Truth Being.


North Yorkshire, UK, January 31, 2006.
Christ Michael.
Received by Helen Whitworth.

Christ Michael: “Speak, and find the voice to state out loud that which you write of my words.

“It is in truth a most remarkable day when you take full knowledge and acceptance of your Divine heritage, being, and career. It is a day that is heralded with gladness by your Divine Essence, your Teachers and Angels alike. Yet from that day there is much, for once you have accepted this truth comes the hard labor of making it so in each and every moment.

“Finding yourself deviating from this remembrance is usual and expected for some time, years even, until every moment of every day you know and claim your Divine Mastery, and through this time you also grow through learning more of the ways of love—of denying malicious and fearful thought and action until these animal responses no longer cloud your Truth Being.

“We recognize the difficulty in manifesting yourself as your truth reality. So much of your society’s reckonings hold you back from being as you truly are, as you have learnt their ways for so long, since your innocence in childhood. Yet it is not an impossible task to walk in your own mastery upon a world so hidden in shadows of its own makings. And as each one joins the growing brigade of light which say ‘enough to fear and violence, to shrinking back into the gloomy shadows’, then the light beckons stronger for all people, making each successive recruit’s walk to the starting block so much easier.

“And so as you strive in unending battle to hold your own Divinity in both hands, and claim it, so too, you assist others in doing the same by right of the natural laws of resonance.

“Listen a while longer in silence to my unvoiced transmission and feel my love; my friend and sister. I AM Michael.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels