The Kingdom Advances Mightily.


Arizona, US of A, November 1, 2006.
Christ Michael.
Received by JOYce Brenton.

Michael: “You need to dismiss from your thinking, My beloveds, the outer appearances of the world’s chaotic happenstances. You are not partakers of this world’s faulty thinking, or its flawed perceptions.

“Our Father’s Kingdom dwellers serve a higher purpose than chaos. We serve the purposeful foundation of humanity’s peaceful brotherhood.

“Do consistently rise above all the outer appearances. Remember always, peace reigns in the hearts and minds of those whose only focus is love.

“Love is our foundation. It is the rock we build the brotherhood upon. And the chaotic storms of humanity’s inhumanity will not prevail against the stronghold we are building day-by-day, in our unwavering consistency for our Father’s beneficent plan towards peace on earth and goodwill towards all mankind.

“Onward, beloveds! The Kingdom advances mightily through your diligence.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Joyce’s Book, “The Mind of Christ
and click on ‘The Mind of Christ, order info’.
11:11 Angels