Alabama, US of A, July 1, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Always in Motion.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The game of life is a game of balance in which human beings must constantly stay away from excesses to avoid falling into extremes. Even your mind functions better when it has found equilibrium. Relaxing the mind is undoubtedly a very beneficial activity for recharging energy and fostering spiritual communion. However, a little stress from time to time, a challenge, or a problem that stimulates decision-making ability always provides the ground that favors the exercise of human free will illuminated by the spirit.
Such is life in this world—always in constant flow, always changing, always in motion. Life offers the necessary conditions so that all human beings, in one way or another, are motivated to search within themselves and ask the questions that will lead them to consider transcendental and eternal matters. Your life as a human being in this world has been prepared as an avenue that you can use for self-discovery and the attainment of self-mastery—the growing dominance of the spiritual mind over the material mind.
Even accidents and unforeseen events, products of the partiality of time and space, can serve to make you more spiritual, more real, bringing you closer to the Father and His desire for you to be perfect, just as He is. Everything depends on how you react to the situations that arise in your life and the extent to which you choose the Father’s will—the path of greater love—over the desires and false needs of your material ego.
This is how a human being, when facing the uncertainties of material life, can truly become the master of their destiny and the architect of their salvation. It is in your mind that you can construct your reality and aspire to the highest achievement of all life in all creation—likeness to God. Let your mind become creative by allowing it to follow the guidance of your Inner Master—the presence of God within you—so that, through your efforts and divine guidance, you may create, with the help of your Father in heaven, a new being—an original and unique combination of God and man. This being will serve as a representative of the Father for the entire creation, embarking on an eternal journey of self-discovery and ever more complete revelations of the nature of God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.