North Yorkshire, UK, November 3, 2005.
Christ Michael.
Received by Helen Whitworth.
Michael: Every now and again it is necessary to ask you whether you are prepared to
renew your vows of service to me; Michael.
This is because time has come when your levels of understanding are ready, if you so will it, to make a large
leap in understanding and in teachings that may take you into places far removed from what you thought possible
at the time when you made first vows.
I therefore ask you at this time, do you continue to lay down your life in service of the Light, in service
of Love upon your Earth plane, in service of Michael, in service of evolution of humanity no matter where that may
take you?
Helen: I cannot do other.
Michael: Your answer is heard and is found to be true. Know then that plans will be implemented to
accelerate your growth and your learning that you may be of more use to us, the celestial network upon this planet
and upon this universe.
You take your place amongst the Armies of the Light. You have sworn allegiance and know that, as before, there
is no turning back from this choice without great pain to yourself and to all surrounding that would have deep implications
upon your future career. I welcome you gladly into the ranks, and give you once more a badge of honor for undertaking
this journey within human form, in alliance with your celestial brethren. I request that as you sleep each night
you ask yourself to receive further teachings in accordance with your soul family and with Michaels will.
And be prepared to hang onto your seat.
I leave you now, and know that I am well pleased. And soon you may learn to go home.
Thought Adjuster/Receiver: I, Helen, stand firm as warrior and as woman, certain within my heart, with
spear and with shield, with sword and with arrow, to let fire the blaze of glory upon this Earth. I take my place
as appointed at the inception of time, and stand true within my heart, to fight for Love, for Peace and for Truth,
until all are liberated. We are One. We have always been One, and we shall always be One.
Thought Adjuster: Remember this truth when you doubt, for I Am that I AM. And you know no doubt.
Note: For a short time I knew absolutely my own Divinity and claimed it. This gives me proof
and certainty that merge is indeed possible within our physical lifetimes.
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels