All The Stops Are Out In The Correcting Time - Part 2.


Receiver’s Notes—May 29, 2006.

It was in 1997 when I found the Urantia Book, and realized for the first time that the “Eleven-Eleven” as I knew them were all Secondary Midwayers, and not just a motley group of “Spirit Guardians”, Angels, Morontia Companions, Teachers and Avatars. My finding the Urantia Papers made me aware of the fact that this world had been very much shortchanged in Secondary Midwayers.
The 11:11 Progress Platoon, or 11:11 Emergency Unit, as it functioned from the 1970s until 2000, was hardly an isolated small group of free-lancing interspecies rescue workers for the traumatized and suicidal. It was part of a much bigger plan of cooperation and co-creation between Celestials and their human siblings.

My petition went out (together with the requests of many others, I’m sure) for our planet to receive its full complement of Secondary Midwayers—the 50,000 we were surely entitled to. We received more than three times that number!

On another occasion I prayed for a yet unborn child to be spared his or her family’s devastating genetic disorder, and Celestial intervention ensured that that the infant would be fine. Presently, there is not a sign of the child (now in his late 20s) having inherited the mental aberrations of generations, going back to the 1800s in that stricken family. This is co-creation of enormous future promise! In a sense this could be seen as ‘a mixture’ of guided evolution and creation. See

Today, in a discussion with my Teacher, Samuel, we learned that as a genetic engineer he in-part-developed at least one new food source, counting on Celestial cooperation for the product to be perfected.

Transmissions of this nature are “at the far horizon of my ability” as a receiver, and my Celestial Friends are well aware of this. But for my being shown an incomplete DNA strand at first, and being given the total concept of Samuel’s lesson mind-to-mind, I would have unlikely made good work of the word-for-word transmit. I needed much trust and faith. Samuel’s transmission clearly points to Science and Spirituality “meeting up” one of these days on Urantia as it did on Panoptia.

And all stops will then be out.

It’s just a small thought from George Barnard.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels