Michigan, US of A, July 31, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: "The message for today is about having
the strength and courage to comply with the demands of daily life while
pursuing the call to spiritual duty. What do I mean by this? Spiritual
duty is that innate drive you feel that moves you to do the things spirit
leads you to do. To comply with this leading means you are aligning
your will with the will of the Creator and by aligning your will with
God, you are showing strength and courage, because the easy road in
life is to play it safe, to roll over, or to do for the self.
"It takes strength and courage to put aside the routines of daily
life to listen and to act in accordance with the leadings of your Indwelling,
and to work step by step in moving closer to perfection day by day --
meditating, listening, praying -- communicating with spirit with the
intent of doing something for others that will help them to become stronger,
happier, healthier, wiser, and more in tune with spirit. The selfless
acts of love, kindness, and compassion -- the bearing of the fruits
of the spirit -- are the results of such selfless intentions that lead
to spiritual growth and soul progression.
"How easy it is to get caught up in the illusions of mundane life,
survival routines, and the pleasures of entertainment that keep the
mind busy and unaware of the things of spirit. How easy it is to listen
to the talking heads of media, to be told what to think and what opinions
to have - to live in fear, under controls, and feel powerless to pursue
the deep desires of the heart. My friends, we must put forth the extra
effort to free ourselves from this bondage of fear and control -- the
illusions this world has placed in your mind to keep you from your true
purpose. Realize that you have, living within you, the Spirit of the
Creator that can transform you and bring you out of that coma of surface
dwelling and fear and into real freedom.
"Turn off the TV and Radio, and use that time to listen to spirit.
Be courageous and become aware of the greater realities that exist around
you that are calling you to 'be' who you really are -- a child of the
Creator who is destined to ascend into glory and perfection, moving
upward and inward, seeking perfection, and becoming like God as is the
divine intention for your being. You are so much more than what you
have been told by the world and there are no real limits or barriers
in your path when you free yourself from the illusions and lies that
keep you from knowing the truth. There is a balance that can be had
between the necessities of living and the pursuits of a spirit-led life,
but it takes strength and courage to move your feet and walk in the
direction of truth and purpose.
"Take that leap of faith my friends, and dare to quiet the voices
of fear and control, and listen to that still small voice within, for
it is this voice that leads to truth, freedom, and a purpose-filled
life that brings the experiences of love, joy and accomplishment of
"Peace to you,
"The Circle of Seven."
© 11:11 Progress Group.
"The giving of self, the illumination
of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness." - Teacher Ophelius,