Portrait of Dr. Mendoza - MNO-8


Dr Mendoza, “Emenohwate the Healer” or simply MNO-8, is a Urantia Midwayer.  Like so many of his mortal counterparts, the well-practiced Physician/Psychologist/Psychic Healer works at his profession for more than 20 hours out of 24.  All of Urantia is his clinic, but he has long been a member of the Australian based 11.11 Progress Platoon.

Here he chats with Sandy Montee on June 9, 2001.

Dr Mendoza:  “This is Dr Mendoza.  George Barnard has spoken to you about me.  You and I will be understanding of one another.  I am a specialist of the physical body, and also of the mind.

“My experience of many, many years as a doctor combines with many, many years of my being a Midwayer.  I confirm that I can travel right around Urantia in very short time, however I also do other work in this ‘corner’ of the local universe, and move at such speed that I can arrive where I am needed, do my work, and exit in a matter of about 3 minutes of your time.”

“I work with other Celestials, and I also have helpers who will diagnose and make a determination, but I am the one who must always be decisive about adopting a specific treatment.”

“I will be inviting you to come along with me a few times, and for you to watch me, and my helpers, at work.”

“Call me when you are ready and I will advise you about a time when we can meet.  I am overjoyed that you will be working with us in this Progress Platoon, and I welcome you into a realm where exciting medical projects (progress) are in the research and planning stages.

“As you travel with me on occasions, I can share with you knowledge that is advanced far beyond the medical expertise of Urantia.”

“My Dear, ring for me, and I will set aside a time for you to be in my presence and we will share our friendship and interests.  I will be present for a few minutes, however I will cut this conversation.”

“Again.  Welcome.  And I hope to hear from you soon.  I am Dr. Mendoza.”

He sets about making “some adjustments” to the physiology of his newfound friend during the next few minutes.

Notes: The Urantia Papers state on page 866, and in paragraph 4:  Although their ability to traverse the energy circuits makes planetary departure feasible to any midwayer, they have individually pledged themselves not to leave the planet prior to their sometime release by the universe authorities.  Midwayers are anchored on a planet until the ages of settled light and life.

The Urantia Papers date back to the 1930s.  Some of the facts stated therein appear to be outdated to a small degree.  Though hardly roaming all over the universes, our Midwayers appear to now regularly “reside” in outer space, when until quite recently the Urantian stratosphere was the very furthest limit to their territory.

Dr Mendoza is an absolute wiz at materializing, and often on hand in emergency missions.  He is of Mediterranean appearance, and his speech has a definite Spanish “flavor”.  MNO-8 could be sitting next to you on your next airplane flight, and you would simply pick him for another friendly, businesslike, and well-educated South American.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels