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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2359
Oregon, US of A, November 23, 2017.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Pay It Forward!”
Message received by Anyas.
“God’s forgiveness is made actually available and is personally experienced by man just in so far as he forgives his fellows.” [UB 1862:01]
Thought Adjuster: “For most of you, Forgiveness is a complex and difficult process. It is hard for immature human minds to wrap themselves around it. This is the reason why Jesus explained it with parables, making it more relatable. The above statement can be clarified by the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant where a king took pity on his heavily indebted slave and forgave his debt in full. But that same slave went to a fellow-slave who owed him a much smaller amount, threatened him and even threw him in prison. Hearing this, the lord harshly reprimanded his servant and punished him. “Should you not have had mercy on your fellow-slave, as I had mercy on you?” . . . So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” [Matthew 18-21:35]
“Forgiveness is a precious GIFT. Such gifts come from pure hearts and are meant to go straight to the heart of their recipient and transform it. Whenever you are forgiven for something that weighed heavily on your shoulders, you stand straighter and feel an amazing sense of relief invade your being.
“Godlikeness has much to do with the ability to forgive. If you are unable to share with others what you receive from God, you still have much personal work to do. The free passes you are given by God or your fellows are meant to be ‘freely’ shared with others. Forgiveness is another fruit of the Spirit that can miraculously multiply itself in an amazing ripple effect.
“‘What can I do to repay You?’ should be the question you ask your Heavenly Father or those who are merciful toward you. ‘Pay it forward!’ would be the answer.
“Dear ones, ask for forgiveness for the errors of your ways. Receive it and pass it forward to those who have offended you — whether or not they solicit it should not make any difference in your behavior.
“Just as the Father ‘forgets’ your past offenses and gives you a clean slate, so should you behave toward your siblings. This is how you become ‘unconditionally’ loving and increasingly Godlike. By attaching strings to your half-hearted attempts to forgive, you void them instantly, as you fail to sever your personal attachment to the events in need of healing.
“Forgiveness wipes out all debt. Yet, many of you lord their magnanimity over those they supposedly forgive. ‘You owe me one’ becomes a means of undue pressure — an accessory to emotional ‘blackmail’, a travesty of forgiveness. It is emotional manipulation.
“Forgive, forget, and let forever go! The Father’s forgiveness should help you reform your ways toward those who caused you harm. Look at them with the same parental heart as the Father views you. Rather than promoting an eye for an eye, promote an act of kindness for an act of kindness. This is how Forgiveness will finally soothe the planetary climate and help restore enduring peace in each heart — putting an end to inner and outer warfare. Be no longer a house divided in itself!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2386
Alabama, US of A, December 6, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Spiritual Career.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “We have earlier spoken about your ‘spiritual career’ with the intent of comparing it to a human professional career, in which a person focuses her efforts in learning more and becoming increasingly better in her profession. The spiritual profession is to become perfect as your Father is perfect. However, it is not an objective of your spiritual career to complete it as fast as possible or to be the first to arrive at the finish line –– it is not a race. In eternity there is no difference between those who reach perfection in one thousand years and those who reach it in ten million years.
“Your progress may sometimes seem slow and sometimes you may feel as if you take two steps forward and one step back. There are those who manage to fuse with their Father Fragment during this life, a notable accomplishment. However, our Father is not a respecter of persons. The spiritual achievements you manage to achieve in this world will provide an advantage on the Mansion World, but this advantage is always relative and temporary. In eternity, John the Baptist and the Pharisees who conspired to murder the Master will be together in perfection, basking in the joy and the glory of being literally in the presence of God. The plan of our Father is eternally just and perfect in such a way that every creature who at some point in time has expressed the sincere desire to find God will find Him and will be received as His perfected son or daughter, with all the rights and honors this entails.
“Your Father has a design for your life and this design represents the better path that you can follow –– the path with the highest joy and real satisfaction. The spiritual career is to be achieved at the individual’s pace, ideally the pace set by your Thought Adjuster to change you from a creature close to the animal level to a being of light and love.
“I am your Thought Adjuster. I chose you, to participate in this adventure as your Teacher and as a part of your being. I am one with your Father, I am what He is. I have placed myself in your hands, under the command of your will. Can you imagine a greater expression of love than this? This is the quality of the love your Father offers you. I know when and where you will be ready to obtain eternal life and no effort or desire on your part can make this happen before the day I have foreseen. However, you can do a lot to postpone the glorious moment in which you and I become one. All I ask is that you offer your will and your collaboration to Me, which is the greatest gift a human being can offer to her Creator. This is the only way in which the Inner Pilot can make a work of divine beauty and eternal perfection from your human clay.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2283
Asheville, NC, US of A, December 3, 2017.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “No Greater Time in History.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends — students on the path — we would like to speak about the tremendous opportunities available to you all. There has been no greater time in the history of your world to expand mind and bridge the gap between the human and Divine Self. The Planetary Supreme is evolving, and with Her, She brings the circuits and energies needed for human consciousness to evolve as well, which makes it now possible for all humans to have greater attunement with their Indwelling Spirit — the Thought Adjuster. This is a monumental achievement for your world and it is something we here on the Mansion Worlds are excited about as we watch your world transform from darkness into Light and Life!
“What does this mean to you and to your lives and to future generations? The Thought Adjusters have always led the way when it comes to needed changes in consciousness (on a planetary scale) to change and position social and geopolitical structures through leadership by citizens who are waking up to see the true path and potential of the human spirit — to rise above the old programming of war, fear, scarcity, and limitation through control by elitism. It begins with each individual as the spiritual heart center hears the growing voice of the Adjuster, dwelling within, leading them to embrace the values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and to apply it directly to their lives.
“That Divine Voice is now speaking to you, my dear friends, and you have the opportunity to make the changes you want to see in the world, but first you must make that change in your own heart. When the Master declared, ‘You shall do even greater works than I,’ he was looking forward to this time when humanity’s heart would begin beating from its spiritual center — not its root, where the brotherhood of man would finally take hold in the spirit of human consciousness. You are living in this time!
“Those who sincerely want to have a real working relationship with their Father Fragments can do so. All you need to do is to close the door of your room and connect — ask and it shall be given! Through this Divine Fragment of the Creator living in your mind — your personal spiritual operator, you have access to the Universal Mind. Use your co-creative imaginations and step into what you want to become and achieve in your life while you still breathe.
“True joy, love, satisfaction, and achievement comes from within — find it within you first and then let the overflow spill onto all those around you. Let loose the Spirit! When you do, you will see the reflection of that Spirit show up in others who are attracted to the vibration of the divine love radiating from your heart center!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2555
Chicago, US of A, November 21, 2017.
Teacher: Prolotheos.
Subject: “How Can Urantia Ever Reach Global and Enduring Peace?”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Given the current overall conditions on your world, many are wondering in their hearts: How can Urantia ever reach a global and enduring peace for its inhabitants? The answer is: By becoming dead-set serious about righting its governments’ flaws, correcting their spiritual forgetfulness and by their pressing towards the promotion of human values that will give enduring peace a real chance on your planet. Here are some of the most important issues:
“Human Dignity has two aspects: Bestowed dignity and achieved dignity. The former comes from the humans’ origin. As beings created by God they carry the dignity of being children of God. The latter is human dignity predicted by the exercise of free choice that either chooses, or does not, the will of God. By such an exercise they either honor or despise that God -bestowed dignity. Genuine world peace will come from the acknowledgment of your human brotherhood, by which we are all brothers and sisters in the family of God, as well as by the progressive evolution from racial immaturity that feeds on conflicts to racial enlightenment that recognizes God’s fatherhood for all.
“Human Solidarity besides being a caring affection for all human beings it also speaks about all humans uniting by experiencing this loving feeling for each other. Enduring peace will flourish on Urantia when human solidarity will be a cultural value in its societies as a result of a higher spiritual enlightenment from the ministry of successive epochal bestowals of the Sons of God already scheduled to visit your planet. This will culminate in the Era of Light and Life, a time still far away from your current spiritual stage on Urantia. Today’s human solidarity on Urantia is still embryo-like, sponsored by peace-loving individuals, groups and movements, those involved in philanthropic projects, poverty relief efforts and general social assistance. However, days will come when solidarity will grow robust to make wars totally obsolete for it is incompatible with those loving and caring feelings of those highly spiritualized Urantians.
“Human Unity is the result of the effectual attainment of the already-mentioned conditions. Urantia embarked, after the Lucifer Rebellion, on a disastrous course of licentious self-determination of its still immature racial factions installing a deeply rooted multi-faceted separatism which complete eradication will still take considerable time. Human Unity will spring on Urantia as a planetary reality when there will be one language, one blended race, one planetary government and one coordinated and fair global economy. Unfortunately, global unity efforts on Urantia are yet only meager efforts, still holding back to greed, power, as well as racial and nationalistic pride. Peace requires true unity — spiritual in kind — if it is to last for the generations to come.
“Never on your world was peace treated with such total disregard, considering the high stakes at play, as the current possibility of a nuclear conflict that can easily escalate to global proportions. Stop the madness! Come to your senses. Abandon your nationalistic arrogance and walk towards understanding, dialogue and negotiation. Such a war now will retard your social development for centuries, while on the other hand peace is a promise for progress and well-being of Urantia for the centuries ahead. Make human dignity, solidarity and global unity the goals of your planetary advancement, based on the acknowledgment and good use of your spiritual endowments as children of the One God, our Universal Father. I am Prolotheos.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: Secondary Midwayer Mathew (33-3-33) - The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2455
Illawarra District, Australia, November 24, 2017.
Secondary Midwayer Mathew (33-3-33).
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “The near-irrelevance of timing.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Mathew: “I have come to advise you that your loved one is tired but just fine in the United States, that the Celestial members of your old 11:11 Emergency Platoon are all doing well and send their love and, most importantly, that our most eminently distinguished Damascus Scribe is here to speak with you. That’s it for me. Take care, my brother.”
The Scribe: “Greeting lonely one. Not long to go and you will once more be complete, an important responsibility will be taken care of and you may even find there to be as many as 75 minutes to the hour. All jesting set aside for now, for I have some somber almost brutal news for you. There needs to at least be an alliance of virtually all nations — not yet a one-world government — as that will come later and Monjoronson will surely have a hand in such. Your persistent one-upmanship and your doubtfully rational reasons for multiple wars won’t get you there by and through all-out hegemony.
“Your current path is likely to take you to all-out nuclear annihilation instead; a loss of countless unfinished lives and a huge karmic debt to ensuing affected offspring if any survive. One must certainly not overlook the eternal Father’s wishes for this world.
“There needs to be a very essential, worldwide consensus that, no matter who will come out winning, all will lose. At this point in time there are too many unsafe nuclear plants dotted all over your world, our world, and many more are in the planning stages when the production of totally safe nuclear energy is now possible.
“Also, and this is your great big PLUS, an increasing percentage of your world population is awakening and they want peace. It is going to be evermore important that they choose those leaders who are progressive and not entrenched with the presently ruling hegemonic drive toward world domination, which is losing or has already lost.
“You see here now what it is your Midwayer Progress Friends are working on — yes, that which they are best at — the subliminal input of a much-needed peace and honest and progressive representation.
“So, when will the ‘Mahdi,’ Monjoronson, appear to begin his age-long period of spiritualizing your, our, planet? Considering the near-irrelevance of timing in the eternal Father’s universes, when He deems Himself to be good and ready and at the appropriate timing. For now, I can give you all my best advice: For you to make better your world and to begin with yourself. I am the Damascus Scribe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You will wear my insignia into Paradise — Christ Michael.