You Are A Supreme Love.


Washington, US of A, September 13, 2006.
Teacher: I Am.
Received by Sunday Rain.

I Am: “Dear children, gather ‘round!

“Do the heartaches of a thousand tears echo through lonely caverns of your soul? Are you distraught over the illusion of precious time lost, and find yourself emotionally exhausted and overwhelmed?

“Listen carefully as I shed Light upon your woes. All is an illusion, except for what you do for Me in the name of true Love. There seemingly are two worlds you live in. One where you are human in a human world, dealing and struggling through relationship situations, basing the cost of your importance and self worth upon the winds and failures found along the way. But, I tell you this: In another world where you place My Love always and squarely at first base, you will inevitably receive a home run. This is the natural order of all things as they truly are.

“This may not mean that the plans you hold in your heart towards the dreams and hopes you yearn for in the human world will come to pass. However, in My world of a higher understanding of compassion, all hopes and dreams are truly once and for all, all fulfilled.

“Know this and smile, with your faith placed in Me with very tender step along the way. I Am the way, the only way. I Am the wisdom that imparts awe and constant revelation. I Am the heart that can melt through the stubborn glacier core. I Am the tears that hold the promise that every drop will be gently dried away. I Am You in your self realization that You are an irreplaceable, most important precious part of Me.

“Did you not know this grand purpose has a happy ending, full of the reward of Love for all?

“Well, it does, dear children, it does. And you have chosen this path and to stick with it, for your Love is a Supreme One. Indeed!”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels