Illawarra District, Australia, October 20,
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Received by George Barnard.
Samuel: "Much, very much is asked of you all during your
lifetime on this earth, and in fact of all citizens on disordered worlds
like this one, yes, the near-impossible is sometimes demanded, and frequently
for extended periods. In such circumstances trust and faith can be wonderful
character traits to sustain you, to lead you through difficult times,
to guide you out of a mire of concerns -- that swamp of worries, so
to speak. It is also not unusual to, at times, feel you have been forsaken,
rendered bereft of celestial overcare.
"During the most difficult times there is an opportunity to grow
in spirit, although often it is not in the first place, but in the very
last instance that an individual turns to his or her Creator. That moment
in time can become 'the proverbial fork in the road' for that person's
life, and from that very event onwards, great strides can be made. Again,
indeed, ultimate trust in the Creator and his myriad Helpers may well
be forced onto this individual for a satisfactory conclusion to problems
to be overcome, or such difficulties to be more patiently endured.
"At the soul level more progress is then made, often noticed by
others, rarely glimpsed by the individual. And yet there is the tendency
by many to try to discern their spiritual progress, which can really
only be viewed by them in retrospect, and generally only over prolonged
periods of time. A kind of parallel can be observed with a behavior
of a youngster who is baking her or his first cake. If the recipe says
the cake dough needs to rise for half of one hour, it is important to
follow the recipe. It is equally important to not constantly 'open the
oven door' on your spiritual progress.
"Have trust in all being well with your progress if you are doing
your best. Have faith in your being guided by your good senses, and
know that your earthly days are only the beginning of an eternal career.
To attempt to class yourself as either advanced or 'treading spiritual
water,' might well be either conceited or seriously self-effacing. Those
in the know of your true spiritual status are your Guardian Angels,
and above all, the Spark of God within you, your true Savior.
"Should you still feel uncertain, remember that this universe is
both friendly and efficient in guiding its youngest (human) children,
and that there remain ages upon ages in which you may correct any faults.
Your ability to astral travel is not an acknowledgement of your spiritual
'prowess,' nor is any report by friends that you perhaps 'bi-located'
in their home or place of work. Without grandstanding, and likewise
without you deriding yourself or others, it remains your task in life
to progress in faith and trust by letting that 'spiritual cake' rise
"This is your group teacher Samuel of Panoptia. Enjoy your evening
as you contemplate my recipe for terrestrial life and beyond. I send
you all my love."
© 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit
a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire-ABC-22.