The Truth In A Lie.


Queensland, Australia, February 21, 2007.
Gabriel, The Bright and Morning Star.
Received by Anne.

Gabriel: “To not be completely honest by lying and cheating is being dishonorable to the one who is most important: you! You are not being truthful to yourself when you lie. By lying you hide behind the mask of deception of who you are; of your wants and needs, and of your desires.

“What is the lie? Who are you cheating? The lie is when you hide parts of yourself, your personality, from others. The mask of deception is even greater, therefore the lie becomes even greater especially when you hide yourself from your loved ones – those close to you in your surrounds.

“You can only ever be within the full truth of who you are, when you open up freely as to the real you, therefore in truth of the lie. When you hide parts of you behind a mask, who are you deceiving, if not yourself?

“Ask yourself the questions: What is the fear of showing yourself in truth? Is there truth in this fear? Why am I hiding behind a mask, the real me, the person I am? Am I so ashamed of who I really am that I cannot show myself truly to others? Am I so ashamed that I can only be myself when alone? Why do I hold myself bound in a cage of deception?

“Can I not be honest by showing others my true joys and happiness, by sharing my true personality outside of the mask? Can I not allow openness, through complete honesty, the truth of what I do and what I really enjoy? Whether it be something I do for enjoyment, something I want to do for myself, something I do not reveal truthfully of myself, can I not allow myself the freedom to just be me? Do I fear judgment? Do I feel selfish in fully revealing myself?

“God knows the true you, and He has no judgment of who you are. He loves the complete you in your true creation. He sees only the perfection of the perfect being you are. You are who you are for a reason -- that you may enjoy the experience of your journey in full. You perceive imperfection in yourselves yet in truth there are no imperfect beings. Perfection is as it is.

“Anything you feel you need to hide about yourself is a deception; therefore a lie to yourself, and who you are; the 'what makes you, you'; a truly unique individual. Give yourself the freedom to be open and honest to others; the truth of who you are by taking off the masks of deception, and a greater sense of happiness will be forthcoming.

“Say this and know that ‘every time I lie, every time I put a smile on my face that is not true, every time I hide myself from another, I am denying, not only to others but to myself, the truth of myself, and who I am; my true personality’.

“Can you not see the unnecessary conflict you cause yourself in sheltering from view those aspects of you that you do not reveal? Lift the mask, so you can be free from all deception in misrepresenting yourself to the world. Hide not the full beauty of your personality.

“In allowing yourself revealed to all, a greater conception of yourself will be reached through an honorable representation of your truth, thus happiness is ensured. The glaze of the lie will be removed from your eyes as they shine with pure truth for all to see. Like children, who do not hide behind a mask have joy in all that they are, so too will you.

“Deny not yourself through love of all of yourself. That is all.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels