Ride The Zephyr Of My Love.


Urantia, May 5, 2006.
Divine Self (Thought Adjuster).
Received by Jennifer.

Divine Self: “It is I, your beloved, who comes to you now with words of encouragement and love. Do not hesitate to come to me, child, with all of your needs. I am here as your gift to open your mind to the wondrousness of the Father’s Kingdom. Do not struggle over the words, for there are no words to describe the beauty and joy that awaits you in this Paradise, your rightful home.

“Time is not of your concern, for there is only the waiting until you rejoin the comfort of your natural abode. Draw ever closer to me, little one, and enjoy the gifts I have for you. Listen to the calling of my voice deep within the chambers of your mind, for I am always there calming your soul, and leading you to me. Gently and tenderly I will embrace you, one small step at a time; one delicious moment of eternity at a time, as you will peel away the shrouds and shadows of forgetfulness.

“Allow me to enter your every thought, your every desire, and your every hope. Allow me to cleanse your dreams, and align them with the Father's will. Your wills shall merge into one, and all will be revealed. Do you hear the quietness of my voice, the stillness and the tranquility? There is no turmoil or conflict here; there is only the peace that you yearn for. Ride the zephyr of my love and feel its beauty, enjoy its goodness and know of its truth. There is no other beside me. It is only I.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels