How I open to Spirit.


North Yorkshire, England, October 20, 2005.

Submitted by Helen Whitworth.

[On October 19, 2005 Armesh stated: “We request that you make a true writing of the ritual that you perform when you come to us, your teachers, for formal lessons, for we feel this may be of use to others. This (below) is it.]

I call upon the circle of light.
I call upon the circle of light.
I call upon the circle of light.

(The circle of light is a collective of light beings)

I thank you.

I request protection to be placed around me at this time. (Visualize a column of light, or an egg of light, or similar surrounding you.)

I thank you.

I come to you today to learn more of the ways of Spirit, and more of the will of the Divine.

I request healing be sent to all those who are sick and suffering, who are experiencing trouble and torment through war, affliction or disease. I request in addition that healing is sent to X, Y and Z.

I also request healing to be sent to Mother Earth, and to the animal, plant, mineral and elemental kingdoms.

I pray for peace, and I pray that each being upon this planet may find the truth within their own souls, sustained by love.

(The above section changes every time, and is just an example. If in doubt, wing it!)

(Spend time in stillness focusing on the prayers and requests for healing.)

I call upon my Guides, Teachers and Inspirers to come close and to teach me more of your ways. I specifically request that I may receive a teaching, which can be shared with the 11:11 Progress Lists. (Or whatever other work it is you wish to perform. Or left out if you just wish time in open-ended meditation.)

And I thank you in the name of everlasting love.

Visualization: Imagine roots running from the bottom of your feet deep into the ground to anchor you in the Earth. Imagine a pool of light at your feet—whatever color springs to mind—and slowly draw it up through your body, pausing at each chakra and allowing the light to flood into you body. (this may be rainbow colors, one for each chakra, or whatever feels right).

As each chakra opens allow any negativity to run out of the body and flush away. Once you have reached the third eye and your skull is filled with wonderful light, imagine a lotus bud on the top of your head slowly opening, and a bright white light from spirit coming down to meet with it. You are now open to Spirit.

Work: Perform whatever work you wish; healing, meditation, channeling if you can perform these on request, or just sit in the presence of Spirit and allow whatever comes to mind to surface. Note this whole process is very similar to the Akashic Record method, and just as open ended.

Finishing: When your work for the session has completed…

I thank you for your teachings and request that protection continues around me.
In the name of Divine Love, Amen.

(N.B. I have written this from the perspective of working alone, but if you are doing this in a group, visualize the circle around you all disappearing, and don’t let anyone move out of the circle whilst it is ‘open’ because you are all energetically linked at that point, and it being ‘broken’ can hurt. Lots.)

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels