Arizona, US of A, May 24, 2006.
Christ Michael.
Received by JOYce Brenton.
Michael: Today let us continue, My brothers and sisters, to practice the Kingdom rule of non judgment.
What purpose is truly served by judging another brother or sisters choice on the path to God? None whatsoever,
because you cannot change the path they have chosen. Each must follow the directions of their own heads and hearts.
You must allow them all to make their own choices.
Yes, they, like you, will make many poor choices in judgment. But are any of these choices really poor, or
actually unwise? Not really, for through the errors you learn what not to do again. Through the errors you learn
to make better choices, and a better future depends on the lessons well learned, as well as on the better choices
continually made.
So now learn this lesson well: Lay all judgment aside. You are all on the path at different levels of growth,
each constantly evolving to a higher level. You are asked only to offer assistance when you can, and lay no stumbling
block in the path of any brother or sister. Your judgments are never truly honest for you will never know all the
details. You are only surface judging.
Our Father, however, knows all the details, and He will guide all steps in full understanding of every footfall
that each of His children takes. Let our Father direct the pathways. And you must each concern yourselves with your
own personal curriculum each day. Isnt there certainly enough to be learned in every day to keep us all very
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels