Ask For What You Need.


Oakland, California, US of A, June 3, 2007.
Divine Mother (Nebadonia).
Received by Donna D’Ingillo.

Divine Mother: “My child so young and tender, your Mother is here for you! My arms are open wide and I ask you to envision yourself being held in the most loving and gentle embrace you can imagine. As you picture yourself there, ask me to move in and through you. Experience me now and receive, receive, receive!

“New threads of spiritual substance are being woven into your being, and even though you may not feel it at this time, change is occurring within. Trust this and trust yourself to open up. It is safe to be in my embrace, and the security you crave will be given to you.

“Linger not in the shadows of fear or confusion. My children are growing their faith, and it is time to exchange thoughts of fear to desires of trust. Do you trust me? If you answer, ‘yes,’ then relax and receive more. Do you trust me? If you answer, ‘not as much as I’d like,’ then relax and ask for more to infuse you. Know that I will give you what you need, but you must ask!

“Dear child, know that all things of spirit are provided to you when you ask. All things move from Spirit into the physical realm and therein you become increasingly more Spirit-like. Ask for what you need, and know that through my love for you it will be yours!”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels


Center for Christ Consciousness.