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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2449
Asheville, NC, US of A, February 26, 2017.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “Try it before you buy it.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Chris: “Teachers, a reader asks: There is a book by Mario Martinez in which he purports that there are three wounds that cause disease in the body: Shame, Betrayal, and Abandonment. He says that to heal the mind and body one needs to create a healing field of Honor, Loyalty, and Commitment and to do this, you must ‘embody’ these qualities and through the expression of ‘righteous anger,’ you allow for the release and self-forgiveness of these energies through the breath. Could you please provide further guidance on this postulate and why it is that those who appear to be spiritually awakened continue to suffer from illness even though they fully understand the cause and the effect?
Teacher Ophelius: “Dear One, there is much truth in this concept yet ‘righteous anger’ is not the only catalyst for the release of these negative energetic fields. You see, Dear One, you humans are far more powerful than you believe yourselves to be — you are co-creators by design and your beliefs (the story you tell yourself) are the embodiment of who you are at present. The physical manifestation of these beliefs becomes the outward appearance — the body in sympathy (health/disease). Mr. Martinez suggests replacing a negative belief (forms of fear) with a positive antithesis and by doing so the field that creates the disease shall transform into a field of vitality, but to do this, you must believe it — tell yourself a new story.
“To activate a new belief, you must embody that belief, and to do this there needs to be ‘action.’ Expression is a form of action and so this ‘righteous anger’ would be one way to catalyze the gesture needed to put the belief into action — it becomes a ‘statement of intention’ which becomes the ‘clarion call’ for the healing to begin. However, merely stating the intention becomes hollow until action takes place. You may look like a duck, and quack like a duck, but until you walk like a duck, you are not a duck. Righteous anger, in this case, puts an exclamation point on the intention — it imprints more deeply in the sub-conscious — ‘I believe the new story because I can no longer accept or allow the belief in the old story which creates my suffering!’
“Someone who appears to have awakened spiritually can be aware of the ‘story,’ make statements of intention — may read widely on the subject and even teach it to others, but until it is set in motion through action, which becomes your new experience, you may not wholly believe it. If you are to replace Shame, Betrayal, and Abandonment with Honor, Loyalty, and Commitment you must go and do those things and ‘feel’ what it is like to experience them. Only then can you re-program your beliefs which transform the energetic fields that become you.
“This ‘re-programming’ of your beliefs is a process — it is not something you do by flipping a switch, yet some people do this very quickly using a strong will to execute these ideas, while others may take a long period of cautious testing via cause and effect to get the story to sink in deep enough to begin to believe it. Beliefs are often ‘entrained’ in the brain — the neuro pathways are well oiled and so only exceptional experiences can dislodge them from the well-worn ruts. Expressing and receiving love, mercy, and compassion (cause and effect) are what creates an exceptional experience because they are more real than those negative (fearful) beliefs which in many cases are exaggerated by a wounded heart. To change your beliefs you certainly must step outside your comfort zone and ‘try it before you buy it.’
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2684
Urantia, February 20, 2017.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson about Expectation”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Today’s lesson is about expectation. Therefore open your heart and mind and expect the unexpected. It is an inborn quality of every newborn baby to expect love and nourishment and it trusts that everything will be there for its needs. This is the utmost trust the mortal can also show the Creator. Why do I begin today's lesson like this, you wonder? Well this is a good introduction to expectation, because I desire that you understand as far as is possible to your level of understanding, how God sees His children.
“There is an innate need for every little human to be understood and to feel safe and secure in its own environment. Every child born on this planet ought to be able to expect this safety and security. However, life on this planet is far from ideal and it is in need of correction. What if a child has been denied this safety and security? At these earliest and tender moments in life, when it ought to feel wanted and welcomed, already the concept of trust can be in danger of being warped and unhappiness can ensue. Every little one has the right to feel wanted and safe, otherwise its co-x matrix (core of being) already begins to move out of balance and the child will begin to fight for its needs and wants.
“Expectation and the glad anticipation that something wonderful is going to happen, is an eternal hope which springs up in the human heart and is one of those hidden gifts, which through negative circumstances gets pushed back in a drawer in the ‘filing cabinet’ of the mind, so to speak, and may become a difficult prospect for future retrieval. Especially when blockages in the form of trapped emotions begin to take hold deep within the human psyche, and people forget what pure hope feels like, what pure expectation is like and how to look to the future with glad anticipation.
For those, life has become mundane and humdrum because they expect life to be humdrum. So they spice up their life and may look for low life surface entertainment to keep their minds busy and therefore neglect to explore their inner world and its hidden riches. Even tiny ones are already placed in front of the television and other forms of amusement, so certain areas in their minds close off to inner exploration and inventiveness, because they are being entertained rather than learning to entertain themselves.
“I simple point this out in the hope that you realize how very vital early brain development is and how important it is to activate these vital connections on the screen of the mind. Synapses will wither and die when not exercised through active thinking and so the child-like hope, trust and expectation are not given much of a chance to develop correctly in early life.
“Therefore, it is becoming ever more important to at an early age learn to listen and expect to hear from the still soft Voice within, in order to early in life establish that all important connection to their God. To feel free to converse with the inner Guide and trusted Advisor with a willing open mind and heart, establishing and ‘solidifying’ that all-important two-way connection in order to have surety and balance on a continuing basis during their life on earth, rather than being a rudderless little boat on the ocean of life.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2537
Alabama, US of A, September 19, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Dynamic Faith.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The faith a human being needs most is not blind faith. Blind faith is generally the kind of faith that the religions of dogma demand from their followers — a faith that doesn’t allow doubt, critique, or honest examination. The kind of faith that promotes spiritual growth is the one that inspires a person to explore within and to find the answers for her sincere questions. This is a dynamic faith because it invariably demands action from the individual. It is not an attitude of acceptance without question. It is to plant the seeds of hope, suggesting the idea that there is something ‘out there’ that deserves to be explored.
“A dynamic faith is able to survive deceptions and disillusions. Science has often demystified the traditions and dogma of the past, and when this happens many believers are disillusioned and abandon their spiritual careers. This happens because they have passively accepted the teachings and the statements of others. On the other hand, those who have searched for answers within themselves and have tasted the elixir of discovering truth and experiencing the Presence of the Father, can’t forget these experiences and these understandings, even when others insist that such can’t happen.
“If you search for your Father within your being, you will find Him to the full satisfaction of your soul. If you let yourself be transformed by His unconditional love your life will become an expression of this divine love and, once you have experienced the peace and assurance of knowing that you are a child of God, you will not be deceived by the fallacies and the traps of the world. This peace beyond all understanding is the consequence of a dynamic faith and the decision of a human being to not be influenced by the majority — to think independently and freely — thus ensuring her own progress and well-being.
“The fact that a lot of people accept something as true does not constitute sufficient proof of its validity. Our Father doesn’t demand blind and deaf followers. He asks His children to assume their responsibilities and their rights as universal citizens, in a personal way and without coercion of any kind. The One who holds the universes in His hands would not dare to contravene the decisions of His beloved children, but the Father experiences great joy watching His little ones grow and increasingly become what He has dreamed for them to become.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Midwayer Thomas
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3767
Chicago, US of A, February 15, 2017.
Teacher: Midwayer Thomas.
Subject: “Time is too Valuable to be Wasted.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Midwayer Thomas: “I am glad you finally decided to take a message from me. I am Thomas, the one who took an interest in you long before you knew beings like me to exist. I have accompanied you to all the cities in which you lived, I observed your life, and assisted you in ways you’ll never know. It wasn't by pure chance that you found the (Urantia) Papers in Asia. We didn’t trick you, but we did make good use of the circumstances of isolation you experienced at the time. My lesson for you today is: ‘Time is too valuable — stop wasting it.’ Frankly, you do so in many ways, but since you like things in threes, here they are:
“Human beings waste time by lacking priorities. It is not that many of you don’t have priorities, but rather, your priorities are not of spiritual values. Spirit-valuable realities endure time and benefit you even to eternity, but hollow priorities are short-lived and need constant replacement. Spirit-valuable priorities are those that reflect the values of goodness (love) truth (meanings) and beauty (harmony) in your life. These values although they may involve matter, they all transcend matter. A touch may be accidental (meaningless) or may have an intent, a meaning, a purpose, therefore it may serve to manifest love, truth, and beauty. Matter is not transcendental but it can impregnate thoughts, purpose and sometimes entire lives, producing materialistic human beings, whose only priority is to feed their egos. If your priorities are exclusively material, you are indeed wasting time.
“Human beings waste time in idle leisure. Idle leisure is that which promotes no progress in your life. Leisure, rest, and sleep are good, pleasurable and necessary for human beings, but in excess they are simply wasting time. Leisure activities take your minds from the serious things and revert you to a more relaxed state, and its benefits are truly re-energizing, but an obsession for the playful can be addictive and too much of rest or leisure is also a waste of time. Leisure may offer opportunities for fellowship, and rest is a necessary ministry to the self, but it is the discharge of duties that usually produces bonafide experiences in your lives and results in real experiential growth. Even in the discharging of duties, lack of planning or entertainment of distractions can cause idleness that makes you just waste your time.
“Finally, human beings waste time with excessive attention to the self. Everything and anything you do that ends up with your self will be an irreparable waste of time. It’s true, ‘You cannot take care of anyone else until you take care of yourself.’ To keep your life functional it is essential, but for the main purpose of serving others, not yourself. Granted, there are people that cannot even care for themselves, let alone care for others. These people are what I call ‘opportunities for service.’ Their very lives are an opportunity for ministry, and by ministering to their needs we accrue experiential growth. Selflessness is not deprivation, penitence or sacrifices only produce narcissistic pride. Selflessness is an intentional self-forgetfulness to be of service to others. Excessive energy towards the self is a great waste of time.
“In that way, my friend, you see that most of human beings are wasting valuable time in their lives by not knowing which priorities are really valuable, by not realizing that idle activities do not bring growth to their lives and should be stopped, and by putting too much focus on their egos, not realizing that all effort towards the ego is not instrumental in service to others, and is nothing more than a waste of energy and time. We midwayers do not need rest, although we do need re-energizing and occasionally some reversion activity. All of us midway spirits on Earth are now all of good standing and we know that every bonafide experience is an important contribution to the growth of The Supreme. If we, in this sphere have the honor of being called ‘servants’ of Urantia, Gaia, the Planetary Supreme, it certainly is not because we waste our time with trivialities, but in service, mostly to you, humans.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2532
Asheville, NC, US of A, February 19, 2017.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “Let us all find a way to bring Peace.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Chris: Teachers, how is it that the Borderland around Urantia becomes so populated with the unresolved energy of deceased humans? What thoughts, emotions, and conditions in life lead to this state where the awareness of the former life gets trapped in a limbo-like existence leaving the soul empty and waiting for resolution? What can we do in life to assure a more fluid transition to afterlife and find peace at the end of physical life?
Ophelius: Dear one, thank you for asking this question, for until we can successfully curb the tide of confusion in the minds of those living on Urantia, we shall continue to accumulate this unresolved energy in the Borderland which places a drag on planetary evolution. It is a very complex problem and is one of the primary drivers for the Correcting Time to ‘bring to light’ the meanings of life — the important values which are needed to move the soul and the entire organism of humanity forward toward a more enlightened ‘stasis’ where new souls being born into the world are co-creating and experiencing Truth, Beauty, and Goodness at new and unexplored levels — living a quality life as a universe citizen who understands the basics of the Great Plan — that they are partners with the Creator — that they are divinely loved children with eternal careers where they hold the potentials for god-like attainment and achievement that spans many realms, worlds, and many lifetimes beyond this nursery world of origin.
These ideas are relatively unknown on your world except for a very small but growing population who are slowly waking up to ‘smell the roses’ of a greater future for all humanity. Knowing only the rudiments of what I have outlined here would put into perspective those human challenges that create confusion and the unresolved energy brought on by the misunderstandings in relationships; fear of retribution; unloved and prideful attitudes conditioned by inequality and unhappiness. Simply knowing that the Creator indwells every man, woman, and child of age would bring about tremendous change if only it would take hold in the psyche of human consciousness.
Do you not see, dear friends, that when you hold onto the thoughts, feelings, and emotions associated with the pain of those who have hurt you, and then focus all your life’s energy on a victim mentality of un-forgiveness — seeking revenge or to bring judgment upon your enemies, you build the chains of your own making? It is your choice to hold this energy and only you can release it by letting go and placing your faith in the Creator that all things shall be made right in time and in eternity.
When, at the time of your passing, you shall encounter a great and beautiful light that radiates unconditional love and beckons you to release this heaviness and move freely into the compassionate energy of universal ascension. It is here where you are given a choice: you can embrace the love and the light and move into it, or you may continue to hold the heavy energy of the unresolved issues of victimhood and pursue your pointless trek of seeking justice on your own terms which binds you to the borderlands of this planet. There is a brief period for this decision and then the light begins to fade and the cords that connect this heavy and unresolved energy to the soul dissolve and this energetic shell that remains becomes a phantom lost in the ether. At this point, should you choose not to move on and continue with your restless pursuit, you create an ‘issue’ and add to the cue of universe problems which at some point in time must be resolved and the universe has various ways to do this.
The better way for all humans on this world is to resolve these issues in life — contend with the thoughts, feelings and emotions, and release these energies by having faith in the Creator that all things shall be made right in time and in eternity — easy to declare, yet difficult for many to execute. This is the work to be done, my dear friends, let us all find a way to bring peace to Urantia.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Receiver's note: As I was finishing up the editing of this message, I saw in my mind a vision of Jesus being nailed to the cross and hearing him speak in the agony of the moment, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." If any man had a good reason to hold on to issues of wrongful arrest, torture, and death at the hands of his enemies, it would be Jesus in that moment, but he knew that these energies would not serve him and so he released them before giving up his spirit.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.