Michigan, US of A, August 1, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: "Today's message is about hearing, that is 'spiritual
hearing.' What is the difference between physical hearing and spiritual
hearing? When you hear with your spiritual ears, you do not receive
an audible sound wave through the ear canal, but rather a dialog in
the consciousness of the mind. Like most skills and talents, spiritual
hearing must be developed so that the receiver can distinguish spiritual
dialog from common mind chatter or inner mental dialog.
"Many have a natural ability to hear their guides and guardians
speak, but they fail to recognize the difference between their own mental
dialog and that of a spiritual teacher, or they lack confidence in believing
that what they are receiving is super conscious input. For some, spiritual
hearing is recognized as self intuition, yet this error in discernment
is not detrimental, but rather helpful to the individual if they choose
to follow its leadings.
"Some of you have heard your names called in an 'audible' voice
by your guides and teachers, yet I tell you this is not a sound wave,
but rather an intense thought focus on our part to get your attention.
The best way to hear with spiritual ears is to quiet the mind. Stillness
and meditation are most helpful in developing your spiritual hearing
-- mind chatter and thought patterns are brought under control by slowing
down the brain waves, and in doing so, allowing the spiritual voice
to be heard.
"Your intent and attitude has much to do with the quality of your
spiritual receptivity. Feelings of peace, love, gratitude, and worship
will raise the frequency of your spiritual receptivity (a filter for
higher thought and light), while in stillness, you are lowering the
physical brain wave activity. This is a most desirable place to be.
"You may discern the voice of your guides and teachers by the message
received. Your teachers, guides, and guardians will speak with a voice
of reason; be non-judgmental; have a loving and patient presence --
always suggesting options for developing forward soul building paths.
Never will they demand action to do something against your will, be
it positive or negative. Never will the voice be angry; instill fear
based thoughts; or fuel thoughts of pride or prejudice.
"When your own mental thoughts become more in tune with the Will
of the Creator, then will you understand with greater clarity the dialog
of your spiritual teachers. This is why self-mastery is so important
because it trains the mind to reject the lower and coarser animal thought
forms and emotions that interfere with your spiritual receptivity. Much
of what you receive in super conscious input has to do with helping
you develop the tools for self mastery because this is the first vital
step toward greater spiritual awareness and soul education.
"Good day,
"The Circle of Seven."
© 11:11 Progress Group.
"The giving of self, the illumination
of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness." - Teacher Ophelius,