For Heaven’s Sake!


From the Desk of George Barnard.

In response to the 11:11 Progress list message, “Sharmon – Nebadonia – In Constant Embrace,” a subscriber writes:

Are you sure about the pictures being for only you? I got some too, a glimpse of the flitting Sharmon -- she's funny -- I presumed ego didn't exist out there, hmmmm.

George answers: Sharmon would need an ego, a balanced one, however, and that she has. What she likes to do more than anything, being so human-like, is cause a stir around here. That is what she excels at. There’s no guessing about who has landed in our home when I hear, “Do you like my new hairdo, George?” That heralds the arrival of Sharmon, also known as Simone, or MNO-6. I call her the Clown of the Midway Realm.

In 2000 I was flying to the US, with a stopover in Tokyo. On the way to Tokyo I had a window seat, and I noted two Midwayers sitting on the airplane’s wing. My heart skipped a beat. One of the two, ABC-22, (Chief Bzutu), moved inside the plane and made me aware of some young adults that were deep in conversation. One of them was a Midwayer contactee, and the Midwayers would put him in my path still later that evening.

They did just that, and the young man and I got little sleep in Tokyo as we talked for hours about Spirit Guardians (Midwayers) and their function. When the young man finally left, the Chief was still there. He wanted to know what was on my mind, although he might have already known. I told him, “For heaven’s sake’ tell your girls to get out of their skimpy outfits and wear something decent if I am to teach a ‘bunch of people’ how to see as well as hear the Midwayers. Who would be able to do serious business with them in their skin-tight uniforms?”

The Chief only laughed. He wasn’t much help, but the story must have gotten around. Some weeks later Sharmon turned up in Tallahassee wearing a classy ankle-long gown, and much later in Spokane she inquired if I liked her party dress.

I’ve seen Sharmon in the most exquisite gowns doing her little dance, the most amazing hats, and the most exotic hairdos.

Does she have an oversized ego? No! Her ego is beautifully balanced, but she is ever so human-like in playing the clown, and being cheerful when they all see us do so much that will make them cry. Above all . . . Sharmon is Love.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels