The Last Frontier.


US of A, June 9, 2005.

Michael (Jesus).

Contributing Receiver.

Michael: “It is impossible to see two worlds. You will now see as I would have you see.

“There is no hell except the hells of My children’s own making, and there are no wars except the wars of hate and greed. And these you can simply walk away from by the mental choices you make, for on whatever you center your thinking, such is what becomes your world.

“Remember well the day when you threw your newspapers away for good. You smile! And then you turned off the news, for you chose to no longer listen to the pain and sorrows that were created by those who cannot, and will not see as I would have them see.

“In being aware of all the chaos, you also knew that you could not change one such chaotic happening. And so, by these simple actions, you stopped the turmoil in your mind, and, slowly, the creation of peace became a reality as the world of war had been removed.

“And, no, you cannot see two worlds! That is impossible. And why would you choose to poison the mind, which is the dwelling place of God—His household, which you chose to decorate with love, not chaos? And the rewards you now behold are from the efforts of right thought choices, and great consistency.

“I once told you that the last frontier was the mind, and you immediately accepted that as a very great truth. And on that very day we began to create a beautiful mind. Oh, if My children only knew of the great power they hold within their minds when consistently striving to be disciplined in their behavior!

“The business of creating beautiful minds is the Father’s business.

“You have done the work to create a world of truth and, yes, very great peace and joy, and happiness. Now we go together to help others, and just as you laid down the swords of mental war, you can now lead others to do the same.

“There is great power in the written word. Yes, it has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword; a great truth, and the mighty pen, skillfully wielded, can erase all mental wars and create the kingdom of God within. The heavenly kingdom resides in the simple choice of mentally living in and by the Will of God.

“I am Michael, and peace is as easily attained as mentally warring no more!”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels