Queensland, Australia, January 12, 2007.
Gabriel; the Bright and Morning Star.
Received by Anne.
Gabriel: Heed the injustices of the events in the world
around you as you watch the news, read the paper, listen to all that
is said of the goings on around you. Contemplate this for a moment.
Reflect on how this makes you feel, and how you have felt in the past
about such news.
Now I ask you to look deeper inside yourself, to know that these
worries of the worlds struggles are also your own struggles, simply
because these same wars, these same struggles, go on inside you, daily.
They are simply struggles of a different nature as your mind argues
with your heart. The mind constantly goes to battle and conducts war
against the true wants and desires of the heart. You fight against yourself,
just as the world fights against itself.
When you think of world peace, how calming and wonderful that
would be, know too, that you can have this peace within when you stop
the raging war against yourself. There is a great need to accept and
understand that the inner battle is only prolonged when you continue
to dislike or even hate yourself for all your perceived faults. Know
that there are no faults within you. There is a purpose to everything
within your experiences; that you be continuously guided to find the
truth within, to the path that is your journey -- one of constant pleasure,
not of pain.
To suffer the emotions of guilt, shame, regret, all bring about
the inner war. Let go of the grip these emotions have on you by allowing
the peace of your heart to shine. Have an understanding of these emotions;
that you have them in your experiences, and therefore you have the true
appreciation of all that is available to you in the way of positive-ness.
Then, do what it takes to move yourself to a deeper, more meaningful
place within.
All war with negative emotions is wasted experience. Allow them
to be felt, acknowledge that the feeling is there, and know it is not
necessary that you hold onto them. The negative is only ever experienced
so that you can be shown the way to truth and love. Let the past be
the past, for even yesterday is past. Let your today shine forth that
you can be all you are within this moment of your time.
Always know from your heart that the only person you can control
is yourself. Control is not power over the self; it is simply having
the understanding of your experienced emotions. Treat yourself always
as you would treat others. Forgive yourself for all your perceived wrongdoings,
as you would another. Be forever kind and gentle with self as a new
babe in this time of reconciliation with your heart. Love yourself as
I love you, in the forever gentleness of pure, unconditional love. Forever
peace, my dear ones. That is all.
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels