Departures from the Norm - (Part Three of Three).


A December 2009 dated enquiry from an acquaintance:

Something I hold close to my heart is what happened to my husband when he passed away, but it confuses me greatly to this day. John knew he was nearing the end of his life here, and he called for me. I came over closer to him, and took his hand and my eyes rested on our clasped hands. As I watched, his grip relaxed, and his breathing stopped. Then, as I moved my gaze from our hands to his face, all I saw was green, and a rather stern-looking man with dark hair, dressed in a suit, standing to the side. This is what I saw, rather than my husband's face right up until I visited the funeral home. It still bothers me and I am wondering if you would know, or could find out, why I saw this, and what it meant -- who that man was. He appeared to be thirty or forty years old.

Wanda's mom.

Illawarra District, Australia, December 4, 2009.
Secondary Midwayer Sharmon (MNO-6).
Subject: "Passing On Is A Healing." - previously posted.
Received by George Barnard.

Sharmon: "It's always a pleasure to make a soft landing in this cozy dwelling, and be welcomed by a long-time friend. This is Sharmon, and as much as I am allowed to divulge about the event, I will put into suitable language for you. First and foremost, let us 'look at' the couple, their dedication to each other and their offspring, their soul growth on this earth, and it matters not if this is purely religious, spiritual, or truly both, as in their case. Secondly, also, a state of mind - one of inevitable loss, as well as relief for the partner, and somewhat of a fluke -- was part of what made it possible for us to project the next state (maybe stage? I couldn't hear that) of her husband's existence.

"We Midwayers can do this, although not always without a little help from above. The green healing color, and yes, passing on is a healing, was placed there by universe reflectivity, merely to divert the wife's attention from the body, the face, and to allow her to see the Midwayer, who consented to be perceived by her. He -- and no, you need not to know his name or number, as he is stationed halfway around the world from Australia - made himself available to inform the about-to-be-released and awakening soul that his Destiny Guardians were about to ensconce him in the 'waiting arms' of a four-winged Transporter Seraph.

"At times it is necessary for the soul to be met by a determined and authoritative figure -- and this Midwayer is authoritative by his very nature - to convince the soul that terrestrial life has now truly ended, to let go and suffer no more, that the next phase has begun, and that there is nothing to fear. Remember now, our ranks have swelled exponentially, and this kind of scenario is likely to happen more often.

"Just in passing, I note that it is a wonder to us that you continue to see the human machine, devoid of all life, as something that needs to be embalmed, boxed, and decorated with flowers and engraved stones, but to each his or her ways. And yes, the man's Destiny Guardians were also granted their ascension. This is Sharmon, best dressed in the Midway Realm. I send my love to all."

Note: John's departure was subject to intervention, and he left peacefully. We understand that this is not always the case. There can be long delays, and fear, anger, feelings of revenge or envy - emotions that take forms referred to as 'packets' - can be left behind, cross from their borderland existence, and occasionally migrate into our linear time-space dimensions.

© 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire-ABC-22.