An Essay on Equality.


Urantia, December 17, 2005.

A Teacher named “The Beloved One.”

Contributing Receiver.

The Beloved One: “It really is a timely matter for equality to be widely discussed, especially on this planet where disparity is still so rampant, and especially between the sexes. Females, as a rule, have been relegated to the status of second-class citizens by the males of this earth. It is a festering disunity and it is the reason for much of the disharmony on the planet. Until females take their rightful places beside the males as fully-fledged partners, there can be no true progress. This inequality is rather disastrous in the upbringing of offspring, who sense this disharmonic partnership early in life, since true balance is missing.

“Each partner fulfils significant and much needed roles. It is the stabilization in the home which provides the much needed equilibrium in the young ones.

“You can tell by the disharmony in the world, and how unstable everything is. It has this inequality as its root cause. It represents dishonoring of the female half of the evolving species, which God created as equal. This again is an aftereffect of the Lucifer rebellion. Yes, I will relate to this long past occurrence time and again to show you how far your planet and some other worlds have gone off the track to be sliding backward in sheer devolution. This has not happened on other planets which were not as greatly influenced by this sordid affair where God was denied and not recognized as the Creator of All. Before this happened, everyone was accepted as created equal by God.

“Your planet has been particularly blessed by the birth of your Universe Ruler in the flesh, Who won this spiritual battle on Mount Hermon over two thousand years ago. At that time the Correcting Time officially commenced. Even He as a young lad was upset about the treatment His earth mother Mary received when He became a Son of the Commandment in the temple at Jerusalem, and she was relegated to the women’s gallery, and not allowed to sit with them. He felt that she had contributed just as much to His education as had His earth father Joseph. It was His decision later in His public life to also have twelve women Apostles, even though very little is recorded about them in your olden records, which are not at all accurate. They give only a meager account of the true story, although it is still a miracle that so much was preserved in later years from memory.

“To return to this most important issue of equality, another issue is the relationship between rich and poor. This is an extraordinary situation occasioned by greed, which normally would not have arisen had everything evolved as expected on the planet. However it has also bred an extraordinary race which has great endurance under the most trying and difficult circumstances, and this has proven to be a great builder of character. A life of ease never spawns a sturdy character, which can triumph over the most difficult of circumstances, and still follow the dictates of their souls with a loving heart and so live life with love and sincerity. It is the purpose of life to find the Spark of God within and follow His or Her leadings to help you gain the better life, which is life in eternity where full equality reigns.”

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