Treating a sick friend.


An Akashic Construct Participant reports -- June 2, 2006.

Setting out to provide energy for a friend, I went through the rainbow experiencing various impressions. The color yellow was significant, then purple, and next came a thought of another (a second) friend, who might also need to be energized later today. I’m now surrounded in my favorite place in nature by plumbago in bloom, and many other flowers, all in blues, some yellows. Birds are singing, and a go-cart takes me to my Akashic Workshop.

I go through the shower to wash away my doubts, fears and inhibitions. There is music in the shower room; an angelic voice is singing. I pray for whatever is appropriate to be sung. “Please sing that.” I thank the voice. I’ve washed off all fears and cares, and I now stand before the door and thank God for the opportunity to be of service to others.

I’ve been provided with the AC -- an answer to my prayers over the years to be of service to others; to do God’s Will, and also to find true happiness. I thank God for His servants, Celestial and human that thought of this whole Akashic Construct “thing”, for their creativity, for the beings of light, who inspire us, who give us hope, who share to give us hope, to bring humanity into light and life on this planet and elsewhere in the universe.

I thank my Thought Adjuster, my higher Self, for helping me find this “Akashic Construct place” and I ask to be blessed while I am here.

I check my AC clock. The time is now 12:40 AM, on June 2, 2006 as I enter the workshop. Brain/mind waves are at 8 hertz.

I still hear the singing as I go to sit at my desk and look around. “Thank you, God.” Someone answers: “Do you wish to heal your friend today?” I say, “Yes.” I feel God has fully energized me (partly because I took a nap earlier in the evening). I press button number 1.

“Please bring Your Celestial Assistants, whoever or whatever is of Your highest will. I pray that they come, and know that they are needed. I thank you God.”

My friend arrives in the elevator. I greet her, “Hello! You’re here, because the angels work with me to give energy to those who need it. I heard that you were sick today, and I understand, because I have suffered from it myself, and had similar symptoms. Just relax. All is well, and you are in good hands here. Just follow your doctor’s instructions in the hospital, as well. We will help you in all ways, emotionally, physically, and mentally, whatever you need right now.”

She hugs me. I tell her she is most welcome and I smile at her. I tell her this is a place of healing, like an enhanced spa. She says it is very creative. I agree. She wants to know what to do next. I tell her to get on the healing table, but first to stand in a particular place, so I can shine a special light on her, a pale, lavender light that bathes her in a special glow, so that she is pre-conditioned for healing. The light relaxes her.

She lies down on the table. I tell her that we will make her comfortable here. I proceed to hypnotize her to relax her. “That’s right, just relax.” She appears to be asleep. The two celestial helpers, Midwayers, will work immediately on her colon, where she has Diverticulitis and where they will give her special healing. As well, they tell me that I can do Reiki at her head, so I do that.

Their work is done almost instantly, and they stand back. They tell me that my work is practically instantly done as well. “I pray, my friend, that all your troubles be gone from you.” She tells me in her sleep that she worries about many things. I told her she picked a good week to be ill, since my workload was light at work, and I tell her she will become well, but she needs to take really good care of herself.

There is a pulsing energy going through her body, like a cleansing energy allowing the antibiotics to work. In my mind I see a sweeping motion sweeping out any debris. One of the Midwayers tells me she and her partner have cleansed the debris from my friend’s colon, also. They stopped the bleeding that she had and now there is a psychic bandage over the auric field of that area and it will heal her. Beings of light are here also, surrounding us all as we healed my friend. I thank them. There may well be other beings here that I cannot see, and I thank them also, just to be sure.

My friend gets up from the table and says that she is feeling rested. She leaves with a lemon-yellow quartz stone that I give her. I tell her that she can leave the Akashic Construct whenever she likes, and she can go back to hospital when she is ready. There an Angel or a Midwayer will assist her.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels