A Peaceful Departure.


An Akashic Construct participant writes - December 19, 2010.

The list of 11:11 Healers contains more than 150 email addresses, and most of these active members are Akashic Construct participants. However, there are Reiki Practitioners and Distance Healers, also. All do what they do best, in whichever way suits them, and together with their Celestial Counterparts they have performed some astounding miracles. This is one of them.

Olivia M. lived a busy life taking care of her family. She was old now, ill, hospitalized to have a breast removed. Unfortunately, the cancer had spread, and it was spreading faster now. Her doctors could do no more for her, but brought up in 'the old belief system' of heaven and hell, Olivia was terrified, and more than a handful for her carers. Those who loved her asked for a healing.

Her name and details went out to the healers list, and soon she began to settle down. Here is a report on what since came to pass. Her caring daughter wrote: My mother passed away yesterday at 6:00 am. It was a beautiful experience to witness the process of transition -- from leaving this life to the next.

She talked about seeing some family members. She asked where she was going to be taken, and then she said she was unable to fly. A few hours after her having that conversation she left us, softly inhaling three times.

I was so glad to see that she left peacefully, with no fear whatsoever. The arrangements will be made tomorrow. I'm doing fine, sad sometimes, but with a peaceful heart.

For now it is left to our respective 'imaginings' as to who they were that settled down Olivia to depart in such a peaceful way. It's all recorded for the 11:11 Healers to one day discover how this wonderful healing was effected. We asked and we received.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

11:11 Angels