

Tallahassee, Florida, December 1, 1991.

Teacher Will.

Received by Eric.

Will: “The love of God surrounds us. The power of God upholds us. The love of God enfolds us. Wherever we gather, He is. Greetings, I am Will. It is pleasant for me to see you all again in this situation. It is good that things are working out with some variety. Are there questions?

Judy: “Good evening Will, this is Judy. I wish to ask about the formation of personality. My concept has always been that personality was shaped by environment, like families and experience and reflection on experience and added to that some maturity. Some of the teachings of Teacher Ham, however, have led me to believe that personality is more pre-determined by the Father. I understand that personality is unique, but I thought I had more of a role in shaping it. Can you help me understand personality formation better?

Will: “Personality is a gift from God. It is the raw material. From that raw material, we build what you would call character. There is no particular border between the area of character and personality. Since one grows from the other as the root, as the tree springs forth from the roots. [Pause] Eric is nervous about answering questions. Personality is a spirit phenomenon. When the Father bestows a gift in this fashion [pause] sorry, he is embarrassed.

“When the Father bestows a gift of love in the form of personality, what the creature does with that gift amounts to what you call character. In the past when a human acted, the personality sprang forth just as naturally as water exiting the ground and becoming a stream. Layer upon layer of social restrictions and formulations have caused the self-reflection mechanism to focus closely upon the response to the urges that a person feels which are rooted in his personality or her personality.

“Step by step, the human builds upon the reactions which are co-equal with the leadings of the personality and his own simultaneous reactions to the leadings of that personality. Although it is possible for a human to direct his own personality, in general many years are required for character to overbalance the power of the personality originally bestowed by the Father. Those mortals with strong conscious will power may have a greater hand in forming themselves than a more typical creature of their own. Does that answer?”

Judy: “Yes, thank you.”

Note: All transcripts of Celestial transmission and all other writings forwarded to the subscribers of the various 11:11 lists are © copyrighted, although we rarely refuse permission for them to be further distributed. The © symbol protects the integrity of the text—a matter that will become more important in time to come than it is right now, as ‘religious dogma’ will more strongly challenge the efforts of all those who serve in the Correcting Time.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels