Tallahassee, Florida, US of A, January 30, 1994.
Unknown Teacher.
Received by JoiLin.
Teacher: Let us begin.
My lesson today will be on commitment and knowledge of self. It is understandable, due to the human electro-chemical
make-up, that when commitments so fervently made one moment, become watered down through this physical mechanism,
and quickly become forgotten or at best unrecognizable.
Self-control, and the understanding of self, must come before any commitments made by that same self have
the ability to bear fruit. There is a saying prevalent among your people, which speaks succinctly of that which
I am referencing, and that is, words are cheap. Anyone can speak volumes of words. But until the heart
of the individual gets behind those words and pushes them toward action, they are as sounding brass, signifying
nothing. So, while I may say tomorrow I will do thus and so, fully intending to do that which I am professing,
until I breathe love and action into those words, naught will come of them.
Please do not misunderstand, our level of patience and understanding in dealing with you of the human species
cannot even be conceived of by the likes of yourselves. We neither grow impatient nor weary when we must repeat
certain teachings over and over again, anymore than you become weary or impatient when you are teaching your child
who has just learned to take its first steps. It is our privilege to so serve you and we will continue, have no
fear, until the goal is achieved. If at times it seems as if we take a sterner tone, it is only said so in the hope
that it will spur you on to that action of which we speak.
Knowing yourselves is of tantamount importance. Filling yourselves with that love of the Father, with that
love that comes from Him to you as a source of energy, is the beginningthe means by which you will come to
know yourselves.
Find that place, that place of love and begin there, knowing yourself as a holy child of God, loved completely
by Him, and always understood. Begin there, and look into all the dark corners. Find those thoughts, those memories
that you have within yourselves, those things for which you have withheld forgiveness, whether it be toward others,
or toward yourselves, makes no difference. The point being, that those things for which you have withheld forgiveness
must be brought into His Light and let go of.
Spend some time each day, if you can, trying to pull up within your mental screen of awareness, those areas
hidden in darkness. They are your stumbling blocks. Those are the things that keep you from moving forward, that
keep you from knowing yourselves as your Father knows you. It is only through a process such as thisof addressing
and letting go of these thingsthat you will finally be free to be the child of Light you were meant to be.
You hold the key, and no one else does. You must be the activator of this mechanism of cleansing, of bringing to
the Light and letting go.
Set aside some time, if it cant be daily, then let it be at least once a week, knowing that the more
time you spend, the sooner your goal will be reached. Spend this time earnestly seeking for those things held back,
and each time you focus on something and bring it out, talk to the Father about it; you will hear His answers, if
not verbally, than certainly on an emotional level. You will understand these things have no need to be held any
longer. Letting them go will fill you with lightness, as if a burden has just been lifted from your shoulders, and
indeed, that will be the case.
Try this dear students, and let us see if this cleansing, this clearing out of information, and feelings no
longer useful to you, does bring you more peace and a clearer understanding that you are, indeed, an evolving child
of the Father; daily being filled all the more with His Light. Help your people, my students, by first helping yourselves.
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels