Falling Asleep With The Akashic Construct.


A Participant writes:

Is it normal for me to totally fall into a very deep sleep while listening to George’s relaxation CD? I really mean it. I fall asleep before the first session is complete, and I don't wake up until the next morning.

However, I must say that when I do wake up, I feel very refreshed and ready to take the day on. As well, I wake up before my alarm clock rings, usually at least one hour before.

First Things First.

It does seem to be a matter of first things first in this case, and it often happens that way. Still, it is the “Inner You”, which determines how the Akashic Construct is used to ensure the best future performance by getting sleep patterns right first of all.

It is natural for us to wake up after six hours, seven-and-a-half hours, or nine hours of sleep. Our sleep cycles are almost precise ninety-minute cycles. And in fact, if an alarm clock is needed each morning, there really is something basically wrong with the present sleep patterns.

If you were not getting the best out of your sleep periods, this is now correcting itself, hopefully to last for years to come. No great surprise either if you begin to eat healthier – sensing intuitively that the regular consumption of a particular food over months or years past was not doing you a great deal of good.

Inevitably, regular use of the Akashic Construct will correct “something” that is not quite “kosher”.

Later, you may also need to do the Akashic Construct when you are refreshed, early in the morning, and perhaps sitting on a kitchen chair, not the comfort of your bed.

These days, after decades of using the Akashic Construct, I can enter the realm whilst walking through a park, or during a walk at the beach, but a darkened, quiet room is preferable, and early mornings are best for me.

It’s still early days since the Akashic Construct was put onto a CD, and each participant will experience progress in a different way, different order of experiences.

God bless….

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels