A Small Homework Exercise.


Denver. Colorado, US of A, August 10, 2005.

AhmaNiden Melchizedek.

Received by JoiLin.

AhmaNiden: “Let us begin.

“Greetings child, it is I AhmaNiden, he who loves you, come to speak with you once again, and I do thank you for taking the time this morning to sit with me. I know you have a busy schedule and so it is greatly appreciated that you rearrange things in order to meet this commitment to me. Let us have a brief lesson, as I know the time is running late.

“How often during your busy days do you hear that still small voice, or do you feel that urging to move in one direction or another, to do one thing or another, or to not do one thing or another? And how often do you override and choose to ignore the leading from within? Often times we confuse this leading with our conscience, but they are two different things.

“I would like to give each of you a small homework exercise if you will, and that would be to go into your day with the intent of being more aware of these inner urgings or inner guidance. And when you hear the words or you sense the movement, choose to follow it, choose to listen, choose to do.

“Keep a journal if you will, and note the times that you became aware that you were being guided. In this journal you might also give a brief description of what happened when you did follow, when you did choose to do, and also make note of those times that you chose not to do, that you overrode what you sensed from within, asserting your own human will over that of your Father. And make note of what did or did not happen as a result of choosing your will.

“If you were to do this consistently, keeping this journal and going into your day, each day with the intent of listening, paying attention, and following, you would discover that your life would change most dramatically over time. Know, each of you, that each time you choose to do the will of the Father, you become brighter, your light shines forth further, having the ability to touch others and light their way.

“Go into your day knowing how loved you each are, and yes, supported by many who would offer their services, would you but ask. Shalom.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels