Not Every Path Will Lead To Fruition.


North Yorkshire, UK, January 24, 2006.
Divine Self (Thought Adjuster).
Received by Helen Whitworth.

Divine Self; “Please begin writing and allow the flow of my words to penetrate through your heart onto the paper. The ideas within all of life are served to push within you a sense of purpose, and a sense of the possible. As friends have stated before, within the exploration of new territory not every path will lead to fruition, and too, not all the ideas which glow within your mind will be acted upon, or should be.

“With experience you quickly learn which ideas feel so right that you cannot ignore them. These should be carefully considered in the light of your heart’s knowing, so that it can be certain the rightness will come from there and not from habit alone.

“Likewise those which instantly feel so wrong should also be taken to your heart for its judgment, to ensure you do not neglect to follow the idea into action based on fear when in truth that action could provide you with tremendous lesson and growth.

“By nature, as human, there are ideas implanted or created which you will ignore, and for which you would have had the wisdom to follow, and those acted upon in the least wise of situations. You are fallible yet.

“But even from such an occurrence, or such occurrences, you may glean much learning—from the perspective of both the outcomes of such, another path taken, or a scenic detour, for this will never delay your journey much, and indeed at times such events are almost necessary, as well as teaching you to more clearly discern the whisperings of your truth self.

“Do not be waylaid by thoughts of grandeur, neither lead to the dwindling path by misplaced humility, nor lack of self-worth. Be as big as you may be, and do not be afraid to be small. The greatest of kings have fear of the smallest things, and the humblest of servants the grandest ambitions.

“I AM, and I AM you.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels