Michigan, US of A, February 6, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: "The lesson for today is to watch for
the opportunities to do good to your fellows. This is the key to loving
service in the brotherhood of the kingdom, and this is also a channel
for the fruits of the spirit to work in and through you. When your fellows
notice this selfless interest in their welfare, and in their needs and
wants, you have an opportunity to shine your light and be a reflection
of your Paradise Father, which will lead men and women to inquire about
the source of your devotion. Without judgment, without taking anything
out of the heart, you can ask probing questions that draw them into
deeper thinking channels that lead to the soul's desire to know truth
and to find salvation by appealing to the Indwelling Spirit.
"It is the Indwelling Spirit in the minds of men and women that
becomes the witness when the illumination of truth and salvation is
presented to the conscious mind. You my friends, can use your spiritual
sensitivity to know when and how to approach a soul that is ripe for
salvation. By becoming a sympathetic ear to your fellows trials and
tribulations can you be trusted to hear the longings of the soul. Get
close to them through love and understanding and they will open to you
like a book, for which you may show them the alternatives to negative
thinking and self pity. Illuminate the life lesson and shed light upon
the opportunities for soul growth by suggesting a new approach to the
problems of life which may not have occurred to them.
"Think of each of these lost and wanting souls as potential treasure
in heaven. Project your mind to a future time when you will greet these
brothers and sisters on the mansion worlds, and what joy it will be
for both of you to embrace and know that the heavenly Father moved in
you and through you to bring another soul to the doorstep of eternity.
How wonderful and what a blessing it will be to open that door and show
them the way to the truth and the life. This is the heavenly network
my friends -- this is truly doing the Will of God. For as we all spring
from Him, the One, the Source of all life, so too are we One in Him.
By reaching out to those below us while learning from those above us,
we create the chain of eternal experiences that leads to the Source
of all life -- the Supreme.
"Reflect on your own path to God consciousness and use your experience
in helping others to realize that 'ah-ha' moment. Your teachers, guides,
and guardians are always available to you, for they also are a part
of this chain of eternal experiences and they rejoice when they are
asked to help and be a part of your plans to bring others to the doorstep
of eternity.
"God Speed,
"The Circle of Seven."
© 11:11 Progress Group.
"The giving of self, the illumination
of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness." - Teacher Ophelius,