Illawarra District, Australia, July 05, 2006.
Life Carrier, Orion.
Received by George Barnard.
George: Creator Father, we, Your subjects and volunteer helpers, request a clear channel to be able
to take in a lesson and information from our dear and patient friend. We thank You. Amen.
Orion: Like your Midwayer friends, we too are considered to be opportunists. We greedily accept every
conceivable prospective chance of getting through to you in this, the all stops are out Correcting Time.
We are Life Carriers, and I am, at least as a rule, the designated spokesperson for our group.
This is Orion. I greet you my beloved friends. We shall proceed. Do allow the metabolism of your brain and
mind to further drift to the required depth, so our minds can readily converge. We are friends of old. One of our
number will always be available to input those things that are important (pause there is noise outside).
Let us proceed. The Correcting Time has brought many changes to the rebel planets once so labeled. Initially,
we were capable, by our Mothers Power and through us, of gently edging on to growth the human
brain structure, and therefore also aid the quality of mind impact on this brain structure, and for it to veer off
to a more spiritual orientation for those individuals, who through circumstances and accidents received minor brain
damage; minor head injuries.
The Life Carriers, like so many other groups in our realm, are gifted with mind endowments that are far superior
(to human minds) and of a specialist nature for us to complete the tasks we are appointed to. The choices available
to our Creator Mother, in the way of mind endowments to be shared out to suit the individual species, are truly
enormous in scope. We, the Life Carriers, are gifted with endowments that, with Her help, will allow us to bring
about changes in human, and lower animal physiology.
Therefore, in many instances, the head injuries (brain injuries) that you bemoan are to us wonderful opportunities
to rearrange the internal working of your cerebral neuron clusters. We can impact on the glands that produce the
necessary adrenalines to enliven, enlarge and further develop the neurons and their dendrites. And should this be
the recipients choice, we can readjust their motivation towards such a more spiritual life. Already prior
to the Adjudication (of the Lucifer Rebellion) were we at work at such alterations to insure that those who were
needed to start off this drive towards a wider Urantia spirituality were taken care of.
In years to come you will discover that, as more of our kind become capable of leaving the worlds of their
appointment to be of service on Urantia, that more of this process will be proceeding, and on a much larger scale.
This lesson will be beneficial to those who are seeking to know that such can be arranged. Not ever do we make such
arrangements, do we get involved in such a way; do we alter physiology, unless there is even a glimmer of a request
that such be taken care of on a human conscious level, yes, even when this is solely a soul-felt wish.
I herewith invite you, my dear friend and brother, my dear friend and sister, to call on me at any time to
carry on with these physiology discussions. I shall be aware of your requests; your calling on me.
We are Life Carriers. We are those who originate in what you might call near to the beginning of Nebadon
time. We, too, are a patient group of Celestials. We shall await your call.
This is Orion thanking you for your attention, prepared to in the future provide you with more details on
our work, on our involvement, on our profession, and might I suggest, our hobby of constructing a better human.
For now, I say goodbye. Fare thee well.
George: Thank you dear brother.
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels