Alabama, US of A, May 29, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Divine Mercy.”

Message received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “When a creature chooses to do the Father’s will and live striving to be the best they can become, they will always encounter experiences along their path that confirm their decision and inspire their actions. These experiences include an increasingly clear understanding of the divine purpose and how one fits into this purpose, progressive revelations of truth that offer a more complete view of reality, wisdom to face challenges with more courage by finding dynamic and original solutions, and a growing trust in the care of the invisible Father through an expanding revelation of His unconditional love in our lives, which brings about lasting peace that transcends the appearances of the material world.

These are the fruits of the spirit, and any human being who has reaped even a little of these fruits in their life will naturally want more. This is all the confirmation needed to maintain focus and effort towards achieving self-mastery and the eventual perfection of personality. However, at the beginning, only faith can provide the impetus to undertake the task of uplifting oneself, for spiritual fruits are always the result of the struggle for perfection; therefore, they cannot be known or appreciated without a human first making a conscious effort.

This is why life offers ample opportunities for each person to decide to take a better path and live more productively. Most of the problems humans face in the world are the consequences of their individual and collective actions. When a creature, due to lack of wisdom, chooses the path of ego satisfaction, they will inevitably face the consequences sooner or later. At that moment, they must choose whether to attempt an alternative course of action or continue with their old, selfish ways of thinking.

Truly, the entire universe seems to conspire to promote spirituality in human beings. However, the final choice is always free and is a decision made without any coercion. Neither the Father nor any of His 'agents' will ever force a mortal to choose the path of the spirit. Nor are there punishments or reprisals for choosing the wrong path; but when a creature tries to live in contradiction to the laws of the universe – love – the only possible outcome is death. Just as in this world food sustains your material bodies, in the entire creation it is unconditional love that sustains the spirit, and rejecting this love is like someone deciding to stop eating in the material world.

You can be assured that no one will be judged unjustly when determining the aptitude for eternal life. Throughout your life, you will have many opportunities to choose to rise above your perceived limitations and begin to work to forge a new being of light and beauty with the help of God’s presence within you. Only when you have definitively rejected the light and knowingly chosen a path different from the Father’s will of love will you bring true and final death to your own soul. However, even then, if there remains but a glimmer of the desire to be better, divine mercy will forgive everything, and the Father will show you a new path while waiting with open arms for you to enter the kingdom as His beloved children.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.