Bring These Things To The Father.


Tallahassee, Florida, US of A, February 8, 1994.

Mantoube Melchizedek.

Received by JoiLin.

Mantoube: “In today’s lesson we will continue to focus on methods that may be utilized in order to affect a release, or what might be termed internal cleansing of those things that are being held onto; those things that are no longer useful to you as an evolving spiritual entity.

“One method that might be used is for you to begin to write a journal. This journal, rather than going forward from this day, goes backward in time to your earliest memory, and working forward, stopping and spending time in those areas within which you have been emotionally hurt; those times in which you have suffered, and when you have been a victim of others’ misconduct or lack of love. Focus on those times when you have been the initiator as well; those times when others have been hurt through things you have done, or things you have neglected to do.

“Bring these things individually to the Father within; try to get in touch with the feelings that those remembrances evoke. It may then be helpful to try to take on the feelings of the opposite party. Take on the feelings and the role of the other person; that person you have either hurt, or been hurt by. How did this person feel causing you hurt? Did they know? Were they fully cognizant of having hurt you? Were there extenuating circumstances that made it more difficult for them to recognize what they did? Were they blinded by emotion? Look at all of these things. When dealing with the situations wherein you have been the perpetrator of hurt, try to understand how the other person felt as the receiver of your ill will; your spoken or unspoken words.

“When you bring these things to the Father, one at a time, recognize your part as either the victim or the instigator, and give them to Him. Give them to Him, child, let go, for you no longer need to hold on to these memories as they serve you no purpose at this time. They are holding you back.

“No one ever said this path would be an easy one. Cleaning out the “garage” is never a fun job, but, oh, the feeling of accomplishment we have when the job is done! I think this will be enough for you to work with.

“Go now. Begin your work. Shalom.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels