In The Name Of Progress.


From the Desk of George Barnard

The Easiest Of Tasks.

There were times when I considered my clinical work to be the most delightful task I could have undertaken -- especially Painless Childbirth Therapy. It is among the easiest and most rewarding of occupations for both, the mother-to-be, and her therapist.

Few doctors and nurses would have a clue about the number of midwayers and seraphim that would also be in attendance at those births. To my delight, the patients would often get a glimpse of a midwayer. It simply proved to me right there and then that they were in the right, relaxed state of mind, and that they were also very likely to become ‘seekers for a more spiritual life’.

They would often want to know who that elusive supporter/assistant could possibly be, and I would tell them about ‘the Spirit Guardians’.

My ‘celestial family members’ delighted in witnessing the delivery rooms’ new arrivals. They would not ever miss a single birthing during those years. In their eyes, a new baby was seen as ‘progress’, I was made to understand – a natural event made an easy task, but most important ‘progress’ all the same.

For the 11:11 Progress Platoon it was a way to become a little better known.

The Hard Slogging.

On the flipside was the work one was expected to perform in the presence of those who were depressed and suicidal. There were many ‘likelies’ and ‘previously attempteds’ during those years, and the midwayers would not be far away.

They were the ones who guided the most desperate to my clinic, knowing full well that once a session began, they could take over completely, and I would only do the talking for them. On most occasions, I would come away not even knowing what had been said by me.

In the patients’ minds there would be no doubt about the veracity of the statements I made. There would be astonishment about their therapist seemingly knowing about aspects of their lives they would never even entrust to their lawyers or parish priests. The midwayers knew it all.

I would come away from those sessions, dazed, befuddled and exhausted, but assuredly, someone would change his or her mind, and go on living. Preventing those likely suicides was also considered to be an important part of progress work.

That Was Then.

It took some time for me to clearly see why the midwayers were involved in so many facets of my personal involvement. Considerable assistance was forthcoming during the hours I devoted to my family’s manufacturing plant. With their help it was a delight to run that company.

When this plant was finally sold, and I became a troubleshooter for near-bankrupt companies, I learned about steering businesses through the difficulties of avoiding bankruptcies and returning to profitability – hard work, yet the midwayers’ valuable input was almost a constant in those days.

It all dealt with progress, and they were there, those staunch allies.

A new baby to be loved, or a new project to come to fruition, was judged to be on a par with a life being saved, or a company being rescued.

It was all in the name of progress, the 1,111 were there, and finally it all made sense to me.

And This Is Now.

The family business was sold in 1984. The last company we put back on the rails was in 1989. The last healed and happy patient left my clinic in early 2000.

International Outreach has us all spinning around the clock. Together with our midwayer allies who work for progress, we would prefer to channel their voices dealing with scientific discoveries, and wall-to-wall good news.

These, however, are different times.

And when they state their opinions about their wanting ‘No More Wars”, it is in the name of progress.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels