain endless mental debate, which also brings dangerous inertia; act confidently knowing that you did your best, and know that your still limited, and less-than-perfect actions will eventually find their path into God’s all encompassing perfect will.
“I am Prolotheos, your spiritual tutor, glad to share these thoughts with you. My love is with you”.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 13606
Urantia, February 5, 2012 (date of formatting).
The Beloved One.
Subject: “Breaking Free.”
The Beloved One: “This lesson in a somewhat different vein is to show you how to break free from your spiritual inertia of your long-held beliefs, which are not totally true. It is when you open your mind that you let new insights come. The more you get used to opening your mind, just a little further to let ring the truth bells deep within you, the more you are breaking free of long held thoughts and habits which no longer serve you.
“This breaking free pertains to the urge in your soul to grow God-ward. It represents ‘the shaking loose of old shackles’, which have held you so long in bondage of fear, and ‘the way things have always been done’. You will dare to break free from your habitual tendencies to let your thoughts run through the familiar channels, so you are no longer afraid to entertain a greater truth in your heart and mind.
“Habitual thinking is regressive, turning the life you are living into the mundane and humdrum. Like the Master stated, ‘Search all things but save the best’. Of course you would not go searching for the ways to demoralize your soul. This is a given. In all manner of things seek to do the will of God, and in keeping yourself occupied in this manner, you will be led into ways which will break you free from your spiritual inertia.
“Such is the path of the ones who desire to increase their God-given light within. It is always your choice and freedom as to which path to pursue, but once you realize which path leads to a higher and better way in life, you will choose the way with the most love in it, which helps you to grow heaven-ward. This is the meaning and purpose of life -- to do the best you can in order to become the best you can be.
“It is the perpetual urge from Paradise which draws you God-ward and helps you to break through your reluctance to explore the higher things of value and meanings, without being stifled by former conditioning. In this manner, life offers a much greater freedom, a deep inner feeling of joy, and a rightness of life itself. In this way you will discover that all the lessons you are walked through have a much higher purpose than you could ever imagine -- a purpose which will become clearer with each of the many following stages of your eternal existence.
“It is your very goal to break free into becoming the perfected you”.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.