A Thought Adjuster Speaks 263 April 13, 2004 April 13, 2004.
Dear one, let us discuss forgiveness. To practice forgiveness with compassionate understanding towards the perpetrator,
at the moment when the act occurs, is truly divine. Such a trait is Heaven-inspired.
One among you mastered this well, while still in the flesh. Jesus did all this while a human. He had mastered such
a deep level of understanding during His life in the flesh, when He said, Father forgive them, for they know
not what they do, while He was nailed to a cross. Thus He can truly be called the Son of Man and the Son of
He came as a helpless babe, and in growing up He experienced much hardship, when at the tender age of not quite
fourteen, His earth father Joseph died through an accident at work. Jesus, as the eldest son, was to take the place
of the head of the family of seven brothers and sisters. At that time, the youngest had not yet been born. All this
prepared Him for His life as a Healer and Way-shower for all seeking souls wanting a better life.
A life of ease hardly prepares a mortal for a God-seeking and a God-loving life. They are the vicissitudes of life,
which propel a mortal into the waiting and loving arms of God.
It is in the inner, reflective life where true soul growth takes place, as a desire develops to live according to
the divine blueprint, which was seeded in you at the time of your conception. This is the third deciding
factor in that moment for a new life to begin, when the egg and the sperm find each other.
This has been very little understood on this planet, that prospective parents are co-creators with God. Never underestimate
the creative power of this divine factor, which shall so unerringly pull you paradise-ward if you so desire.
Everything depends on your willingness to be guided into the doing of the will of God, and to answer His command
to become perfect, even as He is perfect. So, in time, you will learn to say, What is Gods will for
me today? In following this inner guidance from Me, your unseen Helper, you will learn that Gods way
is far better than your way, and His choices better than your choices, but of course, you will always have the prerogative
to choose for yourself.
So you will always determine the level of co-operative partnership you are going to have. And forgiveness is one
divine trait to develop and master. With this level of forgiveness, forgetting is automatic, for they go hand in
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