Why We Are All Here.


Arizona, US of A, September 28, 2006.
Christ Michael.
Received by JOYce Brenton.

Michael: “Today, My beloveds, you will have countless opportunities to express Divinity in action. Isn’t that exciting? And the expression of our Father’s amazing Love, using each of you as His most impressive channels, is the one grand reason behind your incarnation, as it was most definitely the impetus for Mine.

“If you see My life lived in the flesh as any other reason other that the full expression of our Father’s Love in human form, then you are in need of some very extensive thought adjustment.

“I came to bring humanity to the full realization of our Father’s unconditional Love for all humanity, and humanity’s potential for the expression and extension of that perfection in and through every member of His Creation.

“That is why I came, and exactly why we are all here.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels