A Time Much Enjoyed


Idaho, March 19, 2002.

Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22)

Received by George Barnard

George: "I got that loud and clear message from you during the day. Good to have you with us, Brother."

Bzutu: "There was a time I so much enjoyed, unlike now when the most experienced of us are in the thick of it in Afghanistan where dangers are still lurking, and in the Middle east where so many brothers are hell-bent on liquidating each other.

"There were relaxed and better times, I say, when we took time out for long, long hours on end, to pen down the records of all the things that were achieved by our team. How I enjoyed those times, for there was hope to the point of near certainty that the Urantia Midwayers would soon become better known, and yet there was also the constant danger that our association would suddenly be terminated.

George: "I kinda vaguely recall your saving my neck… a few times."

Bzutu: "(unclear -- something about morbid humor on the TR's part) …not a wasted effort in our views, and you are about to set out on another journey, George, and it is hoped that at the end of this, it will be clear in your mind in which direction the group's projects will travel.

"I have taken the time this day to visit all those who so staunchly support our effort, and those (naming three new contacts) who are picking up on the 11:11, 3:23, and 22 signals, and I thank you for being aware of these prompts and communicating with these siblings.

"The 'work' for making the Midwayers better known must go 'out there', and as you will find throughout your universe careers, you will be guided, but you will still be required to make decisions. You will be assisted, and your free-will prerogatives will almost always be to your advantage, as well as being a burden that you must all carry.

"At times you will delight in having these freedoms, and at other times you will wish that it were not so. Slowly, day after day, you will become more adept at, and confident in, making bigger and more important decisions in your universe pursuits.

"For us Midwayers that is hardly so. For an unusually long time on this planet, but in every case on normal worlds, and for all Midway Creatures, and for a much longer period of time than do their mortal brothers and sisters, a large segment of our universe careers happens -- progresses -- on the planets of our birth.

"And were this not so, our mortal cousins would be hopelessly lost without contact, and any civilization, culture, and progress of knowledge and wisdom, would slowly wither and die on that planet.

"From Andrea, Simone, Sharmon, Athena, Mathew, Clare and Kalson, Juliette, Teachers David and Gracie, Samuel, and Alexander, and all other interested parties who are listening in on this conversation, have a safe trip to the big city, and Godspeed.

"We will be with you, there, as we will be on your return."

George: "Thank you all, my Friends."

Bzutu: "That is all. Adieu."

Note: The single name, "Juliette" was long ago given to two Destiny Guardians. Athena is a Celestial Artisan. David, Gracie, Samuel and Alexander are Celestial Teachers. The others are all Midwayers.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels